Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1968
Cedarville Reports A "first" for Cedarvi ll e Co llege wa. e nacted Decemher 16th when two fac ul ty me mher. . Mi . s Ardi,1h Martin and Mr. Will iam Rite r we-re married . M rs. R it,er .i a n i n tru ctor in mu ic, and M r. R iter i in •tructor in and acting cha irma n of ithe D i– vi ion of Bu ine Adm ini s,tirat io n. An o ld P resbyteria n cusitom wi'l l be rev ived by A lph a Chi , an active honorary soc iety for men. T he Cedar Day Tradition will be re- in ti tu.ted May 11 , 1968. T he tradi,tio n invo lve the pla nti ng of a Cedar tree ,on campus annu all y and activ it ies whi c1h ~pon or fe llow h ip· aimo ng ,the college fami ly a nd communi,ty. A n Alp ha h i Sweetheart wi ll reign as quee n. An all-college picni c wi ll have ,the count y fa ir motif. Bicycle races, a road rnlly, and a powder pu ff derby a re all ~:heduled. Other events o n the agend a for May l 1th are Mothe r ' D ay, tennis match , Honors P rog ram, a nd he pring p lay. Constructio n cont,inues on two staii r owers rfor the Ad ministratio n Buil d– ng. Estimated co t is $50,000 for t he owers wh ich wi.11 permit grea te r 1tilization of space for offices. The ~n.struction resulted from a fire , vhich consumed the pres1den1:'s off.ice md is part of a maste r pl an for the ,uilding. The Swordbearers, an act ive Chr is– ian service group of abou t 50 stu– ents continues their effective min– ;itry for ,the Lord . Some 60 ind ividu– ls have prnfes ed C h rist as a result f their tedfast efforts in street meet- 1gs, tract distributio n, and person.ail 1ork. Alread y o ne church h as been stablished in Londo n, Oh io becau e f the efforts of these coll ege stu– ents. f\ford from L.A.B.C. xciting basketball games, wind 1d rai n, Chri tmas carol s and final cams! These thing highlighted the 1onth of December on ithe campu Los Angeles Baptist College. The LABC Mustangs are having successfu l basketball season. They !feated alifornia Bapti st a ll ege >-74 in their fir t league game. hey >w have an Athletic ospel earn hi ch is available for ralli e , ban- 1et , youth meeting and church rvices. he o pel a male quartet, everal ocal and in, trumental) with ·t Reese as <; peaker. Over 300 attended the annua l 1ristm concert which was pre- IE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST :\ But its besides ····::·:··:···· '·.•,• ·,:,·:-:,,• ,.•.•,:, '•,,' ··::·· time th at for Sunday School , dishwate r will make h,rnds w rinkl e up! Dea r Tee and my Dave, Doug, and Don Dea r Tee n Talk: My mother smacked me the other day because I did not want to do the dishes, but instead go to Church. I am not sure if my mothe r is even saved. Isn't Church more important than d is hes? Dear Bruis Signed, BRUISED Yes, Church is more important than doing dishes, but dishes are important too. Th ere is a principle involved here and I think the answer is found in the verse " Honor thy Father and Mother," which means to respect and obey them. You should do what your parents say. Plan to do dishes before Church time and be. sure we don't blame our lack of assuming responsibility on the Lord and His work. Signed, TEEN TALK There's something th at ha s been bothering me . Late ly my mind " runs away" And I sta rt saying all kinds of th ing s in my mind . Th ings that I would never say out loud. It happens most of the time when I am thinking of the th ings of Christ. I may be perfectly happy one moment, then these though ts start and everything breaks apart. I was baptized just a few months ago, and this is wh e n the trouble started. I pray fo r he lp when this happens, but it keeps up . It is really bad. I am read ing the Bibl e, an d the beauty of it is d estroye d (for me) by my own thoughts . How can I fight this? Signed, A RUN-AWAY MIND Dear This certainly is not new or different. The Bible has hundreds of references to the mind and problems of the mind, but here are three to help you . FIRST: Keep reading - this is great. Someone said, " Th is book (Bible) will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from this book. SECOND: Be conscious of work of Holy Spirit in your mind . He is the one who is combatting the bad or wrong thoughts. Before you were saved, you didn't have His help. THIRD: Make sure Baptism was the testimony of what took place in your heart, otherwise, I hope you were not expecting the wa ter to make you clean on inside - that is done only by the Blood of Christ. Signed, TEEN TALK ···········································································"''•~·······························=·····························•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·=·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·~•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•"'•·•·•... :-:-:..::::..., •. :..•. : Wondering? Bewildered? Need Advice? Well ... then ... send your letters, questions and comments to TEEN TALK, Box 2912, Rocky }/ R iver, Ohio - 44116. l\ ~~;;..~:•:•:·:·.·······•·•·:·.··················..................................... ,', ::......:::::.:;:;:;:::::;:;::::::{..........:,:~·........................................y .•. •:t......:;.;.;:;-.~·. r:::..:.:. c.:..: \~,,~:- sented by the Music Department . H was a most enjoyable evening! The Stude nt Mi sionary Fe llowship spon ored a Mi s ionary Janu ary 22-26 . peaker ARB approved a,genci e cha lle nging me age . oniference from our pr ented A ne,w er ie of brochure wiH be ava il able early in l 968 , entitled, "Academi c In formati n er ie " h e will erve to better in.ti rm the ir co n– stituency o{ wh at is being offered at Los Ange les Baptist ) !l eg . B watching fo r th m! SHARE T H E GOSPEL! Bible tracts provide a clear gospe l w itness to people Paul Levin around th e world . . . in their own languages . . . on their own soil. Join us in supplying free gospel literature to millions in Asia, Indonesia, Africa and So. America. SHARE NOW by your investment in Bible tracts. Your gift is tax deductible. BIBLE TRACTS, INC. Box 508, Dept. 028, W aterloo( la . 50704 Over 100 million tracts di tributed. FEBRUARY, 1968 PAGE 11
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