Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1968

TH D TH HRT T DIED (b R bert P . Lightner, Regu la r Bapti t Pre . I 00 Oakton Bl d ., D e Pl aine, lllin i, 1967 - 148 pages, -.95) . In thi s forthr igh t presentation .the author et before ithe reader a co·n– inci ng ca e for unlimited airo nemen.t. ft i to be appreciated that Dr. Liohtner deals with the problem rtio b be fou nd in both the limited and the unlimited view of Christ's atone– ment, and thereby oonveys a very fair and adequ ate a pproach to h is ubject. The reader will h ave a new under tanding (a nd certai·n1Jy a Scrip– tural one) orf tihe soverignty of our God, a well a a renewed aipprecia– tio n for hi grace and love. A definiite ide effect of the study of thi s book will be a n increased compass ion for the lost. THE VALIDITY OF ,DISPENSA– TIONALISM ( by W. W . Bamdollar ; Regular Baptist Press, 1800 Oakton Blvd ., Des Pl ai.nes, Illinois 60018 , 1967 - 70 p ages .) This booklet is a compilation otf chapel me sages pre ented b y the author a t Baptist Bible Seminary, Johnso n City, New York. In a chol– arly manner, the writer deals with both the pro and con of 1:Jhe subject from ma n's point of view, then makes use of ,the ,remainder of the booklet in consideration of God's point of view as found in the Scr~ptures. The reader will oonclude that this work presents a well-defined di pens,aiition,al a pproach to the proper understand– ing of God 's Wo rd to be a v ital ne ces– sity. With the helpful dispensational chart which accompanies, I have fou nd this presentation to be mo .t stimulating indeed. CHOSEN IN HIM (by Kenneth H . Good; Publi hed by Fellowship of Baptists for Home Missions, Elyria, Oh io, 1967 - 374 pages plus Biblio– graphy $5.75.) In this treatise, Dr. Good deal with the Book of Ephesi ans as being FEBRUARY, 196a PAGE 8 ··a kc . porti n r th e ntir slor ' – house of Ne Tes tamen t reve la ti on ." Ith ugh th en tire~ of th i P auli nc cpis,tlc is handled we ll , special al – t ntion is give n (a, the title w uld indicate) t the ubj cts of e lectio n pr de tination a pre ented not in phe i,an but oth r Old a nd Te tament pa age alike. Tihe ubj ct are d eal.t with clearl y I gica ll , pre nting a tep by tep approach to the pro per under– tanding of tho e a reas which ,to some have been problem pa ages. Also, the ma ny chapter dealing with <the hurch combine wi1th ,th e otiher sub– jects t•o ma ke thi s volume a valuable addition to ,the library of pastor o r layman . THE MODERN TONGUES MOVE– M NT ( by R obert G. Gromacki: Presbyterian an.d Reformed Publish– ing Co. , Pthiladel.phia, Pennsylvania , 1967 - 150 page plus bibliography, $4. 50) . In hi s evaluation of the prese nt day movement of peaking in tongues , Dr. 0,-omacki (Professor of Bible and Greek at Cedarville College ) presents a very thorough tud y of the subject in the light of God's Word ; and thereby an wer such question s as whether the modern version of "tongues" is of God or of Satan , a nd whether t his "gift" was given as a temporary or permanent gift to the church. I highl y recommend rthis hn()I- a'i h ing one of lh c most co n plet c -; tudie-; or the '>ubj c t I hav seen . I ca n promise th at thi s wor wi ll be not o nl y profitable, hut a lsr spirituall y edifying to alt who acce the Wo rd of od as final a uth ority i faith a nd practice. l D N OF TH ~ AJTH ( b W . A. ri well ; Zo nd ervan Publi sh ing Hou se, rand R a pids, Michiga r 1967 - 82 page , $2.50). In a d ay characterized by corn pro mi se o n every h a nd it i refresh ing to read this eries of me sage which allow for no suoh thing a compromise in the life of the born aigain believe r. In a powe rfull y author iativ,e presentation of God's Wor Dr. ri s,we'll handles pe rtinent issue of our time under such subjects a The A.th ei ,t and the Reali ty o God ; The Libe ral a nd 1the Deity o Christ; The Communist a nd the Li vi n Church; The M ater ialist and the E nd of th World; The Sinner and the Sacr ifice 0 the ·Cross. · 1 found <to be true a quote fron the front fly-leaf which reads, "Evey reader will come away from a stud of this book with a new aippreciatio1 for the greatness of God and the in spiration of ,the Scripture ." This i both a helpful and a usefol volum FELLOWSHIP O F BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS P. 0 . BOX 455 - ·ELYRIA ,OHIO THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS