The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1967

. VOL. 40, NO. 2 DECEMBER, 1967 ... ·~ · nrgotf .ett ts.e Utt - by Dr. Robert T. Ketcham - ECCLESIA TES 9: 14-15 There w 1 as a litt le city and few n1en within it! an<l there came a grea,t king again t irt , and bes ieged it , and built great bulwark against it ; Now the re wa found in it a poor wise man, and he by hi wi dom de]ivered th e city· ye.t no man remembered that ame poor man. th at ye through hi · poverty n1ight be rich. l CORlNTHIANS 1 :30 BL1t of hin1 are ye in Chri•st Jesus, w.ho of God i made un,to us WI DOM. LUKE 2: 12 A11d thi hall be a ign unto you; ye ·hall F IND Lhe babe wrapped jn wadd ling clothe , lying in a n1anger. PH1LIPP1AN 2:8 And being found in fa hi on as a MAN , he hun1bled hin1 ·elf, and bccan1e obedient unto death, even the dea1!1 of the cross. I I CORINTHIAN 8:9 GALATIANS I :4 ~,or ye know 1:he grace of our Lord J esu Chri tl that , though he was rich yet for your akes he became POOR, Who gave him e lf for our ins, .thait he 111ig,ht DE– LIVER u from thi s pre6en,t evi l world. "There was a little ci.ty - and there came a great King against it." Simple, clear and under tandable tatement when aipplied to thi s 1iibtle world of ours and Satan's attacks upon it. 'Little?" Only twenity-five thous– and miles around it! Oircled in a few days by swift winged planes and in a fraction of a secon-d by swifter radio! ' 'A few men within it?" Only two persons at the time of the at 1 tack, Adam and Eve by name. Again t the inhabitants of this little world came Satan, l(jng of Sin. He was a ' 'great King" indeed! Back of every treachery of man, back of every chicanery and fraud , back of every open inj ustice and unpunished wrong, back of every war wirth its bloody battle fields, back orf every sigh and tear, back of every heart– ache and heartbreak, back of every broken home and b li ghted Jif e, back of every penitentiary and jail, back of every bed of pain, ickness and death , back of the grave i,t e lf stands this 111ighl y King of 1n - ScLtan, that old Serpent which is called The Devil! ' 'He built a great bulwa1 k agai 11 l it. ' ' lndeed! So high , so s trong, so 111ighty is tl1e bttlwark of s1n wl1ich ~ , tan l)uilt arou11d tl1is ' ' little' ' world and t l1e "few 111c11 \.\' ithin it' ' thnt TH OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST to thi hour not one man of Ad am fa llen race has ever ucceeded in caling it heights . And n·one ever will! Hopeles and helple we are, and co,mpletely at the mercy of thi ' great King" - and ihe has no mercy! Only ruin slavery an,d eterna, death are in hi hand for u ! But wait! Here i good new ! The good new of the Go pel ! The good new of Christma ! "Now there was fo und in it a poor wise man who by hi wisdom delivered rthe city.'' Hear the New Te tamenit word ring out their gloriou hPis1tma message in thi Old Te tament pas– sage "There was found!" ' 'Ye h all find t he Babe." " In the city!" ' 'Ye hall find the Babe lying in a manger!" He h ad lipped by the bulwarks of sin, ereoted by the great King and u n– touched by it, had reached His des– tination - this "little world," and there He was found . 'A poor man" ' 'He who was rich , for your akes became poor." "A wi ·c man. " "Christ Jc u ·, who of od is made t1nto us wi do 111." " poor wise n1a11." ··He wa fou nd in fa hion as a 111a11 " HWho by H i wi (10111 cl livc1cJ the city." ' 'J-f aving dchvc1 ctf tts tr 111 thi <; prcsen,t evi l wor l<I. " ntJ tl1c1t , t o, l)y l·I is wi (10111 . 0111)' tf1c wi ti 111 of God a expres ed in Chri t could ever have conceived redemption, much less wrought 1t! "Delivered - a word - "Delivered! " Hear it ing ·in t he oul of the ran omed ! 'Delivered." Hear its mu ic in ithe heart of rtho e who were once held captive within the "bulwark " "of ,the K.iing of Sin ." from that awful phere of in and death into 1he realm of life and lig,ht under the Lord hip of the King of Righteousne · ! urel y al l the world wi ll tL1rn to the One who has made deliverance pos ible for them! Sad, tragic con1- mentary on the aw,ful tate of fallen 111an in the fo llowing word - "'Yet no man ren1embered that an1 p or n1an. " It i the an1e today. At hri tn1a tin1e the world goe mad in an en– deavor to out-do each other in rc– men1bering one another, bttt onl} a few remen1ber Hin1 wh n th i dav wa "found" and who b, Hi ..\ is– do111" deliver d tl fron1 in. he F rgotten Wi e Man! 011c other than the Lord Je ti , Chr1 c I rgot te11 by 1110 t of the ,, l)rl I. Bt1 1 t the ,vorld 1 r1ot 101 gt)tt\!11 b\ 1 H i111 . H till l vc~ tl ar1li \ ~ctrns Il) ,ave it . He ha · n t f()tg ttcr1 tl1ot1gll H ~ 1" 1 org tt n. .1'1,rtl v111c tl<1.v tl1<>se lt 1 /1,, /<J l \t:()/ Hi111 u 1/I rerrib/.v re- 111e111l>er! DECEMBER, 1967 PAGE 3