The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1968
(Concluded From Page 5) ~ut thi. very Je u. prayed ' 'Father or give them, for they know no.t what ~ t hey do.' ' I n 't Jesus generous about 'e~ ·orgivene ! You didn't kno.w Jesu le , oved like that, did you? B~ The third compa sionaite truth i in ar;j he fact that the Go ipel of John wa '0£· vrititen to meet your need not ~ \r >nly to offer you forgiveness, buit to ~ ~ ,ive you correct understanding about lf ~ resus, and more yet, ,to give you that ie vonderful gift called " life. " & Listen to the key verse of John's :o. ]ospel, chapter 20, verse 31, "But hese are written that you might be- 1!0. ,eve that Jesus is the Christ, the 1:1! ,on of God, .and thrait believing ye - night have life through hi name.' ' ~· Well, Mr. Harris, here ,is my letter. e r didn't feel like bawling you out. I nt/ eel your heart needs some com– T >as ionate help, and so I'm telling 2 Q ·ou about the gracious forg.ivenes, • . }If Jesus which e:xitends to you and ne. Will you co 1 me to the cross and 1,~ Lccept the forgiveness of Jesus as rou receJve Him as your personail ; fo ,aviour? I hope you will. I'll be hlr >leased to hear from you. Joc Sincerely your friend for Jesus' sake, nJ John E. Greening • ruoc l Earn A FREE ~. Week at Camp! " ·· Elsewhere on ,this page is an ad oncerning our 0. l. B. CONTEST ~OR YOUTH. This year we are S ,eginning a bit earlier than prev,ious l ·ears. The contest will begin on i \pril 15 and close on M ·ay 15. it is toped that many young people will !I ake part. There will be the FREE WEEK at ,ither Camp Patmos or Scioto Hills ~i ven to the five with the highest 1umber of earned points. Each winner ·:an choose the camp he/ she prefers tttending. Also, there will be a prize or all other contestants who accumu- ate 15 or more points. This will be t gift certificate of $2.50 redeemable t.t the Cedarville College Book Store. Some young people's society could >ool thejr efforts by Jisting the sub– cr1ptions they obtain under one per– on '8 n·ame. In ithi manner, they ·ould help c.;omeone get to camp who ,~herwise might not be aible to afford t . (OM .. ON YOUNG PEOPL ! 1 - 1 Al L TH ;1 UB RIP ION r'(JU C A ! R AD l ~H DIR - {JO lN 'rH ADV ,. R'IJ M N"' ..-AR ULI...Y ... AND GO O NOJ<K ... NOW!!! HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Another Subscription Contest The 0.I.B. is sponsoring ANOTHER SUBSCRIPTION CON– TEST for all Junior, Junior-High and Senior-High you~ people of our O.A.R.B.C. fellowship. YOU can win a FREE WEEK at either Camp Patmos or Scioto Hills! Here is what you need to know! 1. The contest will begin April 15 and close May 15. 2. Get $2.00 from each subscriber. Each NEW sub– scription counts two (2) points. Each RENEWAL counts one ( 1) point. 3. Send money with the subscriber's name, address and zip code to Mr. Stuart L. Chaffe, Circulation Manager, Box No. 160, Xenia, Ohio - 45385. THESE MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN MAY 15, 1968. 4. An accurate record will be kept of all subscriptions sent in. Winners will be notified as soon following the closing of the contest as possible• To each of the FIVE YOUNG PEOPLE earning the most points will be given ONE FREE WEEK at the camp of their choice! As an added BONUS ... ALL ( other than winners) who take part in the contest and who earn at least fifteen ( 15) points will be given a $2.50 gift certificate redeemable at the Cedarville College Book Store. GIFTS TO THE OHIO ASSOCIATION David Dye, Sec'y. 92 North Roys Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43204 JANUARY, 1968 Avon Baptist $ Berea Baptist Berean Baptist, Oregon Bethel Baptist, Warren Bethlehem Baptist, Cleve. (hon.) Bethlehem Baptist, Cleveland Bible Baptist, Bedford Bible Mission Baptist, Reynolds Blessed Hope Baptist, Springfield Calvary Baptist, Bellefontaine Calvary Baptist, Broadview Heights Calvary Baptist, Coshocton Calvary Baptist, Findlay Calvary Baptist, Massillon Calvary Baptist, Norwalk Calvary Baptist, Salem Calvary Baptist, Sandusky Calvary Baptist, Tiffin Cedar Hill Baptist, Cleveland Central Baptist, Columbus Clintonville Baptist, Columbus Emmanuel Baptist, Lorain Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo Emmanuel Baptist, Xeni Euclid Ave. Baptist, Lorain Euclid-Nottingham Baptist , Euclid 5.00 35.00 5.00 S.00 25.00 5.00 60.00 20 00 50.00 25 .00 10.00 25.00 39.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 60.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 37.SO 20.00 25.00 45.00 Evansville Baptist, Niles 5.00 Faith Baptist, Greenville 20.00 Faith Baptist, Streetsboro 22.50 First Baptist, Blanchester 30.00 First Baptist, Gallipolis 35.00 First Baptist, Lancaster 10.00 First Baptist, McDonald 25.00 First Baptist, Rittman 30.00 First Baptist, Valley City 5.00 First Baptist, Wellington 10.00 First Regular Baptist, Bellefontaine 13.00 Fundamental Baptist, Tallmadge (hon. ) 150.00 Grace Baptist, Canton 25.00 Grace Baptist, Cedarville 97.00 Grace Baptist, Kent 5.00 Grace Baptist, Kent (hon.) 30.00 Grace Baptist, Sunbury 5.00 Grace Baptist, Youngstown 5.00 Graham Road Baptist, Cuyahoga Falls 50.00 Huntsburg Baptist 50.00 Immanuel Baptist, Arcanum 10.00 LaGrange First Baptist 50.00 Lakeview Baptist, Dundee 10.00 Lenox, Darrell E., Columbus 5 .00 Maranatha Baptist, Springfield 15.00 Meadowbrook Baptist, Sandusky (hon .) 25.00 Me-morial Baptist, Columbus 35.00 New Richland Baptist, Belle Center 5 .00 North Royalton Baptist 2 .00 Northfield Baptist 10 .00 Sharon Baptist, S'haron, Pa. 5 .00 South Canaan Baptist, Athe ns 2 .00 Trinity Baptist, Lora in 20. 00 Temple Baptist, Portsmouth 75 .00 Union Bapti~t 5 .00 Wadsworth Baptist (hon . ) 15 .00 Wheelersburg Baptist 20.00 Advertising 1,01 S.39 Subscriptions 211 .00 TOTAL 2,739.39 APRIL, 1968 PAGE 7
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