The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1968

Tli M xt U.S. President? by William Ward Ayer n, ng 1h '" n \ c1 e r is ,d fo .. vitol f t1ith in these dayc; of d r, for ,ncrica and the world, f eVv are clearer n,orc ,n I t nt nd d na1nically proph tic than that of Dr. Willia,11 Ward European preaching tours and one Centra l and South America evangelistic foray. r ~ ell nov. n e angclist bro"1dcas ter and author. F r thirt •- 1 , e 1 s he pi.istorcd in1portant Baptist Churches in Dur ing the la tt er clays o f his New Yo rk pas to ra te a radio pol voted Dr. Ayer to be onC' o f New York's mos t infl uen t ial ci t izens . He has had a dozen or more books published, along with score of brochures and hundreds of pam p le ts . Illinois Indiana , ,) tario (Canada) and New York City . His best no\ n rninistr , as a 14 , ear pastorate at the in ternat 1onally known It was partly under the minis try of Dr. Aye r, d ur ing his minis tr in Gary, Indiana, that your 0 .1.B. edi to r was guided in to the f ie l< of Christian service . C I ar Baptist Church of Ne"" York City. H·s ,, idel heard 40 ~ ,ear rad,o 1111n1stry, which now origina tes Th is a rt icle seems very t imely as we approach the coming e lect io t his November . It fi rs t appea red in the J u ly-August '68 issue o "MARCHING TRUTH. " P. 0 . Box 10307, St. Pe te rsbu rg, Florida - 33733 and is used here wi th Dr. Aye r's permi ssion . in l\it:,, 'o City, is called J\,\ARCHING TRUTH and is released t o\ sta ,ons over the countr',. ["I Ayer carries on an evangelistic and Bible teaching ministry in ,nan ch~ ~<.hes throughout the land. He has conducted three Ir1 th~ n1id,t l)f th \\OrlLI' tt1rn1 il 111cr tee. fc.l e an ther Pr iden tial -1ect 1c,n in a period t1nli ke an)· other i ll ) t 1 r h 1 t l1 r, . The i at i c "" ar ha pltt ttr nati n into qt1arrel ling c, 111i1 . Trea her) and t1bver ion are op ratt, at h n1e \vhi le our boy die 1n \ ietna111 n "the jungle road t no,\ her ... ~!arching . burning , it– in ha, e a on1n1uni t finger o n the pu h bt1tton of all of them. City tre t~ izzle \\- irh cr in1e. a condition \i.·hich \.\ill be the mai n i . ue of election debate. 011e ca11didate died ar tl1e l1ands of a,1 assat:;si,1 a11d tl1e 11atio11 11101,r11s. Tl1e otl1er ca12didates are gi1arded b)· a s111all ar111)' of Secret Service a!!e11t . Ralr socialisrt1, it ith calls fo r '"' co12ti11tted a11d i11creased go\·ern- 11ze11tal directiorz and control of ever)'– t/1i11g a11d ever)·bod)· is tlze progra,11 of tu·o. a11d stro11g it1ter11ationalis1ri of o,·e ki11d or a11otl1er see111s to be t/1 ,., pr<>r;ra ,11 of ,~, ·<) orl1ers. A third, 11 1 l1i!e co11tro,·ersial. c;pea/...s !1asic trzt t/1 . b11t radical ,,e f? roes. co111111i111ists. and ai1arrl1ist~ break ztp l1is 111eeti11(?~. !rt a11 l1 <>11r like 1/1is ,re asl. ,1·/10 catz /1e elected. \\'/10 ~/101,ld l>e ele rt~d. ,v/10 1i 1 ill be elected? lVhat s/1011ld tl1e 11e.rt President be like? HE :\1C T BE PHOTOGE IC. for h1 main contact "':ith the people is through tele" ision. An t1gly or no n– de cript man~ no 111atter ho"'' sn1art. tand little chance. Abrahan1 Lincoln \\ 1 0t1ld ne\·er be con idered today. nor ,vould George Washington ""ith his face-di torting wooden f al e teeth. ·- HE MLTST BE COMPROMI I G . I t i a sad ""eaknesc; of our election s~·stem that pres ure grot1p<; must be promi ed ever)-thing. egroes sh ould be promi ed unlimited a i tance. The J e,.., i h vote in the big cities can be caught with trong pron1ise to help e tabli h I rael. Catholic and P rote t– ants have their O\\ n demand . and 4 OCTOBER, 1968 to l ih ra! and con e rvati ve . Even the long-abu ed An1er ican Indian are Ii te ned to todav. ., \\-' a h in<i t n. our fir , t Pre ident. - wa a tal\var t man who knew his Bir 1 e well e nough to ay that withou1 God no natio n could pro per. "Rea- J n and experi ence fo rbid that na– tional n10,rali t)' ca n be maintained without religion:· Amerioa sh ould know that by now. In hi Fir t In– augural. our Fir t Pre ident prayed : "Almight y God. we make our earnes1 p rayer that thou wilt keep the United tate in thy holy· protection ." Can we today elect a similarly godly man? Certainl.1· 1ve 11,ust lzave a godly, sincere . l1onest capable 111an to lead t /1is 11atio11 i11 the days ahead, as we stagqer a12d reel in the intoxication of la1rr lessness a11d sin . With the 1:vrong leadersl1ip i\·e cottld fa ll a11d perish i11 olJ!i, ·io11. A II tl1e politicia11s sa)· 1-ve 11eed a "forivard looking" n1an. Trile, but if oitr God-blest R epublic is to co11tinite . lie lzad better do so111e !Jack lvard looki1 «. L ong ago the propl1et Jere111 ial1 to ld God's ancient a11d backslidi11~ people (! er. 6 :16): Dr. William Ward Ayer " tatzc/ )'e i11 the wa)'S, ancl see, an, ask fo r the old paths, iv /1ere is th, l?Ood way, and walk therei11 , and )'1 s/1all find rest for your soi,ls.'' Moses For President! Le t me recommend a Bible t y })( of the man America needs: he is the mo t influential human that eve lived . His name is Moses. He st and head and shoulders above every othe human; looming large as the centurie move away from him. Mo es domi nates the Bible from Genesis to Reve lation. His writings undergird all lav and morals, and omewhere in the univer e Moses is ali ve today, f o though he died on Nebo' lone], • mountain God must have resu citatec him, because he appeared on tht Mount of Tran figuration with an other man Elijah who is still alive ir hi e arthly body. These two t alkec with the tran figured Christ whilt three disciples looked on in amaze ment. If we could find a man Jike Moe' in this presidential electi on year there would be hope for u becaus< like Moses he would be: I. Tl1e Prodi, ct of the l11 f lz1ence o. a G od!}, and Coitrageoits M other. Mo e ' tor y begins in the seconc chapter of Exodus, and tells of a de· termined mother . What can compare with her battle again t Egypt? Thinb of th at ark of bulru hes - the world·~ desti ny re ted there! Mo es· mother pitted her mother· hood aga in ' t the power of the Egyp– ti an Ph ar aoh , and won. They had decreed that all male Jewish babies hou ld be lain but Mo es' mother made up her mind th at her bo) should live . o she wrapped him jn linen, placed him in the little water· proof cradle of bulrushes. et him afloat, and prayed that the angels (Continued on page 14) THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST