The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1968
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'Ill k..i ... ...•..•... ... .....••................ .•..•.... .. . ..... .......... ..................................... ...............············•······································································•······················ ~1 Dear Teen Talk: tfil O f The one thing that I'm very troubled about is the fa ct that I' m not socially ac- !f l cepted. The reason I feel this way is because haven ' t the money needed to be f) i , " accepted" by some of the people here . Im;1 ™ Here you must have wealth . If you don ' t, people don ' t take to you and don ' t H! ~ @ include you in their activities. Don' t get me wrong, some of the people, in fact the fl m majority of the people, are really nice; but the few who feel this way about material ill a {~ things often make a person's opinion of the whole group a bad one. ff~ :=~:: Signed, )!~ii i: i TROUBLED /:} • .,,·.· bI d :::::: /:l Dear Trou e : :::::: f! In life, it is always the few people who change our minds about the many. You f! t i must decide who your chums are going to be. Money has always had a strange fi f,t vocabulary but in the final analysis it will be up lo you if the love of it becomes fj :~: your root of all evil. :::::: «· .~y :~~.,· Signed, :::::: ~ · ~x v.·. TEEN TALK :·:·:· f N ~ N ~ i t ... ..,. .·.·.· (:::: ~~) Dear Tee n Talk: :i:i:l it I ( There is a fellow in our youth group )!! ..... ).._ .·.·.· f - not living for the Lord and a bad influ- !i!i!i ..... . .. ~ ence. He wants me to run with his gang :::::: II l ' ;tii:7ia~ :~;a:a~~ t~ 0 ~~~e,fo~utth~ aL:rd~ //i/11 ~ ·= ~~ I feel , however, if I avoid him he may {ii u. .. . ~~ think I am snubbing him. He needs 'o :::::: 1: get right with God and maybe I can help )i!i .;:; .·.·.· :it, him. What shou ld I do? :=:::: ·~; :i:i:i t :·:·:· ;? s. d ·=·:·: ,:;: 1 g ne , :::::: ~ ~·°"'" INFLUENCED i\ f " So what 's wrong with my friends besides II J a little body odor?" \! ~~ •·.·.· ili ~ Dear Influenced: :::::: ~ You are going to have to answer for your own self. If the fellow causes you to II ! get away from the Lord you should not hang with him or his gang. Bad apples never )i!iii ;;~ make good apples better. Inform a stronger Christian in your group of your burden :::::: I for this fellow and ask them to see if the\;~::/elp. lilfil I N i TEEN TALK ~~ z ~ Dear Teen Talk: :::::: I @ ~ My step-fa the r is an atheist. He ridicules my belief in God and scoff s at re ligion. :::::: 0 He has turned my mother from God. He also ridicules and tears my fath e r apart. :::::: J me~r~a\::~ ~~sae~~e1 ::v: 0 ~:e:::~~ ~i:~g~~: ~f s:~~c:~:~ Ih:;~,/ ~:;} t~e~: 1 :ro~~: ~~ 1111 ~ step-father. He makes me want to take an overdose of sleeping pills and go to join ti!! ~ my Saviour. Heaven sounds so good compared to my life . I would appreciate some m ~ advice before I do something drast ic. {! ~ s· d ··· .. ,g n e , :-:·:· ~ I ~ ~ SUICIDE APPLICANT :::::: ~ ili J Dear Suicide Applicant : l! ~ I wish we were there to step in and give you a big helping hand. I know the world :=:::: ~ looks awfully dark for you, but for this, sufficient strength and grace, suicide would fl ~ seem like a good way out. First, let me say it isn't. I have stood over the bed side f:i:i: l of teenagers who tried and did not succeed and it is a pretty sad sight. Then also, Mf: ;j remember you are growing up - soon you will be out of the house. The Lord may l:ilil ~ have allowed you to be put in such a circumstance to shape you for His Service. f/ ,: ·•··· J Certainly with this background you will be more sympathetic to teenagers in similar ~i(f ~ circumstances Peter said one time that " The trial of your faith , being much more \mi ~ precious than gold that peri$heth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto :=:=:: { praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Christ" (I Peter 1:7). Some trials are jJj) 1, of such a nature they will not be understood until He comes. m ~ Signed, ::~:i . •'• . ~ TEEN TALK :i:/:~ . ~WJ::: ;:: ::~.: ::::::~:::::(: ~=::::::: := ~~::::~:-=::: :=:=~:: :;:(:~ t:::::~::::::::: ~:=:::::: ::=:::::::::::::::::::::::: :::=:····::::::::::: :: ::::: : :: ~~ ::::::: :~::~:: ~===:: :::::: ::: :::•. : =:. :::.:~::: :=::::::::: ::: ;::::: : :::::::::::~ =:=:=:l :=:=:=:=:=~: :::: =:=: :::::~: =~ :=::: ==~ :::::::: ~~~~~~~ ·:·:·: =·~·:· ' Wondering? Bewilderedi'ileed .Atl;;;cer ·u;.;ar :·· ·:·.. iii'f!n . . . send your Ml letters , que Irons t1nd co,,1,tzents to T l! l£N TALK, Box 2912, Rocky ~!(!\ Ri ver, Oliio - 44116. r\~ ...... ~mz.w..¥.:t:~===x~.-~::::~:;;:=::t~r:::r:f;~~;=?::::~?.:=::~:::=:=~~==========::====~~;::::===:;.~~-~-~.·-~~.===~.==~:======:.=:1::~====~~=:=:::=:.. ===::::;,.::::=:=:~=~===~~~======:::::=:~:~=====~==~~ .. ·== .. ~~.=· .. ;: . ·;~~.=~:::;:::;:;:: ::*::=::;~~~===;::~====~==m=:~~==~=;~~::~~==r·~ ., ., ....... ····•··•·· ... ·····•••············••···• . HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Recently Ordained Rev. and Mrs. David Jeremiah Many readers of our magazine will be plea ed to know that our brother, Mr. David P. Jere.miah, who is now serving a Mini ter 1of Christian Edu– cation i:i the Had,don Heights Bap– ti st hurch, Haddon Heights, New Jer ey wa rece:1,tly ordained to the go pel ministry. Brother Dave, shown above with his wife Donna, was cal,led to serve in the Haddon Height Church un– der its pa tor, Dr. Ke::1neth Masteller, 1oJ lowing hi s h aving graduated from Dalla T 1 heological Semi:iary. At Dallas he earned hi s Master of The– o logy degree. Both Rev. and Mr . Jeremiah are graduates of Cedarville oJlege. As a college student he was out– tanding in the field of baske~ball and i u ing this :iatural abi lity in work– ing with youth. He did excelle:itly in pre enrting te ,timony concerning 1hi conversio:i, conviction and call to the mini try. He i the on of Dr. a:1d Mr . Jame T. Jeremi ah. Dr. Jeremiah i the pre ide:1t of Cedarville Col lege. We predict a frt1itful mini try for thi yoL1ng ·man. He wot11d covet yot1r praye r in his behalf. Kilian Ministry Blessed The Lord is ble ' ing the n1inistr}' of Evangeli t Ri chard Kilian and his wife a they travel ,lbot1t de taring the 111e ·1gc of the go, pel. They (io th i. throt1gh the n1i11i~try f n1t1~ic. a well a the sp ken ,v rtf. ot1 ls ar bei:1g \a ed , liv s ti dtcdtelf ,ln"f cht1rcl1e strengt,he.1e'"f. If yot1, as a pastor, arc intcre tetf ir1 ha,rir1g T,he Kili at1\ 0 at ot1r cht1rch , thu) 1 111n ) he reachell al th ir h r11e .ldlirc. s - l ;; vangcl1st Richarll Kil1,1n , _418 Mor hotJ\e, ' lkhart, Tnc)ia,1a 46514. ( l ei. 523 ))31) . JANUA~Y 1968 PAGE 7
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