The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1968
Cedarville College Continues to Grow ... and GROW! Fall quarter enrollment at Cedar– ,,ille College this year i expected to be the large t in the history of the school . A total of 900 students are anticipated. Of this number, approxi– mately 525 will be continuing stu– dents. even new faculty members are joining the College family thi Fall. Five of these are Cedarville Colleoe r::, alumni. Miss Sharon Boylan will be- come Instructor in foreign language . ~Ii Irma Dodson will serve as As– si tant Professor in elementary edu– cat ion. Mr. Dwayne I. Frank ('60) is to be Assistant Professor in secondary education. Mr. Lawrence N. Killian t '64) will be Assistant Profe or of bio1ogy. Mr. Ronald M. Grosh ('67) i to be Instructor in English and Mr. Jame R. Phipps ('68) will join the Speech Department as a teaching fellow. Mr. tephen P. Brown ('67) ha already assumed responsibility as .~ssi tant Librarian. New Pastor At Calvary, Xenia J he a]var)' B, pti t ihurcJ1 of nia, hio ha ca)led a 1heir ne\\' pa tor, ·Ir. lint w, rd Peter 11. 13rotl1 r Pet r 011 i 11ati, 1 e of: \ 1, an c, lndi 11a. H graduated fr 111 t11gl1 11 oJ in 1011ter }', J nd i, r1, . H ms D 1bl [ram ming "" r i , at t11 I r111it} IJt;.g i11 un di 11 , J I r 1 • a J I n g gr u t ed fr n1 t 11 r ml r c nt] . g· n tJ11r nin1t1 ugu t l 8th. • 111 • J IH O 10 I DEP ND NT BAPTI ' Oil The Inevitable Result of Accepting Government Aid The following quotation are taken from an article publi bed in the Parker burg ews of P arkersburg, We t Virgini a. They point out the danger that church-related schools face when they accept government a i tance. "Thur day. June 13. 1968 - Dr. J . M. Powell. pre ident of Ohio Valley College here, di clo ed la t night that the U. S. Government ha advised the college that it can no longer use its new auditoriun1 for chapel services or even for Bible cla e because the auditoriun1 wa financed in part by a federal grant. ·we·ve been in tructed not to u e the chapel anymore for either chapel or the Bible cla ses, Powell com– mented. 'A I under tand it under the interpretation we're not even pern1itted to ay a prayer or mention God in that auditorium!' Powell said ' 'We have two alternative . Either we mu t rai e $76 000 the federal govern– n1ent demand before they'll relea e the building for our u e for any purpo e we want to u e it for, even for uch a terrible purpo e in the eye of the federal government - a wor hipping God or recognizing Hi exi tence, or we mu t raise enough money to build a new chapel building b) eptember .' Powe ll aid h conferred by phone ye terday with a Dr. nowberger, of the . . Office of Education. ' I told h1n1 th at it i our intention, it ~ e can ra1 e the n1oney, to repay the governn1ent, and that \\e hope to be able t do thi before ot1r fall tern, tart s. so th,1t \i\e cc111 tie the auditoril1n1 for the pl1rpo e for \Vhich it "'a intended.' ·1 al o n1entioned to Dr. now- berger: Powell aid ' 'that there i the po ~ibility that we n1a 1~ not be ab]e to rai e the entire $76.000 before ept. . and I a ked him if we could get an extention of time for a few \\ eek . or even for a few day , in repayi ng the money. D r. nowberger aid he couldn!t even give u one extra day' ! He told n1e that we v.1ould be violating the law if on ju t one day we had a prayer in that bui]ding. Apparent ly that i the conclu ion that ha been reached in Wa hington!' 'A I under tand the federa l govern– n1ent· pre ent po ition.' Powe ll con1- mented, it would be perfectly per– mi -ible in the eye of the govern– n1ent. to teac/1 e, 1 0/utio,1. Comn1u- 11 i 111. a,1archy . civil disobedience o, a11y of those tl1i11gs it1 tl1e a11ditori11m. Bi1t ive 111Ltstn't 111e1ztio11 God·· We pra i e the Lord that n ne of the chool appro\ ed by· the G RBC have accepted g \; ernn1ent a i tance. Ho\\ e,'er. \\ 1 e mu t realize that if they are to pro, ide chola tic training on a h igh pi ritual and a"'aden1ic le, el, under ct1rrent econ n1i condition ... , the)' n1u t have tib ta ntial financia l ~t1pport fron1 Ollr cht1r he . If our cht1rche. fail to increa e t1pp rt, the hool \\ill have to look. for ft1nd\. The ten1pt,1t1on then becon1e') in– crea ingly trong to lt)Ok. lL)\\ ard the ··e,l \ 111 ne} .. that i" a\ ,1ilt1hle thrl1t1gh oo\ern111cnt a l',tance . 1 VC1\ chur\;h b ~ L)f t ttr fell \\ h111 ,ht)tll(t ha\ 1 e at lea\t c,nc (.11 ot1r ,1pp1 o, cd ,chL1ol, on 1t\ n11~,1on,1r\ htt(iget. '- I ht• 11l c1,1e1 R.q list ; \ ug. ~c, Present Chris t to the Je~' Through lhe Hebrew & Christian Society Nork1ng for the church, wlfh the church and through the church Baptist Mid M,s~ ions Te~t in1ony to Israel In Clevel nd Ohio MISSIONARIES Rev. Leel and Crotts Director Mrs. Leeland Cror ts, Mrs . /v\1ldred Leech Miss Carol Mel 1 er 4205 Chester Av nue Cleveland Ohio l 03 OCTOB R, 968 1
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