The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1968

Report From GARBC Home Office The following ·'news release ' was llv recently received from our GARBC , Home Office in Des Plaines Illinoi . Chicago Illinois The General ~ sociation of R e g u 1 a r Bapti t ta Churches released statistics for ·the fiscal year ending April 1967. Thi r ty- \ three new churches were received in– to the Association bringiing the total number to 1264. The average men1- bership per church is listed as 138. Financial reports how that gift to missions totaled $6 287, 174 . Local . church expenditure totaled $15 951 - 800. The per capita mi s ionary giving " was $36.05 . Bui]diing expans,ion reached $4,682.700. Total giving for all purposes amounted to $26 921 674. A compari on of these figures with similar one of the previous year shows an increase in mission giving of $572 1l 5. Local current expense giving increased by $1 396,492. The Regular Baptists are so called because of their disti nctive histori c position. They s tand forthrightly on . the historic constitution,aJ ground of . separation of church and s tate, which is one of the several hi storic Bapti t distinctives. The Association is church centered in its government an.d hold that the Holy Scriptures are the fin,al authority in all matters of faith and practice. Extensive missionary effort and evangelistic fervor are the ear– marks of thi s fundamentali st fellow– ~hip of Baptist churches. • Gifts To CAMP ,PATMOS (Oct. '67 -Jan. '68) Leland Howard, Treas. Bethlehem Baptist Church, Cleve Northfield Baptist Church Evansville Baptist Church, Niles Sharon Baptist S.S Sharon, Pa. Calvary Baptist Church, Salem r rinity Baptist Church, Lorain First Baptist Church, Elyria !ible Bapt,st Church, N Madison f irst Bapti~t Church, McDonald l'\Jorth Bethel Missionary Fellowshi p $ 25 .00 80.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 15.00 36.9') orth Bethel Women's Fellowship :eda, HHI Bapt,st Church, Cleveland TOTAL $ 9 00 10.00 63 96 42 00 40.00 411 86 ~~~5'2.5252525l!I ANSWER TO RIDDLE HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Cedarville College Coming Events The CedarviJle CoJl ege hoir, tin- der the direction of Mr. David L. Mat on , will be n1aking its annual . pring tour March 14-25. This 40- vo ice choral unit wi]J be presenting concerts in Ohio Penna. , New York, New Jer ey, Maryland and Wash– ington , D.C. Alpha hi a men~ honorary so– c iety. is going to revive the "Cedar Day' ' tradition which u ed to be celebrated when Cedarvi lle College was Pre byterian. T h is year cus– tom, centered around the planting of a cedar tree on campus will be he ]d M ay 11th. There will be a var iety of other activities throughout the day. Some other events also chedu led for the same weekend are H onor Day, Mother' Day and the Spring play. Help! Help! Help! We are in need of " back i sues of T/1e Ohio I ndepe·ndent Baptist magazine. Can YOU he lp us? We need the fo llowing: November 1966 Janu ary 1965 May, 1959 August 1959 March , 1958 March 1957 We have nothing in our files beyond 1957. If you ca n help u plea e do so! C heck your 1 • attic! Look into your closet ! How about the basement or th e garage? Thank you so very much!! Greatest Year In Entire History • Rev. Gerald V. Sn1e l er. uper1n- tendent of The Jevela nd H ebrew Mi s ion, reports that d ttring 1967 they experienced the grea te t year of harve ting in their histo r y. They are looking to the Lord f or a n even oreater vea r. \ hould H e ta rry. in J 968. ==- ~ Paul Levin DYNAMIC B I 8 L E TRACTS Attractive·App ea I in g An e ff ec t ive n1eans o f w I t nessing I or Chr ist. Wr ite fo r YOUR FREE packet of Bibl e tr ac ts and a lis t of rndio s tations carr yi ng Bible l rac ts Echoes BIBLE TRACTS, INC. Box 508 , Dept . 038, Wa t e rfoo , la. 50704 O, ,e, J 00 111illio1i t,act ,l1strib11tecl Jackson - Ketcham To Speak In Ohio . Dr. Pau I R. J ack on will be speak– tng at the Faith Bapti t Church An1- herst March 13 through J 7. He will a]so be attending an ACCC Execu– tive meeting at the Sheraton..,Dayton Hotel in Dayton, Ohio, April 1-2. Dr. Robert T. Ketcham will be peaking at the C alvary Baptist Churich in Norwalk, Ohio, March 31 through April 5th. Findlay Church Presents Glowing Report Calvary Baptist Church of Findlay, Ohio has muoh cau e for rejoicing! Tn a report received from Pas tor R ichard L. navely, he write the following . . . " For the 32nd an– niver ary of the founding of Calvary Bapti t Chu rch, a new unday Sc·hool attendance goal of 500 was planned. However, when aJJ departmental figures were added there were 594 pre ent!' ' "A goa l of $2, 100 was planned to– ward a special Chri tmas offering to be divided equally between mission , the purcha e of a church bus, and the building fund. The special offer– ing received total $3,500 and along with the regular offering made a grand total of $6.850 fo r the day of December 24." We learned al o fron1 hi s report that their und ay chool a ttendance of 406 ( average) f or the year 1967 was a 21 % i ncrea e over the previous year. A December Winter Bible Confer– ence with Dr . W . W. Wel ch as guest peaker proved to be a bl e i ng to all who attended. The church' ne\i\· a11ditorit1m and two story edt1cationa l unit will be ready for occ11pa ncy in the pring. ministering tvorldtcide th rough n1 issionarics an<l pastors • Orphans • Medical cl1n1cs • Hospi tal s • Disaster re lief • Leprosy cl1n1cs • Widows' homes • Rehab1llta t1on of wayward g1 rls in Korea ..t\ ,n i rtist ry of cornµassion. -----· ------ '\' rite INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN RELIEF 801 HADDON AVENUE COLLINGSWOOD, NEW JERSEY 08109 - ---- - ~ -- =-- ' - . -- - - - - MARCH, 1968 PAGE 19 I I