The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1968

Nine Churches Added to Fellowship The churche received into the OARBC at the A:inual Conference Nere: J. Berean Baptist Church , Oregon Ohio meeting in the Star Elementt:ary U School on Starr A venue. Rev. Donald II Crisp, pastor 2602 Northvale, Ore– lt· ~on , Ohio. Thi church was ,po:isored h. JY the churches i:1 the North Bethe] • .\s ociation. Families for the nuc1eu IM }f this c,hurch came fnom Immanuel i', 13aptis!f Toledo, Bethel Bapti t, To- edo, Grace Baptist Toledo. 2. Ca/var)' Baptist Church , South \1ain Street at Hamilton, Oberlin. )hio. Rev. Jos. C. Fritz pa tor, 496 Nest College, Oberlin. This church vas sponsored by several churches n the Hebro:i Assooiation with most )f the begi:1ning families coming rom the First Baptist Church, Well– ngton. 3. First Baptist Church, Louisville, )hi0. Rev. Harry Ra 1 msey, 6830 Glen– nere Avenue N.E., Canton, 0. 44721 4. Midbrook Baptist Church , 18664 >heldo:i Road , Brook Park ( Cleve– and ) 44142. Rev. James Godley, ;r. P astor, same address. 5. First Baptist Church , Valley , ""ity, Ohio now meeting in the social oom o f the Medi:ia County Bank, lev. Jack Wiltheis, Pastor, 1588 .;olumbia Road, Valley Ci ty, Ohio ~4280. This church was sponsored lY the First Baptist Church, Bruns– vick with financial help ftiom other hurches i :i the area. 6. Grand A venue Baptist Church , 6 S. Grand Avenue, F airborn , Ohio 5324. Rev. Earl L. Leiby, pastor , 100 Saratoga Drive, F airborn , Ohio. rhis ch urch was spo:,<;ored by the Vashi ngton Height8 Baptist Church , ) ayton, wi th fin a:1cial help from •ther ch uiches in the area. 7. West Bethel Bapt ;st Ch11rch . 2()7 rank lin Blvd., leveland, Ohio 4102. Rev. Roy Jfender hot, P a~tor. ll is church was stamed ,by Metro– i0litan Missio;is under Bapti~t M id ,fission . 8. Gral'e Baptist 111,rch , Roberts– ilI~, Ohio. Mail hot1ld be addressed HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST to Mr . E. N. Patter 0:1 , 1222 P ark Avenue .W. Canton, Ohio. The church i me,eting in the Ro ber.t ville G range H all and i in the proce s of calli:ig a pa tor. 9. Grace· Baptist Church , Box 103 We terville, Ohio 43081 n1ow meeting i:1 t,he Blendon Gran,ge Hall Rev. Jame Lee, Pastier, 6115 Cleveland , We ,terville. Thi church was ·pon- ored by Grace Bapti t Church, Sun– bury Ohio and other churches in the Columbu area. BUS FOR SALE A 1955 Intern·ational Bus, wi,th eating capacity of 66 good motor, almost NEW tire for $950.00. Calvary Baptist Ohurch 5971 E. :igs Road Broadview Hgts. Ohi 1 0 44141 Phone (216) 526-1916 Canton Church Recognized A Recognitio:i Council was re– ce:itly called to examine the Con- titu·tion and By-Laws 0 1f the Grace BaJptist Church, Canton, Ohio. Bro. Earl Umbaugh was elected as Moder– ator and Rev. Gordon H. Rol off a Clerk. There were 15 messenger from eigh,t churches who w,ere i:1- vited to sit on the Examining Cou:1cil. ' After due examination, con ider a- tion and di cussion, it was moved by Rev. Edward Helmich a nd eco:1ded by Rev. Randal Crisp that the G r ace Baptist Church of Can ton, Ohio be recog:iired as a duly oon ,tit u,ted Regul ar and Independent Bapti t hurch . The Grace Baptist Chu rch wa or– ganized March 3, 1967 with a mem– ber hip of 44. I t i p re e:i tly wor hip– ping in the Rober tsville Grange H all which is ea t of anton. Ed itor's Note: TJzis 11e~v (·/111 rc·/1 j 11st .re ,1 t in 27 s11bscri ptio11s for tl1e Ol1 io lndepe11de11t Baptist. We ir1, 1 ite ALL of t l1e c l 111rcl1 es of 011r Fellou 1 .. sl ,ir, to cl <J likelvise! Keep )'OTtr people i11/or111ecl co11cer11i11g t)11r 0 .A .R .B. . R e111e111l,er tl1e .r pe<·itt! rail' ;s $1.15 f<Jr EVER Y ACTI VE J1,;JA11LY! VOL. 40, NO. 3 JANUARY, 1968 State Corporation Changes Name We have been instructed by the Counoi 1 l of Te:1 o f the O.A.R.B.C'. to inform the read,er of our Ohio 1 ndependent Baptist that t he o ffi cial n 1 ame o f our State Corpor ation is no longe r to be kn·own a "Regular Bapti t Home a:1d Camp, Inc." Rathe r, it ha]] hereafter be known a Ohio Regul ar Bapti t Cam,p, Inc., and shal] no longer receive any monie de ignated 1o the Hon1e. Thi s change in :iame come a a re ul t o.f the recent ·ale o f Hilltop Hou e. ''Vision Day'' at Thurston The congregation of .the F airfield Bapti t Church of Thur ton Ohio recently observed what they ca lled ' 'Vi ion Day." Duri :1g thi day ,the pa tor reques ted vision 0 :1 the part of a 11 for tihe day ahead! In his morning mes age Pastor Canterbury poke on the ubject " Vi ion of The Local C hu rch. " H e brought to the attent ion of hi people the f aot that ome 10,000 perso:1s re ided within te:1 minu te driving time from Thur ton and that only about 4 000 of these attended any church . The other 6,000 he aid hould be reached with the Go pel of Ch.ri t. T he church ha ju t completed a bit of ren1odeling. Pews have been refi:1 ished , the cht1rch aud itorium completely carpe ted, torced air-heat– ing in talled a:1d ft1rthcr decorating done. T he chu rch trea t1rer, Mr. H n1cr Long tated that al l 1 bill hav been pa id to da te and there ar tifficient 1 1011 ic · on ha,d to tneet ,111 ot1t1stand– i :1g obligations. ' 'On ''Vision Day" d1ff rent n1c111- l)Cr\ of th churcl1 \\rer recogr1i zc(f hccat1 c f their fai~hft1l s rv·ic . ( th Fvcr11ng S rvicc, gt1e.:-t .. p ak 'r ,,,ere IL) rt a11<i l ,l11let' 0 tra:itf r. l ihcria, frica. lih I )rtf is in t~c<J l)h~c;\1ng th , rk 111 ht11st,:1!