The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1967

r"''~ • '* \. f ' " ; ,. ~.,. I ,1 f • • :tr ;, j Home For ' 'M.K.s' ' In Africa A Man With A World-wide Vision! Dr. lv'Iilner is a 111a11 of 111011)' interests. Ile has beeri i,secl of the Lord to help o thers l1ere at /1 0111c a,,cl i 11 tl1e regions he),oncl. H is concern for yoi,ng people is seen in /1is helping to estahlis/1 Ca111p Pat111os , Stony Gleri Car11p . Cedarville Coll ege a11c/ a l10 111e for tl1e children of 111issio1iaries in the heart of Africa! His contribution to tf1e c·iric· life of Cle, 1 eland has been trer11endoi1s. In the pict1,1re above, he lonl<s t it t i 111a1J of t/1e }vorl(/. His h11rdeti for /111111anit.v see111s f <> k ,10 l V no encl! He is never too busy to cou n el ,it,h our missionarie and to share , ith them in their joys and sorrow . lis home is alway open to them and 11any could te tify how they were elped in time of need. He h as con– ributed generously to various mi s– ionary projects and our f ine school or missionary children in Crampcl "entral Afric'",( bears his na,me. As the years passed and the mi s– ion grew he saw th,e need for a fu11- ime pre ident and I have found it tn honor and a privilege to foll ow uch a 1nan in this capacity. Brother v1 ilner continues to serve on ot1 r \dmini strative Committee and he naintains a very active interest in he work. On behalf of our world-wide mis- .) ionary family, we pay tribute to this \er-vant of the Lord and are thankful for the thirty years we have , hared together in the work of Bapti st Mid– Mi~sionc;. . . .Dr . AIlen E. Lewis, Pre~. Bapti c;t Mid-Mi ssion~ A College President ... God is able to do Hi <i work wholly apart fron1 hun1an instrument~~ but it is obvious, both from a study of the ScrirJture and experience, that He seldo111 does. hus, the l.Jord's people have the con1bined blessing in know– i11g the joy of Hi s presence a11d the xperience of Hi s pclwer in c,trrying ot, t Hi s pu fJ)OS •• THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST E ternity alone will reveal how much every Bible~preaching church , Chri t-centered mi ss ionary ociety a nd Chri tian college have been de– pendent upon the con istent, dedi– cated effort of a comparative few. Though ' It i required of stewards that a man be found faithful," there are man y who seem to ignore or refu e to meet thi requiremen.t o often s,tated in the Scriptures . George S. Milner read the rule of good stewardship many years ago and n1ade a practice of faithfully fol– lowing th em. Hi part in the rapid growth of Cedarv ille College, from the ti me the Regul ar Baptist took ove r it operation until t1he pre ent hoLtr, ca nnot be overe ti mated. For Stony Glen Camp n1ore than fourteen years he has served a a member of the Board of Tru tees . Duriing most of thi time he was chairman of the Board , and now has been giv,en the perman– ent po ition of Chairman E n1eritus. the years he and hi wife h ave prayed dail y for t,he college and given acr ificial ly not only to help maint a in its operation, but also to provide additional faci lities for the convenience of the tudent . He has directed young people to enrol l and thu pur tie a Christian education. He ha encouraged pastor and the members of the ir churche to up– port Cedarvill e by praye.r and acri– ficia l giving. All of us who make up the Cedar– ville College fami ly, including tru - tee , adn1ini tration, faculty, tudent and graduate owe much to Brother George . Milner. Through the year. he ha been a good friend and a wi e coun elor. Since he ha erved f r the glory of 1od with a concern for the alvation of the lo t and the bl ing of od'. people, in thi tribute we con1n1end hin1 to the prai of the Lord Whon1 he crve . It i t1r prayer that C,od may give Brother Milner continu d phy ical trength ancl many n1orc opportt1nitie to per- onally t . tify of the r ality a11(i hie~ ing of the l..ord in his O\.\ n life. ... Dr. J an1c~ l". J e1 cn1i at1, Pres. edarvil l 'allege ' ,tarvi ll\! . Oh t() NOVEMBER, 1967 PAGf: 7