The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1967

Church Purchases New Personage The Strongs And Their New Home The Rev. John M. Strong pa tor of alvary Bapti t Church. Paine - ville. i, a dozen giant tep from church to the new par onage at 37 Hart horn Dr. he and hi<; family moved into recently Brother trong, hi wife and on. Thomas, 17, are re id ing now in the neat brick bungalow next to the church. It wa purchased a month ago by Calvary Baptist official from the e tate of the late Mrs. Susie Casella. There are two bedrooms, a A Very Successf,ul Evangelistic Campaign Pastor Joseph Chapman of First Baptist, Gallipoli and hi people are rejoicing in the bles ing received dur– ing, and as a re ult of their recent evangelistic meetings. Dr. Robert L. Sumner, beginning with a Monday night service and continuing through Sunday preached with power. The closing day was mo t precious! All • services were well attended. Many went forward for salvation, dedica– tion, rededication, baptis,m and church member hip. creened-in side dining porch and a fireplace in the living room. With three of their four children living away from home the Strongs feel their new re idence meets their needs perfectly. There is a full base– ment and an unfinis·hed attic which can be converted into two bedrooms. Their son, John, now married, lives in Cincinnati, and their daughter, Mrs. Nor,man Hoag is in Beech Grove Ind. A second daughter, Mi s Polly Strong, is a mi sionary in Cen– tral African Republic. A Day Of Thanksgiving The Maranatha Baptist Church, Rev. Wm. A. Brock, pastor, held a "Day of Thanksgiving and Dedica– tion' ' Sep,tember 17th. Those partici– pating in the services of the day were Rev. Ed. Schwartz, Rev. George Zion, · Rev. L. W. Newans, and Dr. James T. Jeremiah. A special Thanksgiving dedica- tion service was held at 3: 00 in the afternoon. The meeting was well at– tended . The blessing of the Lord rested upon the activities of the day. WANTED: · 2000 Sunday School Classes thal care about th£ and are willing to join in a class missionary endeavor and support the Baptist Builders' Club through prayer and giving. Our task--giving aid to struggling new Baptist Builders'Club 1800 Oakton Boulev ard Des Plaines. 111,noi s 60018 NOVEMBER, 1967 PAGE 8 GARB churches. ________ ,__ __________ We care! Send further information co: Class SecretatY----~---------- Church--------------- Address-------------- City State Zip Code Good Youth Program Presenting Scrapbook This summer has been a bu y one for the youth of the Blessed Hope Bapti t Church of Springfield, Ohio Early in the summer, the church voted to engage Ke.n Nichols, a enior at Cedarville College majoring in Chri stian Education, as the full– time Youth Director. One of the first new attraction~ wa the "All Youth Prayer Meeting'· held each Wednesday night. Meetin~ sepa.rately from the adults, the praye1 service was designed to meet specific needs of young people. The idea was we] l accepted and the attendance averaged 35 to 45 weekly. The summer program was designed to provide each week a full slate o1 activities for each age gt.oup. The youn~ people enjoyed such things as b~wl1ng parties, bicycle hikes, over– tn1ghtt camping, pizza parties and many other "fun' times. However. the purpose of the program was to draw the young people closer to the Lord Jesus and not just to provide these "fu? ' times therefore, they were led to w1 tness through tract distribu tion, personal testi·mony and other areas of Christian Service. A new e.mphasis was given to youth visita tion as a program was worked out to upple·ment the adult efforts. . Throughout the summer, the youth director took pictures at eaoh ac tivity and the young people put to gether a youth scrapbook. Sunday. September 10, the book was present ed to Pastor Andru by Perry Holder by (picture) . . . A pictorial revie of 'Youth in Action." Crystalizing all the summer ft1n into a real piritual experience, th young people went on a weekend re treat at the Scioto Hills Cami Grounds. Here they found a greate love for the Lord through the them 'What Chri st Means To Me." THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS