The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1968

The Unsealed Sepulchre by John Li neberry .. ,,,,, ll<) H' is /1r i.,·1 r i ·c,1 Jrc>111 t/1e cletJ<I, c111d /1c1< ·,,111c' 1/,e j ,, ,r ,,.,,;,., ,,/ t/1 c> 111 t/1al ·le1,t" (J Cor. 15:20). l I l· 111~ 11 ti,.lt1 . tl1c111c. thr1ll1n.g our he .l rt "' ! , ll) f l 1usl) i11\! f fable pr clan1a– l t 111. ~t rc ngth ning our ul ! Triumph! \ l~l~)I..\ . 111pt) T 111b ! d CW ' ! \\ h,1t'! Our l.,ord' r ' t1rrecti n, rc– t r ~~111 r1g tt r . pi rit \\ith renewed ' t)ll r ;1gc ! The '" rds ' 'i , ri. en.. c 111c fr 111 <'!!Ci re>. " t rai c tl p," "t cau e to .1ppear." Th , ,erb i in the perfect ten c, the ignificance f which et ft)rlh the ertain. indi put able fact f Chri t re urrection. The word "'re ·urre tion" i from a11astasis, "a rai ing up f ron1 the dead." emphasiz– ing the bodily, literal re urrection f our Lord. Remember: 1 t wa not the ri ing ttp of a gho t. phantom. or spirit, hut the coming forth of a per on, that per on, our Lord Who is won– derful, bles ed, h oly, righ teou , Jiv– ing. our dear Saviour! eed we to remind ourselves that the re urrection of our Lord and aviour Jesus Ohri t, is a cardinal tenet of the Chri tian Faith a potent power of our faith in these troublous tin1e ? The divine triumph wrought in t "'hri t coming forth from the deiad. honor Hi matchle N an1e, demon– ·t rates His upernatural power, vin– dicate God' righteou throne, trike · death a deva tating blow, kindles new hope in our heart , causing our lip lo prai e the Lord for His grace. n1anife ted mercy, limitle s love in )t11 ~alvation, ~aki11g weete ·t t:ont- 1 t1rt to tir heart . Moreover, h ri t'~ re Lt rrcct ion pu l Hi foes to f l igiht and a urc u victory over the enemy in the power of the Holy pirit. ( ' hri t ' re urreotion i not a h idden ·ecret to be ought, not a myth need– ing h ameful apology, bu t a fact of Faith, demainding and worithy of f u l 1 lc t acceptance - a fact clothed in 111iraculou m igh t, supernatural glory, and ble ed power . Al l the modernist' apo ta y, all the athei ·t unbelief, al l the infide l' di regard for t he Wo rd of God all the agno tic's ignorance cannot ever n1itigate again t ,the fact of Obr ist' re urrection any more than o ne cou ld ink an ocean ,]iner with a water pi tol. Arrogant, unfounded deni als, blas– phemou rejection cannot i nvalidate the overwheln1i ng certainty of Christs gl 1 orious re urrection . No one can blot out the resurrection fact of Ch ri t. It cannot succumb to de- truction ince it i fortif ied by mi– nute t historical accuracy and ground– ed in the unimpeachable in tegrity of God' Word! Thank God for Hi overeign di - play of omnipotent demon tration in u n eal ing the ealed ,epu lch re. Let u , then, go forth to pre ent the dy– nan1ic go pel of our living Saviou r to a dying world lost in the wretch– cdne of sin! Greetings! The l ord is Risen! by Clarence Townsend A · Earth begin her frozen state to change, A11<l flow rs their covenant with man renew; A Heaven' s shower fall in manner trange And trees their leaves reveal for all the view; When Winter' snows begin a fa t retreat, And water swiftly flow in brook and rill Intent with wider, wifter treams to n1eet ' And with the mall the large o erflowing fill. My heart looks up lo God Who giveth all. With won<l'ring gaze I eek for His intent, \.\' ho hower bles ing on botr1 great and 111al I. Until n1y finite energie are spent. ' fhen gently peak He to th i ~ groping one: ' 'Spring tell the re urrection of My Son!" The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio . POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist Bo x No. 160 Xenia , Ohio 45385 Ed itorial Off ice: Box No. 160 Xeni a, Ohio 45385 Rates of subscription : $2.00 per year; $5.0C) for three yean; $8.00 for five years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 P8f subscription; single issue 20 cents; b•c• issues over one year old, 50 cents e•ch. Your Editorial Office should have all new, and advertising copy in hand no later than 30 days prior to printing . Advertising rate, will be sent on request. STAFF Editor A. Donald Moffa Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 . . . . .. Circ1tlation Manager . .... .... . . . Stuart L . Chaff< Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 W ome11.' s Editor Mrs. Geo. Milne· 2195 Brockway Rd. Uni,tersity Hts., Ohio 4411 8 State Missionary . Earl D. Urnbaug} 2150 Marhofer A,,e., Stow, Ohio 4422J Treasurer David Dy, 92 N. Roys Ave., Columbus, 0 . 4320' Council of Ten Chairman . B. C. Jenning 4295 Ells~ 1 orth Rd., Stow, Oh io 4422· Vice Chairman Otis R. H olme- Gallia & Waller Sts., Portsmouth, Ohi, 4566 Secretary . Darrell R . Bic P . 0 . Box 6, Niles, Ohio 44446 Progra1n Chairnian Donald J. Sewe 4207 Laskey Rd., Toledo, Ohio 4362 Missionary Chm., Woodrow W. McCale' 276-284 Washington St., Elyria, C 4403 Education Chm. Harold R. Gree> R. 5, Greenville, Ohio 45331 Youth Director .. . 78 . Boyden Rd ., Lynn E. Roge1 Northfield, Ohi 4406 Vernon K. Billington, 24 35 Eakin Re Columbus, Ohio 43204 Verne L. Dunham, 1326 Euclid A Lorain , Oh io 44052 William F. Russell, 306 W. Center S Blanch ester, Ohio 45107