The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1968
A WORD from the EDITOR ... t' P ,l t r in Pr fit page thi 111t)ntt1. ·1 he rc~t n? - in ' ttfficicnt p,1 'c! \\' hen ,,,c t 1'. v r thi .. , ork <.'l \.'.dtttng the 0.1.B.. we w ndered - il \\C \\ ttld be able t btain Llf- ficicnt n1aterial. B li , e OT ur pr bl n1! To me. thi "' i ' tl who have \Cnt u · article , please be p,ttic11t. hey ~ill appear in tin1e! Thank for the letter c n1mcnding u~ for our work on the 0.1 .B. Only one thing cou ld please u more ... n~t111ely, end u a "gif 1 t ubscription" for a friend! PLEA E help our list of ttb 'criber G ROW! Church at Kent Destroyed by Fire f::.'<litor·s ote: Word concerni11g 1/1is fire reac/1ed ) 'OLJr editor's desk j11st befl>re sending tl1e January issue to pre·s . Tl1ese folk do indeed need oi,r prayer and any other /1elp we 111ig/1t give the111. On December nineteenth the newly con tructed building of the Grace Bapti t Church of Kent was totally de troyed by fire. A month from completion and occupancy it repre– sented many hundreds of hours of volunteer labor and sacrificial giving by members. The loss, estimated at over $45 000.00, included per on·al tool and all equipment and maiterial to fini h the tructure. Fire officials .- have found ·ub ·ta.nlial evidence of ar on by persons unknown. The young church formed two a nd one half years ago to h elp meet the Kent State University area's needs, i presently without a pastor and is meeting in Kent's Central Grade School. P lans have already been made to proceed by faith with erection of a new structure, and the spirit of the church is trust1ngly optimistic, but there is an immediate need for loyal prayer and tangible support from our churches. Pictures and further informaition will follow in the next issue. FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS P. Of BOX 455 - ELYRIA ,OHIO The Ohio Independent Baptist - Publishe d Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE p•id • t Xenia, Ohio POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 t, The Ohio Inde pendent Baptist Box No. 160 Xe nia , Ohio 45385 Ed itorial Off ice: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Rates of subscription: $2.00 per year; $5.0 for three years; $8 .00 for five ye•n EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 fM subscription ; single issue 20 cents; bee issues over one year old, 50 cents each. Your Editorial Office should have all new and advertising copy in hand no later tha 30 days prior to printing . Advertising rate will be sent on request. STAFF Editor . . ... . ... ...... A. Donald Moff~ Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 4 5385 Circtl lation Manager ... ......... ......... . . . ..... .......... . ... . Stu art L. Chaf J Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Women's Editor . . .. Mrs. Geo. Milnt 2195 Rockway Rd. University Hts., Ohio 441 18 State Missionary ....... Earl D. Umbaug 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 4422 Treasurer . . ..... . . ... . .. David D) 92 N. Roys Ave., Columbus, 0. 4320 Council of Ten Chairman . ..... . . B. C. J ennin~· 4295 Ellsworth Rd., Stow, Ohio 4422 Vice Chairman ... . .. Otis R. Holmt Gallia & Waller Sts., Portsmouth, Ohi 4566 Secretary ... ...... Darrell R. Bic P. 0. Box 6, Niles, Ohio 44446 Program Chairman . Donald J. Sewe 4207 Laskey Rd., Toledo, Ohio 4362 Missionary Chm., Woodrow W. McCale 276-284 Washington St., Elyria, C 4403 Education Chnt. . Harold R. Gree R. 5, Greenville, Ohio 45331 Y Otlth Director . . . 78 . Boyden Rd., Lynn E. Roge1 orthfield, Ohi 4406 V er11011 K. Billington, 24 35 Eakin R< Columbus, Ohio 43204 • Verne L . Dunhan1, 1326 Euclid Av Lorain, Ohio 44052 \Villiam F. Russell, 306 W. ~nter S Blanchester, Ohio 45107
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