The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1967
A.B.W.E. Continues to Grow! The A ociation of Baptists for World EvangeLis·n1 ·ontinue to grow! At their Annt1al Meeting held in Oc– ober fifteen new n1i ionarie were added to their family vhich now totals 323. Shown above are 1he newl y appointed n1i iono1iie . fhe e will be erving the Lord in f ive dirfferent field ... he Philippine , Hong Kong Brazi l, Ohile and Pertt. nc]uded in the group are two n1edical doctors. All of the e have completed a four week orienitation ;our e which wa given under the ins,truotion of board tnd taf f members. DetaiJed teaching of the prinoiple Lnd practices of the mis ion and specialized courses re,lat– ng to the mis ionary him elf rounded ouJt a full picture ,f what they could expect in their p,artioular callling. The board's examination explored each individual estirnony, call, doctrinal belief , attitt1de , and readines or missionary service. Appoinitment to specifiic fields was letermined through the guid ance of the Ho ly Spirit hy ach ca ndid ate's des,ire and needs on the fields . Pastor Called to New London A new work wa started recen,tly at London, Ohio whi ch the l .,ord i. ble ing. The e de,ar folk have calle(l to be their pa tor, Rev. David Morri , w,ho had been serv– ing a A i taI1Jt Pa tor ,to Rev. Ben C. Jennin 1 g , Graham Road Bapti t Church CL1yahoga FalJ , Ohio. Brother Dave accepted Chri t as aviour at the age of ten . On con1pletion of his High chool work, he en– r,o11 ed in the Providence Bib le Institute (now Barrington College.) Hi training at the college wa interrupted by Uncle San1 dt1ring which time he erved in ,the U. . Army in J apan. He then con1p]eted his training at Providence graduaiting with a B. A . degree in 1:he fields of Bible and Mu ic. Be ides mini itering in uyahoga Falls, Dave al o served a "part-'time" Mu ic Director in tJhe Englewood Baptist Temple, Eng.lewood, New J er ey. The Morri es have fot1r lovely ch ildre n. We are con– fident ,that the Lord will greatly hl ess their effort<; in the work at London. Preaching the Word for 150 Years! ~arly 111er11bers of the Avon Baptist Church, 2575 ;1oney Ridge Road Avon, wor\hippec1 in log c, bin~ 50 years ago. Octoher was c.les ignated as scquicente nnial n nt11 , ancl the church plan11ecl rnan y evcnt c; 10 celehrat hi anniversary. IJr. Patti A. J ack so n, Nat ion al I<epresen lat ivc oJ 1 h ,A I{ R , wrts the guest s r>eak r e tcher 1 tl1rot1gh 4. n, cl1t1rcl1 1,ad on <.lisJ)Jay 111ar1y olcl pictt1res anci cfoct1- fHE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ments of the 1800's. A banquet was held on Oct. 6, at which member and friend wore olcf fa , hi n d clothe, . On October 1 I, Rev. David Mc lain dr . ed in t p hat and frock-tailed coat, Jed the congregation in an old f ash io necl candJel igh t prayer meet i11g. ,.fhcy g,1thereti around a blazing fir eplace and ang hyn1nc; jtt. t a their f orefather hacl done 150 year before. The church ha a long and colorfttl hi. tory. It wa organized in Oct ber 1817 hy a few f·1n1ilic.. wi th a vi ion, and were led by Rev. J hn Tt1ttl , the fir t pa.. tor. A log chool hou e wa built on Detroit Rd . n ar R 76 and in thi bt1ilding regt1lar rvices were helc.l. 111 l 26 or J 827 a large block 111eeling hot1<;e wa bt1ilt by n1 111- ber. and friend of the chL1rch; howev r, thi bt1il<.iing wac; acci(ientally bt1rncd in l 937. Me111bcr" t)f the cht1rch l1egan constrLt ction of a ne hot1 c of -v <.)f\hip 111 c\\ Englancl . tyle with a high l<.)\iVcr111g .. tceJ)lc . In 18~~ ,l11 a(Jclition wa<; l1t1ilt onto th at1<.litor1t1111 . an(I ~ta int: ll gl~1,, wintlow~ v er ad<.lecl lt) lhc r 111<.)<.lclctl l1t11l<.l1ng. On May 3. 194-t. the churcl1 l1 <.ly vl)lctl lt) \vith ir~l\\ fro111 a11 its a",ociati()n~ \ ith the t)ttl1e111 B~lJ)tist ( l)tl – vcnt 10 11 , anti 19-t.7. hecar11e afltltalctl ,, 1tl1 the (-;1\1> 13 . J>re,ent 111en1l1e1 "htJ) of the ch111 rl1 is l) , \Vl1ilt' ~ unlia . choo I at t c 11 cJ ance ft) r I 9 > 7 h n s th t 1 s fa r a,,e rag { I I I t) . • Tl1e Rev. l)avt{I 1c.( ' Jain l1as st:rvecf t11e Cl)llgr~gntll,n si,1cc S ~J)ten1h ,,. J 9(1.). DECEMBER , 1967 PAGE 7
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