Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1968

Front Cover ... an exterior hot of the Berea ti t Church . It i a mo t attrac- building! A pecial Dedication ,d Corner tone Laying er ice a Id on Jul y 6th. 1967. Re . Earl illett i it pre ent pa tor. Thi ork all began back in Febru- 193 . A handful of believers hered at the home of Mr. and Mr . rle Barker in Berea for prayer d fello hip. They looked to the rd to direct them in the opening of fund amental Bapt' t te tirnon in _rea. From the very beginning th rd ble sed ! oon the ork had o at an organized church h d. By earl December. pro pered as e tab- 1939 the HELP US REACH 3500 UBSCRIPTIONS TO THE OHIO I D PE DENT BAPTIST their fir t pastor, Re . George ika. He continued in thi capa it_ until o ember. 1946. The follo ing ear, a call wa extended to Re Earl Willett . Hi mini try has been mo t fruitful! The pre ent edifice wa realized becau e of ome two thou and hours of volunteer laba r gi en by man_ member and friend of the church . T he mi sionary program reach into many different part of the wo rld . The Lord continue to ble s. lt i ? common ight eeing indi idual corn, to Chri t for alvation. Your editor had the privilege of holding eight da of meetings among the e dear folk . We thank God for tho e who opened thei r heart .o the aviour! VOL. 40, NO. 4 FEBRUARY, 1968 Rev . Ea rl V . Willetts Shown above is a picture of the main auditorium, It is a thing of beaut , carpeted throughout. Also the building has a full basement Plans are now under a to complete the ba ement, ' I I ma 1ng 11 o er into attractive classroomt. - I h no funh r -· m mprom1-. R U A A Tl p I 800 0 ton B I d ., D I m , 111 00 I Ip ur I, t I I I u 6