The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1968
MAY, 1968 VOLUME 40, NO. 7 Cedarv·ille Ba ~tist 1" or : L i b r a t~ y , College C A rl '" .,.., ~ r ·1 11 n ...., - -\ .. " ,4 "' , 011 lo 45311 THE OHIO ry 0314 Published by The Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches It all began with a prayer meeting - October 19. 1949. From such a humble beginning the Grace Bapti st Ohurch of Westlake has grown . . . t o the glory of God! Or1g1nall y the work wa in Lake– wood. Ohio Later the congregation purcha~ed a church building fron1 the l_utherans and moved to Rock}' Rive r where the1v re111ained f 01 16 year . '" f'oday4 the y are located at 23096 .. .,.c>~-nter f{idge Road 1n Westlake . Ohro. The: ord is hie sing in evefiy way' A <i you can sec. th ir ne\.\ :,,tructur / Grace Baptist Church Westlake, Ohio ic; n10 t attractive'. Pa tor Douglas ouch i nforn1 U \ that the approximate co t for the builc.iing. furni hing . archi tect <; and loa n was $ 175.000. There are over 10.000 qua re feel with an attracti ve auditori un1 that ha a eating capacit) o l 550. Be ide thi , the cht1rch ha\ pLtrchasecJ l O acre of la11d and a par~onage for the c; t1n1 of $45 .000. here are c;on1e L1nu \ t1al feature " in the cht1rch l1uilding. h se are stdined gla winc.i ws with the1r 1n– d1 1dt1al sy111 bo1 . intii1ec t lighting be– hind a 20' high cr c)ss a nd high " pr a \ i ng hand ,. arc he \ . The pastor·~ stud, i "> panelled in deep \\ alnut with .. t bt t rn t orange carpet . Al I Lhe r o r11 , arc we II I igh teti . bright I\ (lect)I a ted an li we ll equipped . A , c n d add i t i l ) n 1" no\\ t 1 r1cJ e r way which wtll all(i a 44 \. "I() ' t1ttl1t, • area that will l1 tt <.;eci l l )I cl ,l"' 1<)1Jn1 c;; l) a cc a" '"' e II a" , t \ t> t t t h act 1, 1 t , • g ) 1 n1na 1t1111 . o t11 e i itL)r hali the i,ri\ dt~ 0~ l, t n1int \ t ring a t thi~ cl1111 ch in J .. tnt1 ,1r, o1 tl11 "> ar. Th s\; a1t! ,1 tlll) "' t gra i<)tl , pet) pl e fh ' l., t, il,fing is in lt:~ I a th i11g l) l bcat1t v ~ . , I
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