The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1968
(Concluded from Page 12) 1ole ome and becoming Jife and act ice. In hi final great charge to Timothy :orded in II Tim. 4:1-5. which i r all true ervant , Paul foretell e time ~ hen the church-at-large II not stand for "sound ( hugiain– seis) doctrine ., but will turn their aring away from the truth and be · enched out of place upon fable . i great ecumenical apo tasy i on u . The churah-at-large will not erate the good, true. whole ome nna of the Word of God. Good, 1lthy cripture teaching, able to \>\' hat 3: 15-16 ay , and profitable all that 3: 16-17 de cribes i di - teful and obnoxiou to them. Turn– the back upon olid, ound doc– UJe. ~ hi ch impart good piritual 11th and trength. they follow the cher who will furni h them teach- that is unwhole ome and un- 1lth}'. diseased and de tructive. and ich i in accord with their own verted and corrupt de ires. The elopment of the super world - Jrch according to the prophetic tern et forth in Revelation 17 )\ plainly the deterioration of doc~ 1e. di integration of moral , and 'eneration of religion. The e cur– t trend are clearly een in the Jmenical Movement of our day. Jod·s true ervant mu t keep to ~. healthy, whole ome teaching at costs. All Holy cripture is doc– e, _and th1 doctrine i the very nta1n and £oundation of all piritu– ife - of the Jif e and experience, work and witne of the true Jrch. Our hearts tell us rightly that '"' ~'e mu t stand, that we hall rn the doctrine of God our aviour ill thing especially in healthy, )le on1e ,vord . There is no option u . 1ninister1'ng worlclwide tl,rough 1nissio1,aries a11d 11u6·tors )rphans • Leprosy clinics ~ed1cal clinics • Widows' homes ospJtals • Rehab1l1tat1on of wayward girls I a ter reh ef 1n Korea A ,nin, try of con111ass,o,, . \ lr,t TERNA IONAL CHRISTIAN R LI You can give them the Gospel and a personal message of the Love of Christ , i n their own language. J. Edward Smith, International Director Affred A. Kunz, International Director Emeritus • IDC. 49 Honeck Street, Englewood, New Jersey 07631 Canada : 16 Spadina Rd ., Toronto 4, Ontario • . . • HOW MANY GOSPELS WILL YOU GIVE? r--~~--------------------------~-------------------------------------------i I I I I I I I - Pocket Testament League, 49 Honeck St., Eng lewood, N.J. 07631 Dear Mr. Smi th: I want to 91 e a Gospel-Message to: 10 Persons ••.•••.. 1 00 N rn 100 Persons 250 Persons .>00 P rsou 1000 f I flS •••••••• •••••••• •• 10 oo D .. oo D -> 00 100 oo r 1 Address~------ c.;il St t Zip I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I l I I ' I
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