The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1968

on the front cover . . . 1 .., 1)i ttll(' "'t tl1c i\t arar,atl1 a B.., ,, t is t l1t1 cl1 4 {,t, 1 1 rahttc Road . o– Jt1111l,t1,. )l1hJ P .. l,tl1ri n g th1, cl1t1rch 1, Re.:, ,, 11. . Br k. ~r 111 .. 111al l hcg1nc11ng f fi\'e fn 1111lh.' • the n t nrana tha ht1rch ha~ l' ~, cr1c1 "' t;J , phcnon1inal gro\: th . t prc..:"t' nt \, r1t i11g. thc 1 are le ~ th , n t,, , a11d 1ne-half \'ear Id! Pre ent ph>· ica l a et inclt1de a be au tift1l cht1 rch bu ilding. a lo, 1 ely par onage and IO acre f trategical- 1, · 1 ated land . It all ha been valued • h, tht: bank at 110.000. Much of • the \\ rk on the chu rch buildi ng wa d n by the n1en of the congregation. dedication ervice wa held on eptember 17, 1967. A,,er age attendance for last quarter ( 1967 ) ,vere . . . Bible School - 17 , Morning ervice - 179, Even– ing r ice - 153~ and Wedne day Evening. "T he Abundant H ou r ' - 111. Total offering last year amount– ed to more than $37.000. Pa tor Brock and his peopl e are n1i ionar)' n1inded. Their 1968 Mi s- ionary Budget i et at $12.000. Thei r giving i for both fore ign a nd home mis ions. They also contr ibu te to the work of Cedarvill e College and are having a part in helping two new local churche get estab– Jj hed. They h ave taken advantage of the ne,vs media. Duri ng 1967 they ent ot1t a paper bi-monthly to ome 4500 homes surrounding the church. Th is ~·ear they are using the entire back page of a local paper called the N orthwest ews. This goes into some 7000 homes of the area. As a re ul t, they are seeing v i itors in almost . everv erv1ce. ., P1 an are bei ng et up for a second educational unit. It is hoped that the)' V\ill be able to begin con truc– tion during the spring of thi year . Present membership of Mar anath a i J 40. T r u] y, the Lord is blessing! Rev. Wm. A. Brock Rev. Brock is a native of G rand Rapids. Mi chigan . He received h is coll ege tra ining at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois and Calvin Col– lege. Grand R apids Michigan. Prior to h i en ter ing the mini try , he was a ociated w ith the Kraft Foods Company, Chicago, I llinois and served for five ye ars as an execu tive with the F . & R . Lazarus Company , Columbu . Ohio . ; Sensing the leading of the Lord , he entered the mini try in January, 1955. At that time, he accepted a call to pastor the Immanuel Baptist Chu rch in Columbus. H e h ad p re– viou sly been a n1ember of the church for f ive years . H e pastored at Im– n1anuel for ten and one -half ye ars during whi ch time the church re– located and two bui lding programs were compl eted. U nder his minist ry Sunday School attend ance reached a n average of above 500. Brother Brock serves as one of the tru tees at Cedarville College. Rev. and Mrs. Brock h ave six lovely. children. These are Lynn, a Senior at Cedarvi lle College, J anice a Soph– omore. also at Cedarville and four boy a t home Gary. Kevi n, Jeffrey , a nd T imothy. ' L Dedication Service for New Bu ilding The Ohio Independent Baptist - Publ ished Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE p1 id 1t Xen ia, Ohic POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 t The Oh io Inde pendent Baptist Box No. 160 Xen ia , Oh io 45385 Editoria l Offi ce: Box No. 160 Xeni a, Ohio 45385 Rates of subscript ion : $2.00 per year; $5.0 for three years; $8.00 for five yeen EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 pe subscription ; single issue 20 cents; b1c issues over one year old, 50 cents each. Your Editorial Office should have all new and advertising copy in hand no later tha 30 days prior to printing. Advertising rate w ill be sent on request. STAFF Editor . A. Donald Moffa Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation Manager .. . . ... ... .... . ..... . . ... . . . Stuart L. Chaff Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 W omen's Editor ... Mrs. Geo. Milne 2195 Brockway Rd. University Hts., Ohio 44118 State 1Vl issionary . ... Earl D. Umbaug} 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 4422 1 Treasiirer . David Dy1 92 ~. Ro) 1 S Ave., Columbus, 0. 4320 Counci l of Ten Chairman . B. C. Jenning. 4295 Ells,, 1 orth Rd., Stow, Ohio 4422' Vice Chairman Otis R . H olme Gallia & \V'aller Sts., Portsmouth, Obie 4566: S ecretary . Darrell R. Bice P. 0. Box 6, ~ iles, Ohio 44446 Program Chair1nan Donald J. Sewel 4207 Laskey Rd., Toledo, Ohio 4362: i\tfissionary Chm. , Woodrow W . McCalel 276-284 Washington St., Elyria, 0 4403 ' Educatiori CJi-111.. H arold R. Greer R. 5. Green,rille, Ohio 45331 Y 011,th Director 78 )J. Boyden Rd. , Lynn E. Roger' ='J'orthfield, Ohic 4406'" Vernon K. Billington, 2435 Eakin Rd Columbus. Ohio 43204 \ 7 erne L. D11nham, 1326 Euclid A,·e Lorain, Ohio 44052 William F. Russell, 306 W . Cen ter St. Blanchester . Ohio 45107