The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1967

• ain e by Rev. Howard L. Andrus if yot1 chooc;e to hel ieve that there is nc) (;otf, ancl L1ninstrt1cted if yott thin k you can embrace both concepts. l f evolutjon were practiced Jogical– I y in our society, it wou ld clo e all churches, for there is no God . It wot1ld loosen all standards of moral– ity, for cross breeding provided the n1eans of Llpward growth where we are now, and we must conti nue thi s to keep L1pward growth going. Tt wot1Id bring lawlessness for the sur– vival of the f ittest is the onl y reason for exi tence. T /1e a,t tl1or o I t l1is article, R ev. Ho ,1 1 arcl A 11dri1s of t/1e First Baptist Chi1rcl1 , LaGrange l1as tl1e JJrivilege of ivritint? a colu,1111 i,i a l ocal 11e}vs– paper - Tl1 e R11ral Urha ,1 R ecore/. -, ·/,is is etliterl hi-}veekl)' a,1rl Roes i ,110 111011.v l10111es. We /1ope, /ro1t1 ti111e to ti111e. f<J rit11 so111e of t/1ese i 11 the pctl;es o I t l1 e O.l.B. T/1 is c1r– t ic· /e /1as to clo ivit/1 Evo l11t io 11 anc/ oi1,f! l11 re, he reacl partic11/c1rl.v l, y n11r .'' <)1117,~ /JfO/J/e. A lot t1f peo pl e ,1re wi lling to agree there are ,two si<.ies 1() every q ties t i o n - their . ide a n ct t he wrong s i (f e. Evo lution can l1ring o nl y evi l to our socie ty a nd needs to be exposecl for what it is. It is a ~5atanic effort to thwart the hun1 an mind from trust– ing the criptt1re and must not go unchallenged. Although it may cat1se n1L1 ch discuss ion, it is not valuable to a g<Jocf ed L1 cation. Don't tru t it! Have you noticed the recent in- . ;rea e by our schools and news media n the tempo of presenting evolution? We are supposed to believ·e it is no onger cho]arly to be]ieve in creation )ecau e modern sci,enoe has now · Jroven evolution . This is not so. Virchow, the greate t physiolo– ~ist, palaentologist, anthropologi t and ' ;hemist of his day in the world said : ' Jt cannot be proven by sci·ence that : nan descends from ,the ape or any )ther animal . The midlink h as never >een found and never will be." The past president of Lehigh Uni- ,ersity, a scientifically oriented school n Pennsylvania, President Leavitt ,aid: "Protoplasm evolving a uni– ,erse is a superstition more pitiable han pagani sm. ,, Alfred Russell Wallace, an evolt1- ioni st in hi s own right, admitted ther·e s a gulf between matter and nothing: >ne between life and non-living· and >ne between man and the lower cre– Lt ion - and science cannot bridge ny of them.' ' Professor Gray of Cambridge vrites: "No amount of argument ... an di<;gu1se the inherent improbab il– ty of evolution, but most sc ienti sts hink it i<; better to think in term ,f the improbable than not think at )I. Sir Arthur Keith of Cambridge vrote ~ome time ago " volution js nproven and unprovable. We be– eve it because it is the only a]terna– ve to special creation, and that is nthinkabl e.' ' (Note the t1se of the 1ord "be) ieve" here). ']"here yot1 have it! '1 here is a 1110- ve for evolution. l "'hi s theory has xisted fron1 the olcl est days of phi ) ophy and poetry. Men who do not ant to believe the Bible wa11t ~on1c ay of sot1nding good V\'hen they 1lk , and . o they c 111l)race ,.volt1tion. hi i dishor1est! f'1 ofesst1r Hya tt saitf HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST th at a scientist who ha a theory lo suppor t i. a.. tubbornl y difficult t o convince, even with clear evide nce, a any other n1a11 . Profes or Edwin Conk lin , a bi– ologi t a t Prince ton Univer ity wrote for Reader' Di ge t: "The probability o f li fe beginning from accident i comparab le to the unabridged diction– ar y re ulting from an explo ion of a pr inting fac tory. PRECISELY! LET'S MAKE IT PLAIN ... Evo– lution i not cientific or rtrustworthy. lt is a motivated conglo·meration of twi ted facts, unproven theories, changing idea , married to an effort to resi t what the Bible plainly teaches - tha t God created the heavens and the earth, and put man here! Evolution or creation starts with a choosing between a belief in God or a belief without God. This choice is a moral choice. Yot1 are in1moral L. A. Baptist College Reports Growth The Lo Ang·eles Baptist College report a 20% increa e in enrollment this year. There are 251 situdents at– tending the Coll ege and Seminary, with 21 tates represenited. The Col– Jege has 88 % of the stu,dent body, w·ith the rernai ni ng 12 % in the grad– uate seminary. New faculty members include : Dr. Corneli a Sowell , D. Ed. , Rev. Paul Benware, Th .M., Mr. Martin P age, NI.S., Mr. Norman New·man M.R.E., and Mr. Thomas Price, B.A. B.D. New ,taff member in– c]ude: Mr. David Kealy, Rev. An– drew Acqui tapace, B.A., Mr . I..y– man Black and Mrs. Anne Shope. OUR 25th ANNIVERSARY YEAR Escanaba, Michigan Establishing Baptist Churches ... where there were none. NOVEMBER, 1967 PAGE 9