The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1967
Revival Services At La Grange The Hal Webb Ev,tngcl i') t ic r-r·ca111 reccntJ y con1pleted two weeks of peciaJ 111eeting at Fir l Baptisit hurch in LaGrange, Ohio . Average attendance wa 206 for the 19 meet– ing , including a Kid' Meeting aturday morning, a Youth Ral ly Saturday evening and a pecjal hour Mu ical on unday afternoon. The normal attendance for morning and evening woirship was 200 and l 50. There were 492 visitor during the campaign. Uoder the minj tr y of this tean1, God blessed the entire church ,vith revival. ! l Wheaton Leaves N.S.A. ~ The tudent Governn1ent of Whe,1- ~ ton College has voted to discontinue · membership in the U. . Nationra] Student A sociation, Daniel H. · Reigle student government pre i- dent announced recentl y. • The tuden.t Government of the college took the finali21ing action upon the recommendation of the tudent Body, the Student Govern– ment president, and the Dean of Students . Major reaso ns for withdrawal , ac– cording to Reigle, wa that NSA i ignoring its stated purposes. Accord– ing to its Artic]es of Incorporation N A was organized to effect edu– cati onal and cultu11al programs. It was forbidden participation in parti– 'jan political activities. Mr. Reigl e declared that he had serious criticisms of N A' concept of . tudent government as a radical , studen t power-oriented organization. Brandei s University, Amherst, and ni versit y of Michigan have with– urawn from NSA ince la t February. Pine Hills Reioicing! f)1nc Hill s Bapti \ t hurch, ( '0 Jun1- l) us, Rev. 1 . WcsJey Blis~, pa~tor , jt1st recent I y purchased a 60 pa~– scngcr IJus to l1c used to reach fo lk for their Sunday chool. As the I c~uJ t of thei r ~u111111cr pro– gra111 which included ca111p ,tnd Dai ly acat1on B1 hlc \ cJ1 00J, 0111c 9() c J1 i Jc t re n a1d Leen-age rs ca 111c to Cl1rist for salvation. 5'2525'25m525,!i25?_1 J225'2r:l ANSWER TO RIDDLE ) ] ] I eg/ l'('/ S8c5?S8"'625?52525r.!J'c52525"8~~ TH f: OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Catholics May Read Their Bibles? /11 a "L etter to t/1e Editor'' o f t/1e C'l1ristic111 Iieritage, 0 11e reader ex- pressed the fact tl1at Catho lics are 11 o y.J per111ittec/ to reacl their Bibles. Missionary Alhert Johnson of Bap– tist Mirl-M issi cJ11s, serving tlze L ord i11 Barball1a, CecLrc,, Braz il, read this letter and wrote t/1e fo llowing to Ec/itor tucLrt P. Garver. We believe it is }vorth placi11g i1z t/1e pages of tlze 0. / .B. Caix,t l)o ·tal l B,trbalha, eara, Brazjl August 14, 1967 ' L uart 1' . Gar vcr, Editor hristian Heritag·c 275 late treet Hacken ack, N . J. ()7 6 () 2 U A Dear Sir: A letter in the June issue points ou,t the fact that Roman Catholics may r·ead the Bible. Indeed they may! However, jt i absolutely forbidden for then1 to make any interpretation of their own no 111atter how logical and evident ,nay be the plaiti teac fz– ing. They are ful ly bound t o accept the official ,teaching of Catholici sm a administered by the Pope, cot1nci1s, bi shop and priests. In fact, thes,e source are just as in pired a the Bible according to the offioial teach– ings of Vatican II . AiS ,the ,true knowl– edge of Scripture i dangerous to Catholicism, it seek to publi h adu lterated editions whioh eriously violate the clear meaning of the original text . The e editions have abundant prefaces, ap,pendices and foo tnote which , when waded through by a sincere Catholic, will thoro ugh– Jy di courage him from reading the Bible, incc ( they say) he cannot un– der land it anyway and ca:1not in– terpret it. He throws up hi l1 ancl and ays, "Why read it then!' ' As far ac;; a per ecution co111J)lcx is co11cerned, I have personall y been in ser vices toned by order of a C'a tho li c pric\ l. Thee J)ersect1l ions per i\ l eve n aft cr the l,tclica l and propaga nd a c1J ort\ oJ Va ti can I l to ftp/Jear c/1//e1e111 . J>e1,cct1t1 on i · the tota l ht !) lory o l ' ,ttho lic,~111 J)a l, p1 e~c n t an(I also Ju ltnc JCC<.>rcJing to Bi l)Jc p r ophccy. We sho t1J c.r JlCVCf ~ac11fic~ (1<.>c.l S tr utl1 in tl1c 11 a 111e of love. Si11c~r l y i11 l1ri st, J{ c\' . fl>~rt J <.>l1nst>11 Another record attendance of 69,530 at the Sao Paulo, Brazil meetings of the PTL campaign of Scripture distribution and Evangef ism. 80,000 gospels were distributed and 3,660 adults enrolled in Correspondence Course. .- GoaI for Brazil 4,000,000 Gospels. Your prayerful cooperation is urgentry needed to reach South America for Christ. J. Edward Smith, International Director , Alfred A. Kunz, .. International Director Emeritu! • ' ·- . , POCKET TESTAMENT . LEAGUE 49 Honeck Street Englewood, New Jersey 07631 Canada: 74 Crescent Road Toronto 5, Ontario Hebrew & Christian Society Baptist Mid-Missions Testimony to Israel In Cleveland, Ohio * * * Presenting Christ to the Jew by every means which time and stewardship will afford. * * * Working for the church with the church and through the church . * * * MISSIONARIES - Rev. and Mrs. Leeland Crotts, Mrs. Mildred Leach, Miss Carol Mciver * * * Rev. Lee land Crotts, Director 4205 Chester Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 DECEMBER, 1967 PAGE 15
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