The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1968

t A Word From Your Editor ... It i alwa}·s nice to receive letters from friend commending u for the vork 'we are doing with our magazine - The Ohio Independent Bapti t. Frank)). ~ e feel mo t inadequate for the job. but the Lord is ble ing and "'ith Hi help ~'e have been able to move ahead. Mo t of all, we appreci– ate tho e who remember to pray for th1~ mini try. fay the Lord bless fOU for it! 1 11 ionarie greatly appreciate re- . :eiving our magazine. Almost every ~'eek ~'e hear from omeone in a di tant ]and. Bill Fu co dropped u )uch a word of thank only re- :entl)' . a al o have Pat y King. Don Hare. Car on Fremont, and many, man) others. Letter have been re– :eived from Africa, Brazil, the Philip– oine l slands. Ea t Paki tan. India ka and other area . Hope Baptist, Columbus Constructs Second Building round Vla broken unday, July ! 1 for the econd bu1ld1ng to be con– lructed in lhe four year h1 tory of Hope Bapti t hurch. The new t\.\.O tor., truct ure 48' b)' 86' \\' ill contain 10 auditoriun1 capable of ~eating 430 >eo1>le on uphoJ tered pe~s and a ,round fJoor educational unit con– aining fi,,e departments capable of 1andl11ilg l 5 cla e plus a library ounge and a ' itchen. ' J his educa– I nal ll 11jt "'ill be d i\'idcd ~,i th fold– ng door and can I> op nr:.d and ull} utilized for ial function . I h ne\\ 1 f acil~ i '"'ill incr ,t e 11 uuada c11 I call cit)' f H p i ap11 t hurch to 50, and \\'i ll in- ih total aluc building Tl [ 1 0, . J u~ h Augu t ith ] tt ndan t h t • f I 1 • • r,111 a r1 l rtl1 t n r- [) 1 t ~ ur h • lH inning. n 1 0 10 I D Ha\ 1 e you ever read Proverb 25: 25? It goe like thi . . . 'As cold ivaters to a thirsty sor,l, so is good nel1'S f ro,n a far country." The e mi ion– arie are in other land . Word from "home' ' i indeed refreshing to their ouJ . Receiving The Ohio Independ– ent Ba pti t ha b]es ed the live of many but there are till a lot of mi - sionarie under our approved agencie who are not receiving it . . . but it would be nice if they did! A few mi ionary ocieties in our OARB Churche have taken on a pecial project of ending a check to our irculation Manager along with a note aying . . . "Please u e thi money to end the 0.I.B. to ome of our approved mi ionarie who are not now receiving it." With uch gift we give three one year ub- cription for 5 .00. If your church Annual 0.A.R.B.C. Conference The date of our Annual O RB onference for thi year are Oct ber 14, I 5 and 16. Ho t church i the uclid - otti nghan1 Bapti t ht1rch, 18901 Lake hore Bl,d., (Euclid) leveJand. Ohio. Ho t pa tor. Rev. Wilbtir C. R le, c tend a cordial 1n\tit,1t1on l all of our O RB fan1ily. ~or tllO\C de 11 - ing hot1s1ng duri11g the\C da, s. a lctl\:r hot1]d l1c sent to Br thcr Ro kc in care of the cht1roh. Yottr J>r gra111 hair111ar1 , Re,,. Donald Sc\.\'C]J, pr 111ises us ri }1 l1lt:s - ing thr ugh 1}1~ 111cssag s \\ hi~l1 \\ ill l)c l1rought b)' gt1 st lh:akcrs. J 11 tar I li I~R is ti J th .1. l:J ., \, t.: hop l pr c11t a 111 r f l1il"'cl 1r - gr, 111 . Th\: ,l t I)' }1 rt c 11 111 11~ b 11 d Ii , r- 1 n I ) tl1r l1gl1 ,,, I n a \\ it 11 t }1 J1 1 tJ1, t 111 r • J t i I }1 l ( }1, l th ......- ,, 11 t t 11 \\ 111 in l l1r ugl1 111 cfllJf nfcr 11 • ' t1 ,, 111 111 JI ,, l iJ pin ,, ith 111 1}1 1 n >n fr 111 , r th t t • I { t C \l t tl1l , J 1 VOL. 40, NO. 10 SEPTEMBER, 1968 or mi sionary ociety were to end $10.00 to Mr. haffe, Circulation Manager 0.I.B.. Box o. 160, Xenia. Ohio - 45385, he ~ ould ee that ix of our mi ionarie would receive it for one )'ear each. Thi i a good idea . . . why not take hold of it? You would be bringing ble ing and enjoyment to ome mi ionarie in di - tant ]and ! It might be that } 'OU would even want to de ignate the mi ionarie to whom you want the year ub cription given. e would be happy to do thi . There i but one reque t that we would make and that i , if the mi ionary to whom you de ire it being ent i already receiving it, we be pern1itted to end it to another . . m1 1onary. There are a ho t of mi ionarie under our approved agencie . L t' .. end the 0.I.B. to all of them. ff'e co11 Id do it - if 1t1e 1vo11ld.' Grand Rapids School Enlarges Faculty ev n n ~ teacher \\ ill b joining the taff of the ho 1 f r the 196 - 1969 academi ) ar. The \ ho I f 1~ that each on ha ~ tl t ·tand 1 ng q tial 1 f 1- a ti on and i\ a dt.:d1c ..1tt:d hrt tian. ards111a. B. ~.. nf . \.Vi 11 beco111e the ftelLi ()f \\1,tant l)rt)t~,\ )£" in • l. lU]L)g)'. Dd\ I\.J J. Bit) ,,.1111. B. . \Vht) \\ i]] ,e1,, a ·1 parl - t1111c 1n ,t1tll.Ct )f in \ J)L'Ct: }1. B nja111i11 J. h p111an 11 I, B.D ., Pl1 . D. ,vh ,vill l ~ t .. 111t Pr )- t (,r ck . I t~r I c H tr 1\ . 8 ., 1. . ,,hl, \\ ill c;r\ as i \ s i tan( Pr r \; ~S r nnd ,,ill als) bt: the Jlc\\ Dir · l r t l1ri ti 111 r, i~ :». 1 ii f l>fd l lcnk J, fl . R. . 1.1 . ,, h \\ ill l ' 11 i11 th l f ' f hil l h 111 ) } I j t f) s l f11 Il J I f l J Liii } Ilk I, • 1. 11 , h.r:. \\}l \\tll l 111 1J1 1 ·Id f J at I tt11 "' 11<l hra t1 n l It I t l Jl. ~ I I • )11 I \ t1 \\ 1 lI s \ l l 11(1t1 I l Ill 111 1 tJ l,Jtt lll>tl PT MBER 8 I