The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1968

S v 11te 11 Wonderful Years Re v . Ke nneth Smelser ' On J ant1ary 28 th , Llr brother Rev. Kenneth meL er, hegan hi 18th year c. pa t r f the First Bapti t Church of ledina, Ohio. Looking back in retro pect. there i much for which the Lord i to be prai ed ! Brother Smel er is a "missio n·ary– minded\ pa tor. This p ast year, mi - ionary giving reached a new high ... almo t 24,000. During the time the mel er have been in Medina, there h ave been many who have come to know Christ as Saviour and Lord. Two of the e are their own children. Their third i. now attending Cedar– vi lle Col lege. H i dear wife h a served fa ithfully by hi ide. In thi day of "short pas– torates seventeen year seems like a long long time! It has been both precious and fruitful. Our prayer is that the Lord will continue to bless him his dear wife and their ministry in Medina. Forme r Ohio Pasto r Writes Jl, ~l rc .:cntly yt) lJ r C(Jit r received a ctl.: r fro 111 Re . I-1. W. ( arpcntcr. 1hi ti .! a r b r th e,r w a , f r manv " \ car~. l)a to r o f tl1e Grace BaptiS't C l1t1 rch in Y ung t wn, Ohio .. . a \vork t~c~ltn thr ugh the intere t and help f the .. truthers Bapti. t Taber– n,tcle . In hi letter, Brother arpenter wr it e. . " l t is alway good to learn r va rioLt. happenings in the wonder– fltl . tate of Ohio. I f ilt wa. n't for T he Ohi o Tndependent Bapti t, I would be at a lo to k now abou,t th e cu r– rent h aippeni ngs amongst pastor and churche . Prai e the Lord ~or such ,t wonderf11l m agazine." Fo,r the pa t two years he has been pa tori ng th e G irard Independ– e nt Bapti t Church, Girard , Penna . 'The Lord i ble ing h is m in istry there. They h ave just completed a profitable week with Evangelist D avid L. Wolfe. Their Sunday School re– cently reached it ' h ighest attendance - 152. In the special meetings, there were 43 dedicart:ions and eight who came to Christ for salvation . During March 14-17, they will be having Dr. Monroe P arker as guest Bible Teacher. DECATUR FOUNDRY CO. INC. Division of J. L. Johnson & Sons Inc. 1700 N. Calhoun Street Decatur, Illinois Manufacture, Annealing Pots for Malleable Foundries OUR · 25th ANNIVERSARY YEAR Escanaba, Michigan Establishing Baptist Churches ... w here there were none. MARCH, 1968 PAGE 14 Ava il a ble For Missionary Meetings , .. Rev. Karl Luyben Twenty year as missionaries undet Bapti t M id-Mi ions t·o Liberia, Wes• Africa! Thi s h as been the experien~ of " the Karl Luybens ." Bei ng led of the Lord, they havt decided to remain in the states or extended fur lo,ugh u ntil their you n,g est on is gradu ated from high sohoo in 1969. T hey are now living in D ay, ton , Ohio where 1two other sons ar< attend ing a 11niversity. Brother Lu yben h as been appoint ed as ' Special Representative" fo Bap t iStt M id-Missio ns and is avail ab le for mission ary conferences. H, is an excellent missionary speaker The Lord has u sed him to ch alleng, many you ng peo,ple in the things o ithe Lord. Any interested jn con taot ing o ur ,brother can do so b writing him at 3810 Strathmoo Drive, D ayton , Ohio 45429. Hebrew & Christian Society Baptist Mid-Missions Testimony to Israel In Cleveland, Ohio * * * Presenting Christ to the Jew by every means which time and stewardship will afford. * * * Working for the church with the church and through the church. * * * • MISSIONARIES - Rev. and Mrs. Leeland Crotts, Mrs. Mildred Leach, Miss Carol Mciver * * * Rev. Leeland Crotts, Director 4205 Chester Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS