The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1967
lihe steps o/ a good man are ordered bg the Lord.· and he delighteth in his wag.'' !?salm 3 7:23 A Close Friend . . . rl~here are n1an C 1npen ation \,•hi h c n1c to pa tor. and Chri tian \\ rk r.. al ng the pathway of erv·- 1ce. \VU} up near the t p of uch hi ing from od' hand are the friend we make a we move along the way. Among the e preciou friend there are alway a few who are closer and dearer than other . Chief among these i my friend, George Milner. What preciou ti,me of fellow- hip and n1utual under landing we have enjoyed a'"' , together, we have been called upon, by sheer fait·hful– ne to God, to stand in the hard place of battle. I have always found hin1 to be a true fellow soldier. I can only hope he has found the same • 1n me. I thank God for the day our paths met ome 35 years ago and for all . the days since. • • • Rohert T. Ketcham A Beloved Pastor . . . For the past fourteen y,ears I have been privileged and honored to be Dr. George S. Milner's pastor. He has an extraordinary record of fidel– ity to the church of which he has been a member for seventy-six year . His consecreated leadership has con– tributed much to the spirituality and ministry of Cedar Hill Baiptist Church as he has given liberally o,f his t~me and energy in accepting various spiritual responsibil·ities. To him has been committed such offices as: Chairman of the Board, Sunday School Superintendent, Chainman of the Reception Committee, Chairman of t,he Missionary Commit-tee, Build– ing Committee ,member, and Chair– man of the Pulpit Co1mmittee. His regularity in attending Sunday School, Church services, prayer serv– ices, and committee meetings over a period of many years has been a remarkable demonstration of his de– sire to be faithful to Ohrist. No man can serve Chri st for as long as Dr. NOVEMBER, 1967 PAGE 6 Milner and not encounter le ting , disappointn1ent , problem , and grief ; but in cheerfulnes and Chri tian grace he ha been loyal to Chri t and to hi church. A ,hi pa tor 1 si ncerely thank God for hi con i t– ent Chr i tian life hi wise leader- h ip. and hi gracious spirit. I have never known anyone to give more w 1 hole-hearted upport to his pastor, and I am deeply grate,ful for his warm friend hi·p. ... Dr. John G. Baylo, Pastor Cedar Hill Bapti t Church C leveland, Ohio A Business Associate ... In Proverbs, the writer wisely tell s us, "where there i no v,ision, the people perish." In my work as Di– rector of Sales Training fior the world's Jargest company of its kind, I am constantly amazed at the Jack of vision, imagination and ideas l find in men. I de] ight there,fore to meet and know men, who, under God, can ex– tend their imaginations, launch out and trust God for the future. Such a man is my friend, Dr . George Milner. The Chri tian community need men of vision, who sight a God-given objective, then pray and wo,rk to achieve. Where wou ld yot1 find Dr. Milner in year gone by? OHIO ASSOCl.4TKN <f REGULAR 'BAPfl>T CldQt£S Camp Patmos Planning a city wide gospe l effo, plt1gging for C.B.M.C., praying ft the G ideon effort and propagati, the cause of Christ in other areas! Because Dr. George Milner exe ci ed God-given vision, much h been and i sti ll being accomp li shc for Chri st! . .. Mr. Earl E. Helfricl C.B.M.< A Civic Leader ... George S. Milner has served as th esteemed President of Building E> positions, Inc. corporate parent c C leveland Ho,me and Flower Sho, for the fu ll term of its existence - twenty five years. Th is astute Jeade1 ship has been generously contributec without remuneration, by him als, dating beyond 1941 to the Buildin. Show, the event chosen to ope1 Cleve land's Public Auditorium in th• year 1922. Blessed with healthful longevity Mr. Milner's lifetime has been guid ed in its entirety by an uncompromis ing code of Christian principle. Th( lives of all others which have touchec hi are greatly the better through the benefit of hi exa,mple, his counsel his inspiration and guidance. ... Mr. Frank M. Murphy. Man,aging Director Cleveland Home & F lower Show· A Mission Executive . . . For ome thirty-four years, it has been my privilege to know Dr. George S. Milner. He has been a per onal friend but also ·a valued as- ociate in the work of the Lord. For seventeen years he served as Pre i– dent of the Ba•ptist Mid-Missions while carrying on the responsibilities of hi s electrical business. It was per– haps in this capacity that I had the best opportunity of witnessing hi Jove for the servan,ts of the Lord and hi s deep concern for 1 the needs of the world. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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