The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1968

6 (Concluded from Page 7) i1h f)l)\ ih1e hrain dan1age. Be– au~e f thi no an~ thetic c uld he ?iven. Thi prevented the urgery on n) 1 anm and leg v. 1 hich had already een delayed too long. The doctor ried o kindly to explain to me hat becau e they could not operate would lo e the u e of my right rn1 and would be unable to walk • gain. H o~, mercifu 1 God wa to not Jet ne remember the horror of that hattening grinding crash at Barnia he ubsequent pain the days I was ) t a I "'ondered through the trange world of irrationali m. But ,od makes no mistake ! Accident re but incident . a wrapped gift, he value yet undi closed. - OARBC CHURCH STANDS IN NEED CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH of CHILLICOTHE, OHIO needs YOUR help now! Located in a city of 30,000 people. Closest GARBC testimony is 45 miles away. You. can !1elp them obtain a much needed building by investing rn their F.B.H.M. Church Building Co1n111ittee certificates For further information, w rite t o : Rev. Donald Hays, Pastor Calvary Baptist Church Box 856 Chillicothe, Ohio 45601 - The nur e wa alarmed at what I had done to my arm and a ked over and over 'Why did you do it?" I could only ay "I do not kn1ow, I do not know! ' I looked forward with eagerne and joy to my ailing date and return to the field, for a Jong 1 ear had pa ed ince the accident. 1 thought about Peggy and our vork on the field. We had been busy n nineteen Daily Vacation Bible c chools and al o conducted teacher raining cour es in Chri tian Educa- The doctor took X-ray to de– termine what damage was done. He was amazed to find the bone had become perfectly set! God work in my teriou way Hi wonders to per– form! ow, my arm would heal properly and in time I would regain full use of it. God enlarged the dimen ion of m 1 · Chri tian experience! He gave me a deeper appreciation of the privilege and re pon ibility of holding forth the Word of life. He u tained me and pre erved me with a love beyond my fa thorning. He miraculou ly re- on. Would God intervene, and in pite of human inability, heal my ~oken body and permit me to return J the fieJd? The protective ca ts which had ieen put on my arm and chest for aveling from Guanare, Venezuela :> Cleveland were now removed and "''as to take great care of my arm it wa placed in 1'l sling. Jn the middle of the night a nur e a startled by the per i tent ring- 1g of my beJI. he ru hed in. I had lr11 the sling from my arm. I was ev. i]dered-and in great pain! I had vvvme irrational again for a time. tl1ought I was in Venezuela. I was peaking in pani h and giving in– ruction in cali thenic to the girls 1 Phy ical "'ducation Cla . In the n11on tration I had tw1 ted my ro en arn1 back again t my head. In a few week I 1eft the ho pital in a wheelch air to be cared for in the homes of friend . I could u e crutches ooner than anyone expected . It would be five month before urgery could be performed on my cru hed ankle. The prediction wa that my leg would be two inche horter rthan the other one. In two month the ca t was removed and behold, another token of God' goodne -- and healing power! I could move my ankle! So n I tarted to learn to walk again and with only a light limp. o urgery needed! The doctor aid, ' 'We did all we knew h w to. but let ' face it. od 1 re pon ible for thi remarkable re– cover)'!' ' E T ABLISHING it O 10 I D BAPTI T CHU RCHE -~RE THERE WERE NONE H E TA A....., HIAWATHA BAPTIST MISSIONS D NT BAPTIST 260 l South 23rd Street canaba 1 Michigan 49829 tored my body renewed my pirit and ent me back to Venezuela to tell tho e who know not of the power of Hi goodne . HCome and hear all ye that fear God and I will declare what He hath done for my oul. P a. 66: 16 CHURCH BUS FOR SALE A 1951 D dge Bu , with eating capacity of 47, in g od c ndition. Mid iew Bapti t hurch 510 Wet Royalton Rd . rafton, Ohio 44044 Tel . (216) 74 --612 Bowling Green Moving Ahead A beat1tiftLl brt)Cht1re h~1 h\..~11 pr1 ntec.J ht)\\ i ng a pt\.. t llr' of the pr - d hu 1 l(i1 ng tor th f- u ,t Bdpt1,t ht11 ch cf BL \Vlir1g ,r 'en ht'- In it are p1ctL11 ~, f the p1 , enc ( htlrl:h Bt1ild111g dO(l 11n\; BL11IJ1ng. 1 he ( httr 'h Buil iing h~1, b~ n Id anti lattr the n11c Bt11l f1ng ,, ill b als ). Ii ,ve,,cr, t111t1I tht: r1 ~,, bt1ildir1~ ...., is OlllJll ·t~ I ( la11li ll''l ~ Ire ' ld b 11 J)ll rc.:h~ s d ~rvi c~~ ,, ill b h~l l in the 1\ 1111 Bt1il li11g. ...., l l1c t 1ll':r als hi t ri c1l }1 igh lig}1t s, Jli t lll r ,, i '-= d 11ll i t i 11 s , n ,, l) t l i I I i n g, I I Jl r p I 11 c1 11 d tilt l Ill\ J\ d 10 Jll k111g t}11 p f I\\ Id. J\ 1 Id p hllf \ fl l 111g lh I l l I R 1r t 11 t1 t l1t11 t1 I hit 111 f I\ I Ilg , 11 d) l1 I lJ .. t , ling J t 1 e11 11