The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1968
0 A 0 :d Dy , T, s . 9 North Roys Ave nue Colu111bus, Oh:o 43204 JUNE, 1968 ~\ on 81ptist $ B 're a Ba ptast Berean Baptist, Oregon B.? thel Baptist, Toledo Bethe l Bl pt ist , Warre n B ,thleh s~ Baptist, Cleveland Bible Baphst, Girard Bible B:1 p• :st, North Mad iso n Bible Miss ion Baptist, Reynoldsburg Blessed H ?::? Baptist, Spri ngf iel d 8 ookside Blptist, Cleveland 8 own St ~:i t Baptist , Ak =- on Calvary B1p!:st, Bellefontaine Calva ry Bap!:st , Byesville Calvary Bl?~·st , Massi.Ion Ca:vary B "P~:st, Sal em Cedar H:11 Baptist, Cleveland Chaffe, S. L. , Xenia Clintonville B:ip~ist, Columbus Emmanu el BJp! ist , Lorain Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo Emmanuel Bap tist, Xenia Euclid Ave. Bapt:st, Lorain Evansville Bapt is,, Niles Fa i:" field Baptist, Thutston Faith Baptist, St reetsboro First Baptist, Blanchester First Bapt ist, Bry3n (hon. ) First Bapt ist, Bow!ing Green First Bapt ist, Ch ester, W. Va. (hon. ) First Baptis-t, Lancaster First Baptist, McDonald First Baptist, Med :na First Bapt ist, Rittman First Baptist, Strongsville First Baptist, Stryker First Bapt ist, Valley City First Baptist, Wellington First Regular Bapt ist, Be llefontaine Fostoria Baptist Grace Baptist, Cedarville Grace Baptist, Kent Grace Baptist, Sunbury Grace Bapt ist, Willoughby Graham Rd. Baptist, Cuyahoga Falls Huntsburg Baptist ~mmanuel Bapt ist, Arcanum Lennox, Darrell E., Col umbus Maranatha Baptist, Sprin gfield Memo:ial Bip~ist, Columbus Midh :-cck Bapt .st , 8 . ook Park Mogado:-e Baptist New R·ch!a~d Baptist, Belle Cent2r No:-th R~y:ilton Baptist Northf; 2'd Bap~:st Sharon Bapt:st, Sha ron, Pa. South CanaJn Baptist, Athens Swa--tz Rocid Bapt ist, Akron Te-mple Bapt ist, Portsmouth Trinity Baptist, Lora in Vienna Bapt is t (hon.) Wheele :- s~urg Bapt ist Adva: t;sing Subscri pt ions New Chu:-ch (Designated) TOTAL SEPTEMBER, 1968 5. 00 35.0J 5.00 10.00 5 .00 5.00 40.00 10.00 20.00 25.00 5.00 10.00 25.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 60.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 65.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 22.50 30.00 43.50 20.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 200.00 30.00 10.00 15.00 5.00 10.00 13.00 11.00 100.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 50.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 35.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 175.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 224.79 151.00 200.00 $1979.79 Ced rville e L K OTT. ll-American ba ket– ball f Jrward of th e _darville Col lege Yello\ J a~ket , h a igned a pro– fe ional l) a "'ketball contract wit'1 the Mian1 i Floridian of the American Ba ~ketball A 0ciation. Knott who : ored 2056 p.Ji nt for Cedarville l:ape to make a career impact upon th... profe--sional ba ketba ll world a a competent Chri tian athlete. i\1R. J. MURRAY MURDOCH , a - sociate profes or of hi tory h as received the Faculty of the Year Award from Student Council for in– telle:tual ~imulation in c1as invo1ve– ment in extracurricul ar tudent af– fair and time made availabl,e f .Jr counselling tudent . BAPTIST MID-MI IO h eld its annual cand:date eminar on campu Ju ly 18 through Augu t 2. Some fifty pro pe :: tive m i sionaries attended. I_ TERESTED PASTORS h ould end their name and addr 1 e e to Dr. J :1me T. Jerem iah, Cedarvi lle College Cedarvill e Ohio 453 14 to be included in the grati P astor Co n– ference September 9-12 1968. Dead- 1 ine for reservation i eptember 3rd. Room and board are offered fi ee a" a thank-you to pa tor fo r upporting the co ll ege over th e year . Spe.... ial peaker wi ll be Dr . K enneth \V. Mas:eller. Wiorkshop wi ll be pre e nted on chu rch exten ion tongue 111Qvement, communication and con– temporary theology. - - - - GIFTS TO CAMP PATMOS Leland Howard, Treas. APRIL, 1968 North Bs thel Women's Fellowship Trinity Baptist , Lorain Bethlehem Baptist, Cleveland Sharon Baptist, Sharon, Pa . Evansville Baptist, Niles First Baptist Church, Elyria Cedar Hill Baptist Church , Cleve . Evansville Baptist, Niles [-.Jot tht1eld Ha p~ist Church TOTAL MAY, 1968 Sharon Bapt ist Church, Sharon , Pa. O.A.R.B.C. Women 's Fellowship Bethlehem Baptist Church, Cleveland Trinity Baptist, Lorain First Baptist Church, Stryker Cedar Hill Baptist, Clevelar.d Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo Calvary Baptist, Salem Fostoria Baptist Church Blessed Hope Baptist, Spr :ngfield TOTAL JUNE, 1968 Bible Baptist Church, N. Madison Trinity Baptist, Lorain !·' " ... ,, ,= ield Baptist Northfield Baptist B 0 th!ehem Baptist, Cleveland :haron Baptist, Sharon, Pa. Ced 3r Hill Baptist, Cleveland Evansville Baptist, Niles Bi2ss~d Hope Baptist, Springfield TOTAL JULY, 1968 Evansville Baptist, Niles Ambrose Baptist Church, Fayette Northfield Baptist Church Sharon Baptist, Sharon, Pa. Litchfield Baptist Church D.V.S.S. $ 63 .87 5.00 5 .00 10.00 10.00 63 . 10 10.00 10.00 20.00 $196.97 $ 10.00 440.34 5.00 5.0( 25.00 1 o.oc 18.75 5.0( ' 75.0C 40.0C $634.0~ $ 9.0( 5.0( 20.0( 20.0( 5.()( 10.01 10.01 1O.Oi 1O.Ot $ 99 .oc $ 10.01 27.9 20.()t 10.0 (a lso a new stretcher for the First Aid room at Camp) 8.4 5.0 10.0 ( 174.1 10.0 5.0 $280.6 Bethlehem Baptist Church Cedar Hill Baptist Church, Cleveland Fostoria Baptist, D.V .B.S. Evansville Baptist, Niles Trinity Baptist Church, Lorain TOTAL Subscr~be to: $2.00 per year The Ohio Independent Baptist FOR A FRIEND Box 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 KING for the BEST? - - - - - Order toda) / rom io Sunday school literature? Look no further :-we it! Doctrinally sound and free from compromise. Write for free sample packet . REGULAR BAPTIST PRESS 1800 Oakton B lvd., Des Plaines, Ill. 60018 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTI!
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