The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1967
;tate Youth Rallies The tate youth rall1ies will be 1eld November 24th a.t Ced·arv ille "'ollege and the Emmanuel Bapti t ~hurch in Toledo, Ohio. The maii n peakers are : Dr. Jo1hn R·eed at To– .do and Rev. Don Sewell at Cedar- 1ille. There wi ll be worksihops in the 1fternoon on "How Pa.t r ioitic should L Christ ian be?" - "W,hy trust the Bible?" - "How moPal is the New vtorality?" - "How 1to promote the Youth Program. ' A visual presenta– ·ion will be made oif the new Regular Baptist you th m 1 ateri al called ACT, itanding for Active Chris·tiian Teens. The banquet wi ll cost $1.75 per per– son and the registrations from the church should be mai led t!o: Youth Ral ly, Development Off i,ce, Ceda·r– ville College, Cedarville, Oh,io 45314~ or Rev. Bruce Sny,der , E·mmanue] Baptist Church, 4207 Laskey Road, Toledo, Ohio 43623 . Cedarville College News Work sessions were held by per– sonnel of WCDR, Cedarvj lle Col– lege FM station, in preparat ion for return to broadcast ing Monday, Oc– tober 2nd. T he station was off the air all summer . Paul Gathany, a 1964 alumnus, is the station manager. WCDR-FM operates on 90.1 megacycl,es at a power output of 3.6 Kilowatts. Through the week the stat ion oper– ates from 7-11 a.m. and from 5-12 p.m. The weekend broadcasts are scheduled from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. A staff of about twenty...five stud– ents work under the direction of Mr. Gathany and James Phipps, the stud– ent manager. New Student Week began at Cedar– ville College September 23rd with about 325 freshmen on hand. (Total enrollment should reach 840.) The theme was ' 'Ye shall know the truth, and the truJtlh shall make you free.'' Amidst testing, introductions, de– votions, etc. were lively discussion seminars on the topics: What Is riuth?; How Do We Know Truth?; What l s I reedom?; What Price Free– do111'! ; and Are Valt1es Based on ruth ,1nd reedon1? THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Two Regular Baptist Press Regional Sunday School Conferences • November 9- l l First Baptist Church Niles, Ohio • November 13, 14 Cedarville College Cedarville, Ohio Pa tor throughout ,the State of Ohio should pl an on attending at least one of the two Sunday Sohool Confe rences spon ored by .the Regu– lar Bruptis1t Press. The fi rSit of ,these will be hel 1 d in it·he First Baptist Church of Niles, Ohio - Rev. Dar– re ll R. Bice, Pastor - Novem– ber 9-11. The econd at Cedarville College, Cedarv ille, Ohio-Dr. James T. Jeremiah, President and Ho t - November 13-14. T he conferences have prioven mos·t succesS !f.ul in other areas. Pas.tors testify as to the inspiration, instruc– tion and ,the instil l·ing of intere t 2:mong their people derived through these sessions. Men and women ki lled in the fie ld of Sunday School Admini tra– tion and Teaching wil 1 l d irect Instruc– tional Periods, Work Shops and the like. L iiterature concerning these con– ferences h as been mailed to our O ARBC pastors, however, if you have not received yours, you need only mail your request to Rev. Edgar R. Koons, Public,i,ty Ch 1 airman, Regular Baptist Press, 1800 Oakiton Blvd., Des Plaines, Illinoi - 60018. DECATUR FOUNDRY CO. INC. Division o f J . L. Johnson & Sons Inc. 1700 N. Calhoun Street Decatur, Illinois Man uf acturet Annea ling Pots for Malleable Foundries VOL. 40, NO. 1 NOVEMBER, 1967 A Labor of Love The A,mbrose Baptist Church of Fayette have called as their pastor the Rev. G Jenn E. Saunders. Prepar– atory to Pastor Saund,ers arriving on the fie ld, the men and women of the church remodeled the parsonage. Rooms were painted, aluminum sid– ing added to the outside and a beauti– f u I porch constructed. Also, final payments were made o n an ad– dition that had been made on the church building some time ago. Dr. Matthews in Ohio Nov. 12-15: First Baptist Church, J 226 Substation Road Brunswick ' ' Oh io. Nov. 16-1 9: First Baptist Church, West Main and School St., Spencer, Ohio. Cedarville College Basketball Schedule Cedarville College antioipates an exciting basketball season. According to Coach Call an, the pro pects look good. New material will add height ~o the team. We list here the '67-'68 :hedule. A L Games are Scheduled to Start at 8: 15 Sharp! Come out and cheer for the Yellow Jacket ! Tea,11 2 Rio Grande 5 Northwood, Ind. 9 Findlay 16 Urbana 27-28 Findlay Tourney Date Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb . Feb. Feb . Feb. ell . cb. .. eb. 30 Mich. Luthe-ran 5 Grace, Ind. 6 Wilmington 9 Defiance 13 Bluffton 16 Malone 20 Mich. Lutheran 23 Urbana 27 Franklin 3 Defiance 6 Wal h lO Bluffton J 3 Wil n1ingt 11 17 Malone 19 entral "tat~ 21 Findl ,1y 2~ 111,1 Madonnlt.. 27 Wal c.h NOVEMBER, 1967 Place There Here Here There There There Here There T,here Herc Herc Here Here Here Here There There Herc There Here 1here Here H re PAGE J
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