The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1968
VOL. 40, NO. 11 OCTOBER, 1968 er o .1\ ugu t 12. 1968 Dear 0 .A.R.B:ers: We are really looking forward toward the i\nn :.1at \1 ~eting \\ h ich i - to be held in our church October 14-16. Let us all attempt to make this a great experience in our church life, and ne way of re erving it i right now blocking out those date . Preach ~r frie1:d . 0 0 1 'T :hedule pecial n1eetings. etc. for that week. We are doing al] we can to get rooms for you in the h ::>n1e- of men1ber of the Cleveland area churches and we will have to take any of you on the ba i of fir t con1e, fir t erved. If you desire overnight lodging for one 1 or more nigh ts, plea e no tify our r e ervation chairn1a n. Mr . all)' Budinsky, 18901 Lake Shore Boulevard Euclid. Ohio 44119. \.\/hen you write, ind icate the type of accommodations necessary and we will d o our utn1ost to fulfi ll your reque t. Here is a list of the motels in our area with thei r approxi mate price . l f you de ire thi type of accommodations, write to them directly. No. 5 and 6 are ju t fair place - clean. but not fanc)?. 1. H oward John on, 27861 Euclid Avenue. Euc lid. Ohio 44132 - (2 16) 731-2400 2 d ouble bed - $18.00 - 2 single bed - $14.00 2. Charter House, 24800 Euclid Avenue, Euclid. Ohio 44117 - (216) 261-0300 double bed $12.00 twin bed - $15.00 3. Holiday Inn, 27981 Euclid Avenue, Euclid. Oh io 44 132 - (216) 731-5 00 $16.50 per per on + $3.00 for each other per on 4. heraton Inn orth, 28611 Eu clid Avenue, W illot1ghb), Ohio 44094 ( 216) 944-7400 double bed - $14.00 - 2 d ouble bed - $ 16.00 5 . a t Shore, 17555 Lake bore Boulevard, levelc1nd. Ohio 441 IO - ( 216) 4 ~"' 1- :)004 1 per on - $12.00 - 2 per on - $15.00 - t\.\tn bed - 17.00 . Hillcrest 18510 uclid A enue, lev l«n ti Ohi l) 44112 (2 16) 4 6-_121 double - $8.00 - twin with kitchen $10.00 - 2 dot1hlc be i\ - l Ct)tt~)le - "' l l).()0 3 or 4 per. ns - $12.00 Pr~ y much and by all means I ad up the car and con1"-a-r t1nning. rdi 11}', \\'i1bur . R oke \ ' R :le ] 11 I to c n r1gl t to tl lhe tr t T t appro, ch t : uclid- tti11gha111 in n I- 0 t :. a t 1 8 5 t 11 t 1 ee1 . n · t LJ affic light " 'l1icl1 i 1 Lll r n1 th~ c11t1rcl1. O 10 I O D NT AP I T B,1pt i t ht1r h tr lJl1 ithe1 ltttl1, l , st 'J i t }l I c 11 J g 1 1 > rt fl t ) l t kc }1 trt:: t. a11cl 111 r1 tt1rn l\::ft , 1 rking is , r \\ 1 t turn • 1
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