Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1968
Heart to Heart Among the Women - Mrs. Inez Milner - Women's Editor- HEART TROUBLES "Keep thy heart w~th all diligence; for out of it are .the i sue of life." ( Proverbs 4: 23). "Let not your heart be troubled: ye bel,ieve in God, be- 1,ieve also in me." (John 14:1). "Peace I leave wi,th you, My peace I give unto you : not as the world giveth, give I unto you . Let not your heart be troubled, neither let · it be aifrnid." (John 14:27). As we check our concordances we . note how many ver es ,there are which ~peak of t he HEART. How imp0:rtant the heart is ,for phys ical Me - but how impoPtant ,the heart of our ;pirit ual life is to the believer. The Lord is searching our ihea:rts, tryi ng :>ur hearts, He knows the secrets of :>ur hearts, He is .a discerner of the a ntents of the iheart, etc. The Aipostile Paul pleads for complete, continuou abandonment ,to God in ,acknowl– ~gement of His Lord hip of our Jives - "That ChPist may dwell in your ~earls by fai,th ; that ye, bei ng rooted md grounded in love, May be rubl e o comprehend with all saints whait s the breadth, and length , and depth . md height ; And to )cnow the love of 1 : hri st, whioh passeth knowledge, hat ye might be mled wi,th all the 'ulness of God ..." (Eph. 3:17-21 ). \,fay we always remember that Christ s the Lover of our souls ! Front Page - Picture P.iige Wh at a depressing feeling cam.e >Ver me the momin,g that I picked 1p our paper - The Plain Dealer of )ecember 28th. Headlines and pic– ure were such as one would never 1ave dreamed of a few years ago. rhe sickle and combines are harvest– ng a crop of some hing which wa >revi usly sown. It is a horirible cro;p •f tares planted where there houlr 1 e a harvest of golden grain and fruit. ii ppies, Hijacker , Pop People, etc., nake the headline . here's a picture •f a five-year old boy from D ayton . ii. m ther said , "We've had ju t bout everything else , but Adam ant d a b a." Lit.tie Adam "rul s he roost" in that h us and he g ts thre -f ot b a con tri otor f r H OHIO INDEPENDENT BAP 1ST Chris.tmas! Thi s reptile JO!lns three cats, a dog, .a hamster and a turtle ail t he Gilmore home. Other pets have spent ,time in that h ou e such a pheasants, rabbits , chicken , pigeons and goldfish - · o ithe tory states. How important i,t is t hese days for mother and dad , teachers and S. S. teachers, and, yes, all of us who know t,he Lord , ,to manifest a real knowl– edge and love for the Lord and for Hi s Holy Word o as to in t i,ll ii nto the mind orf o ur children WHAT IS RIGHT and WHAT IS WRONG, thus giving .them the ecurity ,they need as " little people" and later a<; "grown peo,ple" and leaders in this world. Prayer Proiects Ohio is headquaders for two of o ur GARBC approved Mission Agen– ci,es and one of our approved schooJs, namely, Baiptiist Mid-Mission , Fel– lowship of Baptists fo r Home Mis– sions and Cedarv•ille OoLlege. Pray for the presidents, the oftice ta.ff, the officers, council members, trustees, s·taff members and maintenance per– sonnel. Jt is also very important tha,t we remember ,in prayer, the mis ion– aries, accepted ca ndid a.tes .i n de puta– tion, and our coMege students. As we have quiet ,time, our family devotions, may we also :take ti.me in our Society meetings ,to pray pecifi– cally for these organizations. There is such a need ,the e da:ys for spiritual power, per everance and the pea,ce w,ith God together with ,the peace of God . There is suoh a need for a Heave n-.born Revival! Do you need the names and addre ses of our of– ficer f the OARBC Women ' Mi - sionary Uniion? Here they are .. . Pres ident : Mr . fames Howard, R. No. 3, Arcanum, Ohio 45304. Vi ce Pres . : Mr . James Jeremiah , edarville, Ohi o 45314. ec retary: Mr . Verne Dunh am , 1326 uclid Ave ., Lorain , hio 44052. reasurer : Mrs. N rman Bo - w rth, 3844 Bonita Road , ' olum– bus, hio 43227. Pray for them and f r all ur chu rch , oft n and earnest! . God be with you ' til we meet. Missionaries Seek New Field of Labor Rev. and MDS. Arthur Christmann have many friends ,throughout the state of Ohio. We received word from them that due to health ifeasons, they have resigned from the Assoc. of Baipti ts for World Evangelism. They had been serving the Lord in Brazil. Their heaLth condiition is much improved . However, ,to return to Brazil would only cause the condition to flair up again. In thi dand, it can be kept very much under •contirol. They are looking ,to ithe Lord to guide them into a pastorate here in the United States. We have heard Brother Christmann preacih. He is n~ost capable, has a deep love for hi s Lord , a burden for souls and would prove an as et ,to any of our churches. Presently, .they a:re residing a~ 6427 Ariwna, Hammond, ln– d11ana - 46323. Ladies - Important We need your contribution ladies . ' ' concerning your women's church ac- tivi:ties, home maiking, uggestion , recipes , questions, etc. Please send them to me in time for publication. Material for -the March i sue hould be in our possess ion by February 15. Th ank you. Mrs. 1'nez Mi,lner, 2195 Brockway Road, Univer ity Hgts., Ohio. 441 18. Special Need In a letter from Rev. Andrew H . Wood, Ex. Dir. £or Shepherds, Inc ., he a ked if we mi ght make t he follow– ing need s at the Shepherds Home and School known. They are seeking worker ~o r the following position : I. Bookkeeper/ ecretary - mu st have knowledge of office pro– cedures. Accu racy and neatne s essential. 2. General Rdief Worker - ·erve as relief for hou emot her and kitchen he lp. 3. Night Worker - 11 p.m. ,to 7 a.m . - 5 night a week. Light duties . 4. Hou emother - teen-aged bo ' unit. H ou mother live ·in build– ing. ONE LAST APPEAL PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE 0. I. B. FOR A FRIEND DO IT NOW!! FEBRUARY, 1968 PAGE 15
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