The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1967

- -- ,~ , s 1 .. iit , r l'f tl,c l1i) l11<.lcr,c11tl~11t 13a1Jt1"it, rtlo11g \\ ith the n1e111bc1 ~ f l \11' tafl. l)lll' Stale 11,"ii )1\Ht ~. ()lll' tatc 'I tCU\ltrc,-. atltl yot1r lll1CJI "'f l cr1. ,vc ,, '"11 t<.) , 11 t'l ~.lttr sul1scril1cr~ a very l1lcs~c<.t ( l1ri t111~ts a11d ,l ~,, ) ' ca r. 111 J() h 11 - • A WORD from the EDITOR ... J l ' /1 ile /10/d i 11g 111eeti11gs thi pa t n1l)nth in Balti111ore. Maryland, in the T ,\n end Avenue Bapti t ht1rch, th pa t r f the cht1rch. Rev How– Jrd t ught n. gave us on1e old 1 , ' tte · t 1925) f the OUR HOP 111agazine. The editor at that tin1e \Va Dr. rno . Gaeb lein. We were thrilled when we read of thi dear br ther· tand again t the apo ta y of hi day! In one article. written concerning the amalgamation of three denomin– ation in Canada (Congregationali ts , Methodi t and Pre byterians) into the United Church of Canada. he wr te the following parable. How fitting it i for us in th is hour of ecumenicity! The parable reads as follows. . . ine egg had a great de ire to be mixed with five other eggs. They were anxiou to be crambled and become 'scrambled eggs.' The nine eggs were beautiful to look upon. Their shells were white as snow. Not a ingle speck of dirt was to be een. omebody had polished them a white as they could be poli shed. or was one of them broken or cracked. But while the outside wa$ o beautiful their inside was a mas of corruption. "The five other eggs were al o nice a far as their outward appear– ing was concerned: nor did they have the inward corruption of the nine o ther eggs. In ome way the five good eggs felt the nine egg were not up to the mark. They susp1!cted that they were bad but perhaps not a bad a other bad egg · are. And i na much a the nine eggs per i ted to get into clo er bonds with the five egg . the latter finall y con ented l be crambled. The he ll were broken of the fourteen eggs and the five good eggs oon discovered th at they had 1anded in an intolerable n1ixtu re. T hey soon found out th at the h ope to overcome ·the bad odor of the n ine bad eggs was a delu sion, for the nine bad egg overcame and poi led completely t:he good eggs. T he good eggs soon discovered wh at a mistake th ey h ad made by becom– ing scrambled with those nine egg . T hey wept and tried hard to become un crambled but lo and beh o ld! th eir shel l were hopelessly brok en and th ey were u n able to get them– ;elves together again. ' After a wh ile the master of the house came and looked upon the wh ole mess. He found the scrambled eggs were disagreeable to him and very obnoxiou , th ey were neither hot nor cold. A nd o he said, ' I wi ll spue thee out of my mou th ' ' ( Rev. 3: 16) And thus the scrambled eggs peri hed miserably." To thi parable, Dr. Gaebelein added th e words . . . "An exposition of th i parable i not needed ." To which we add . . . if it were not needed th en it certa inly i not needed in th i hour in which we live! ' 'Be ye not t1nequal ly yoked ( no pun intend– ed) together w ith unbeliever . . ." IL Cor. 6: J 4a. WANTED: ,1000 Christians who care about thR BaptistBuilders'Club who care enough to aid small , struggling GARB church– es in their f 1ght to keep the tr doors open. Join the Baptist Builders' Club and support it by prayers and g1v1ng! 1800 Oakton Boulevard Des Plaines. Illinois 60018 --------------------- l ca re ! end furth er informati on to · Addre ss______________ _ Cs tY- ---------------- State Zip Code The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 tc Mr. Stuart L. Chaffe Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Edi tor ia l Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Oh io 45385 Rates of subscription : $2.00 per year; $5.0t for three years; $8.00 for five years EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 ,,. subscription; single issue 20 cents; bacl issues over one year old, 50 cents each. Your Editorial Office should have all new I and advertising copy in hand no later tha, 30 days prior to printing. Advertising rate will be sent on request. STAFF Editor . . ... . ... . . A. Donald Moffa Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation Manager . .. ....... . . ..... .. .. ... ...... . .. Mr. Stuart L. Chaff Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Wome1i's Editor . . 1rs. Geo. Milne 2195 Rockway Rd. University Hts., Ohio 441 18 State Missionary Earl D. Umbaugl 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 4422, Treasurer . David Dv • 92 . Roys Ave., Colu111bus, 0. 4320• Council of Ten Chairman . ... . . B. C. J e1111i11g 4295 Ellsworth R<l ., Stow, Ohio 4422· • "\l ice Chair'Yl'1a1i Otis R. Holme Gallia & Waller Sts., Portsn1outh, Ohi, 4566'. SecretarJ' . Darrell R. Bic, P. 0. Box 6, iles, Ohio 44446 Program Chair1nan Donald J. Sewe] 4207 Laskey Rd. , Toledo, Ohio 4362 J\lissionary Ch11i., W oodro\i\, V.,T. McCalel 276-284 Washington t. , Elyria, 0 4403 Ed1tcation C11,n. Harold R. Gree1 R. 5, Greenville, Ohio 45331 Y 01ith Director . 78 . Boyden Rd., L) 1 nn E. Roger orthfield, Ohi 1 4406 \ l cr11on K. Billingto11, 24 35 Eaken R<l Columbus Ohio 43204 Verne L. Dunhan1, 1326 Euclid v Lorain, Ohio 44052 V\l illiam F. Russell, 306 \A' . Ce11ter Si Blanchester, Ohio 45107