The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1968
( 11 f u , d f ror11, p ) \\ \11d 11 tl1 t tll. tit t std f tl1 ri ,t"I". lt' kr1c, tl1.t t .111 1 g,1 tin111lri11 ... ' s ' ' '-l1ll tllt tll'r' l\' l,ltl1c. Sl' sl, ~ 1I, .. i I t • ,t~r 11 gt1a r1..i . at1<.i ,, 11 11 tll\: Jlritl \.l" , a,, 1 lier 111:11lic11, rt: tll:d litrJ, I \),, 1r\)t11 tl1l' 11,cr. ~1 iri.\111 ,,. tl1 \: rl' tl, tell l1c1 "'f ~, ,, )fll,\11 ,, h, ' ''( ttl l nt11 ,c tl1c b,111, H ., k.~ t l11 "-' t,i lti. a 111..i 11t1 r..;c it t t) t 111 • ,t11J 1 ,, 111 gi,rc thee t 11, \\ 1.lgc :· ' 1 i \.t l h ' Pr t 11(' c, ~ l l) t , c • 111 thc r. ,~, tl1:\t 1 .. ,, hat 1 sa, t e, er . 111",tl1cr. t r h1ldren tio n t b\;long t' 1111.. thcr" ,llt)ne. 1 he,· are aL o t l i's. Ther 1 p ,, er 1n ,\ n1 ther· teach– ing and pra) er. \''hen a n1 ther pray 1 )d i \\ illing t erturn earth and - hell t bring ab ut an an wer. ~ T/1c old le , on 1111,st be lear11ed a11cli' i,1 A111erica. 'A1illions of ho111e are ,le tro,·e<l b,· i,1. TJ1e l10111e is . . cart/1' first. fo re,,10 t, a11d f L1nda111en- tal ir1stitz1tio11. £,,er}' instit11tion of cil·ili~atio,1. J1111r1a,1 a11d divine, de– pe11d 11po11 tl1e J10111e's establisl1111ent a11d li·ell-being. Toda}' it is being bz,r– glari-:,ed h)' sin. Delinquency, dope a11d la1i·le sness send } ' to prison and to l1ell. A ,nerica's present prob– le,n rests basicall} 1 on the ho111e and parenthood. Godly Parents Indispensable Parent ~ wake up! D o you think in rearing children you are rai ing only phy ical being ? D on't you realize the e young people h ave immortal ouls dwelling in temporary bodies? Your chlldren need Chri rt and re– generation. They need god.line s o– briety~ nobility and holiness. D on't make prize cattle of them - make them children of God. In the cri i hour, when God wanted to deliver His people from bondage He called Moses to the task and discovered that a godly mother had taught him courage, indignation and self...sacrifice. There is always a man for every crisis, we are told but crises do not produce giants 'they only reveal them. Godly parents usually do the basic preparation. America must not elect a man in this crisis who is an unstable, undis– ciplined. characterless individual from a godless home. Let us once again elect an old--time, godly AMERICAN. II. Like Moses, the Next American President Should Be A Truly L earned Man. "Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and mighty in words and in deeds' ' (Acts 7:22). Egypt in the day of Moses was a marvel among the nations : the ruins 14 OCTOBER, 1968 l)l its , ,11 "'i~nt ,,,t1rzati\)ll nusc cv ·n \,\tr 111 icr11 ag\;'. t gas1 in ,vtJ11clcr . 111 i 11 k l' I t 11~ I) ) ' l'n111 i ls- pClt1tlc1 ti s ,ltlli 1111gl1t, ()f tl1c ancient 111ag11ifi- t"t1t · it\' t)1 K .lrnn~ · ()I J l1cl1cs \i\ltlh it < <) lt1,, 1. l hi11" of l ..,\tX r. the \ 1 nl1L' \ ()I tl1c King,. , 11(1 the ·1·c111plc l)f R,1111c ,c, 11 Ottr "' 11 great ci, ti/a ... ti\ 11 111t1"t 111 111<,n) rc"ipcct l1t1w to tl1c gl r\ <.. f that ancient one ) ' er apart fro,11 t/1 e 111e11l<1l <lis(·1- pli11cr a11(/ /11r A11(>lvle<l.fle of Et?.v pt, ~ 1 <> r cs· I ear, 1 i, 1,Q l r as of Ii 11 le /1 e Ip to /1i111 lvl1e11 /1e \t•as called of God to tleli, ·er /1i people . Do11htless tl1 e 1110 t i111p<>rta11t part of lzis ed,1catio11 was r/1e god/_1· faitJ1 /1is 111other tai,ght hi111 u·l1ile she lvas l1is 11i1rse in PJ1araoh's palace. He heca111e a giant of fai th f./1roi1gl1 lv/10111 God revealed the basic trutl1s of H is Word. Unfortunately for America today's chool are turning out young folk a]mo t completely ignor,a nit of the Chri stian verities and principles which our fathers knew and adhered to. They h ad been deeply taught in ' the Christian view of history," which placed an omnipo tent God both at the beginning and end of all things, including human existence. If today' leaders were deeply trained in these things our n,ation would not be in such a seemingly hopeless mess. Bill Nye, the humorist, u sed to say, ' 'You can't know too much , young man, but you can know too much that ain't so.' ' III . Like Moses, the Nex t President Shou ld Have a Deep Experience with God. God h ad laid the suffering of the Jewish people on hls heart. He real– ized that though high in Egyptian power because of his adoption by Phar aoh 's daughter, yet he was a Jew of the same blood as the Jewish slaves. Doubtless because of his mother s teaching he loaithed Egypt's paganism, and must have sensed its ultimate desitruction, for we read that he m ade a great renunci at ion, refusing to be called the son of Pharaoh 's daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of si n. You remember the s1ory of Moses' smiting and killing an Egyptian he found beating a Jewish slave, and being forced by this act to flee from the wrath of the authorities and out into the desert of Sinai he went to be an unhonored a nd unsung shepherd of a flock of sheep. Moses was there for forty long soul-quieting disciplin– ing years. Yet through it all there c hcu.::ll i11 hi s oul tl1c 111ot1rnlt1I Cr} <1f hi s opprcssctl pc pie. 1"'11cr1 one dral) (lav Mo 'S saw an t1nusunl ~ight - a ht1sh that bt1rncd with ltr~ httt wa'-. n l co nst1n1ccl . Ot1t f t h c ( la 111.1 n g h l1 c; h r ocl spokc t Mo r : " Draw not nigh hither ; put off thy hocc; from off thy feet. for the place whereon thot1 standcst i hol y ground.' ' l\tfoser; vc1iv t/1 e po}ver a11<l love r,j l <'l1 ovah God i 11 t/1e h11r11i11g h1,sl1 . a Goel lvl10 !1ad 1101 forgotten eitl1e1 Moses or J1is s1, ffering people in Ertvpt. " I have seen. I have heard I k 11ow - the cry of the Children of I rael is co,ne i~nto ,ne ," says t/1(; Aln1iKthty. Moses is the,1 corrz ,nissioned to Rfl hack ;nto Egyp t to deliver God'.c people. He ,noved by God's powe, and God's pron1ise, "Certainly I 1,•il be with thee!'' Churches Subversive? One of the bigges,t problems of to– day's wo rld is the poverty of de· pressed and hunger of millions America ( the taxpayers) has don( much rto alleviate the situation. bu so much corrupt politics has beer operative in the expendirure of bil· lions of our hard-earned dollars that millions have been corrupted. Thieve!) and waste by governmental group~ have kept the poor from being helped Even churches have been taking par in the criminality. Where will we find a man f 01 President and men for Congress tha1 will dare like Moses, forsake al and suffer for God's cause as Mose~ did. The deliverance of the Childrer of Israel out of Egypt is one of thE greait miracles of God's working. anc Moses was the human instrument Our beloved America is bound i~ siin, drunkenness, dope-.taking , sexua· immo11ality and political crookedne~s God can deliver us, and doubtles~ . will, if He can find a man. Long ago when Israel was iri G condition similar to that of our na· tion, when the priests were corrup and the people evil, 1vhen the pure religion of Jehovah had been pro· fained and corrupted, God saia through the Prophet Ezekiel (22 :30) : "/ sought for a man an1ong the,n. w/10 sho1Ald build up the wall, and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destro}· "t ,, l . Can God find such a n1an in A111erica today? Would an increas– ingly corrupt people elect hi,n if God did raise one ztp? Who will 11·e have for President? • Wake up, America! THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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