Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1968

D from th l I I ,t ,\ ·u mg u t t, · ing " un fair" - "un- 111 i" .1nd guilt, f "irrc ' P 11'-ibl' J urnall m." r ' pka I inn 1 ' 111 l all thr ' h ar ' . .1t1cnti 111 th' hrLti, n \\ m.1rijuana F IR f th " \ r te ur m rding, lleg . In that the tate that the opinion ex– d wa only that of tJhe tudent wh rote the article and that thi tudent ha been di ciplined. He does not tate the nature of the di cipline. We live in difficult day . There i ompr mi e all about u . Frankly, e ha e heard and read other things regarding Wheaton which di turb u . We have not printed uch ,things, h e er, thi article defending the u e of marijuana appeared in the Wheaton College paper it elf! Your editor i not the only person di s– turbed over it appearing. What eem trange to u i that e hould be accu ed of being guilty of "irrespon ible journali m." Such a charge would be better placed at the door of Wheaton College. We re– peat ... it did first appear in the Wheaton Record! EDITOR ... In rn· 1t hi ' l·tt ha I' pl . For tho e who w uld argue th at Wheat n i the ame it ha alway been, we reply that uoh is not true. There wa a day when he took a definite tand regarding movie , re– fu ing her tudent .the right to attend. I have before me a copy of the Chri tian Herald which tates he following ... "An August 25, 1967 tatement pa ed by the Board of Tru tees, ta,te : 'The college ... ex– pect the faculty, taff and students to exerci e Christian di cretion and re traint in the ohoice of entertain– ment including ,televi ion , radio , movies, theater and the various forms of literature.' Other prohibitions re– main unchanged ." We are not eeking to ",tear do·wn" Wheaton College. Some who are very dear to us have graduated from there. We are concerned over the fact that their tandard ARE be– ing lowered. More than one gradu– ate of Wheaton joins me in ~his ame concern! There wa a day whe n the movie ban was in effect at the college, but NOT SO TODAY! We shall pray for Wheaton and all of our Christian school that in this day of compromi e they will hold to the old standards . . . not letting down the bars, even a little bit! WANTED: 2000 Sundau School Classes that care about tlw Bapt isl Builders'Club and are willing to join in a class mi ssionary endeavor and support the Ba pti st Bu ilders' Club through prayer and giving. Our task--giving aid to struggl ing new GARB churches . ------------ ------- We care ! end further information to : Class Secretary____________ I 800 Oakton Bou lev.~rd · • • Des P laines . 111,no,s 60018 S1a1e__Z1p C o de__ The Ohio Independent Baptist - Publl1hed Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenle, 0 POSTMASTER: Please send Form 357' The Ohio Ind e pendent Baptist Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Editorial Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Rates of subscription : $2.00 per year; $50 for three yea"; $8.00 for five ye1. EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 subscription; single issue 20 cent1; b issues ove r one yea r old, 50 cents each You r Ed itoria l Office should have all nt, and adve rtising copy in hand no later tt 30 days prior to printing . Advertising ra 1 will be sent on request. STAFF Editor .. ......... ....... .. .. .. A. Donald Mofl Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation Manager ............. ......... .... . B~~ ···N;.- ·"i6o···x'~~i~: 8m!~t }53~al Women's Editor ........ Mrs. Geo. Mi,ln 2195 Brockway Rd . University Hts., Ohio 44118 State Missionary . ...... Earl 0. Umbatijj 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 442 Treasurer ....................... ........ -David J5; 92 N. Roys Ave.: Columbus, 0 . 432C Council of Ten Chairman ........................ B. C. Jennin@ 4295 Ellsworth Rd ., Stow, Ohio 4422 Vice Chairman .. ... ....... .. .. Otis R. Holme Gallia & Waller Sts., Portsmouth, Ohi 4566 Secretary ....... .. ........... .... Darrell R. Bio P. 0. Box 6, Niles, Ohio 44446 Program Chairman .... Donald J. Sewel 4207 Laskey Rd. , Toledo, Ohio 4362:. Missionary Chm., Woodrow W . McCalel 276-284 Washington St., Elyria, 0 44035 Education Chm. . . . Harold R. Green R. 5, Greenville, Ohio 45331 Yoiith Director ... .... .. Lynn E. Rogen 78 . Boyden Rd ., orthfield, Ohio 44067 Vernon K. Billington, 2435 Eakin Rd . Columbus, Ohio 43204 Verne L. Dunham, 1326 Euclid Ave Lorain, Ohio 44052 William F. Russell, 306 W. Center St. Blanchester, Ohio 45107