The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1967
by Dave, Doug, and Don • • . ... . " . • OUR 25th ANNIVERSARY YEAR Escanaba, Michigan Establishing Baptist Churches ... where there were none. DECEMBER, 1967 PAGE 10 Ced a rvill e College Reports l ltln1cc<.1111ing in late Octohcr a ( 'edarville wa'5 the besit attencled ir ilc; hi\tory! , ome 2000 people viewec the p,trade fcatt1ring Qt1een Dchhi Bt1 h. Dt1ring the day the new 11 hrary Maddox Hall and the cafeteri~L atl dition were dedicated. ven the <;~.>c cer tea111 had a good day - def cat ing Berea College to the tt1ne o 5-0. Four parachutistc; made a <;af• and preci e landing on the socce field at half time. The theme wa "80 Year<; of ervice Jesus Chri~ the sa n1e, yesterday, today and for ever." A Fall Bible Conference with Dr John Balyo as guest peaker was Ll5e{ of the Lord in speaking to the heart of many. Among h~ ttopics were The Natt1re of Truth: Existentialism and the New Morality. Numerou commitments were made by Chri tian tudent . A plendid 1967-68 Cedarvillt College Arti t-Lecture Series ha~ beer arranged which include a Duo Piano Concert by Nelson and eal a lecture entitled "Red China Today· by Dr. Hillis Lory, a leott1re b~ William Patterson entitled ' 'A Pro file of Benjamin Franklin" and "Th, Life and Letters of Robert anc Elizabeth Barrett Browning" prese nt ed in lecture and vocal recital b .. Dr. John B. Bartlett. CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION INC. Founded 1904 Witnessing to Jews in Cleveland, Oh io; Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The largest staff in the history of the Mission augmented by a radio ministry at home . a nd abroad, and a mailing ministry in the United States and abroad. Presenting Ch rist to our lord' s brethren by vis itat ion, Bible classes, correspond· ence courses and literature. Staff members are happy churches in the spirit of Acts pre sent the work of the Mission inspirationa l reports and by slid es. • • to v1s1t 15:4 to through colored " Brethren my (our) h ea rt ' s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved." Write for your free copy of " The Trumpeter for Israel" our quarterly mag· a zine devoted to the work of Jewish e vangelism. Gerald V ~melser, Supt . Cle veland Hebrew Mission P. 0. ' Box 18056 Cleveland, Ohio 44118 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS
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