The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1968
h front cover ... ,, , 1 1 ,, 1,,,c of tl1c I 11< lief \ ,>tti,1~!1<1111 11,,,,1,,1 ( '"' /1111< I, i,, l 11cli<I ( le ,·e– la,,d). It ; , /,< I'< " "ill ~,1t/1cr /<>r ,,,,,. ) I 111111<1! ( , t R fl ( ( ,,11/ere,,ce. ~l' e n,e ,,e 11111.! ,1 t.!l<'<lf c r,>H'tl . .. t.!1'<'<11 111c.\ , <1,t:c' ' .. <111 <! gre<1t l>fessi,1~. l la11 t<J ntte,1,/! Dr. and Mrs. Wilbur C. Rooke Hot Q _ RB Pa Lor f r ot1r Annual onference thi vear i Dr . - \\'ilbur C. Roo~e, Pa tor of the Euclid- ottinghan1 Bapti t Church. 1 90 l Lake hore Blvd. . Euclid~ 0. Onl\ recentl\. n f a\' 24. 1968, .. . . Brother Rooke had conferred on him b\ the ln1n1anuel ollege of Atl anta. . ~ Ge rgia. the degree of D octor of Di,·inin\ J He was al o honored by a recep- tion at hi church following the even- .. ing ervice on unday. July 7. 196 . in ob ervance of the thirtieth anniver– ary of hi ordination to the Go pel m ini try. During the e thirt:' year -. Brother Rooke ha erved in H apevil le . Georgia: Belvidere. Illinoi : Waterloo. Iowa: Charle ton. W . Va.: Garv. ., Indiana: Bay City. Michigan and i at pre ent p a toring the Euclid- ot– tingham Baptist Church in Euclid. Ohio . Pa tor Rooke ha been a mem– ber of the Co11ncil of Fourteen (GARB ) (He was Secretary of thi Cot1ncil for year ) : and h as erved or at pre enit i serving on the Board of Cedarvii le College : Grand Rapid : Bapti t Chri tian chool. Cleveland . Ohio: Cleveland Hebrew Mi -- ion: a nd on the Council of Bap– ti t Bible Institute Cleveland~ Ohio. H e ha made a t lea t five trips to Europe. three to the Holy Land and one to outh America.' ' El ewhere in the pages of this ~ ue i an ··open letter" to aJl l ··o.A.R.B.'er .. inviting th em to the Annual Meeting - October 14-16. Dr. Rooke a nd hi people are doing all they can to make YOUR sitay at Euclid- ottingharn a very happy one. Be ure to read his letter for full 10 truction regarding directions to the church and housing while there. ESTABLISHING BAPTIST CHURCHES WHERE THERE WERE NONE IN NORTHERN UN·ITED STATES AND IN CANADA HIAWATHA BAPTIST MISSIONS 2601 South 23rd Street Escanaba, Michigan '19829 The Ohio Independent B•ptist - Publi1hed Menthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OP REGULAR BAP'TIST CHURCHIS SECOND CLASS POSTAGE p•icl •t Xenia, Ohl POSTMASTER: Pl•••• tend Form 3J7t The Ohio Independent B•ptist Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Editorial Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Rates of subscription: $2.00 per year; $5.t for three years; $8.00 for five ye1, EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 p subscription; single issue 20 cents; b• issues over one year old, 50 cents each. Your Editorial Office should have all ne'V and advertising copy in hand no later thf 30 days prior to printing. Advertising r•li will be sent on request. STAFF Editor . ... .. ...... .. A. Donald Moff Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation Manager . .. ................ . ......... . ....................... Stuart L. Chaf Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45 385 Women's Editor . .. Mrs. Geo. Miln 2 195 Brockway Rd. University H ts., Ohio 44118 State Missicmary ... ... .. Earl D. Umhall@ 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 442, Treasurer . .. ...... ... .... .... . . . David D: 92 N . Roys Ave., Columbus, 0 . 432( Council of Ten Chairman .. .................... B. C. Jennjn. 4295 Ellsworth Rd., Stow, Ohio 442~ Secretary .. .... ..... ..... .... .. Darrell R. Bi P. 0. Box 6, Niles, Ohio 44446 Program Chairman .... Donald J. SeWt 4207 Laskey Rd., Toledo, Ohio 436~ Missicmary Chm., Woodrow W. McCal, 276-284 Washington St., Elyria, C 440! Ed-ucation Chm. ...... Harold R. Gret R. 5, Greenville, Ohio 45331 Youth Director .... .... ... . Lynn E. Roge 78 N. Boyden Rd. , Northfield, Ob 440f Vernon K. Billington, 2435 Eakin R Columbus, Ohio 43204 Verne L. Dunham, 13 26 Euclid A· Lorain, Ohio 44052 William F. Russell, 306 W. Cen~ ~ Blanchester, Ohio 45107 Richard L. Snavely, P.O. Box 195 Findlay, Ohio 45840
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