The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1968
An Active Home Missions Encounter by Rev . Romy·ne Strickland gro,, 1ng c n1pany f c pcrienced n11ss1 r1,lr1es t )f d fron1 their f reign hattle field h irct1m tances beyond thctr p \\er and ch ice are trengthen- 1ng the h 111e regin1ent. Thi difficult de i 1 n hecan1c ur in 1962 after thirteen )' ar in the foreign ervice of the Bapti t lid-Mi ion family. he Fir t Bapti t Church of Strongs– , ill di co ered near the close of 1961 that it wa unable to maintain it mini try independent of outside as– . i tance. Like a growing li t of small . truggling churche , they turned to Bapti t Mid-Mi ions for a mission– ary pa tor who has major financial upport from other sources. We be– came the econd mi ionary family to labor with the handful of believers in Strong ·ville. Early in their hi tory, through wi e leadership they chose to be eparated, Bible-believing Baptists. They ought the fellowship and were received into the Hebron Association, the Ohio Association and the General A sociation of Regular Baptist Churches. This strengthens the hands of the small church by association with others of like precious faith. They can more easily keep abreast of the deceptive and destructive Anti– Christ religious developmenits. The First Baptist Church has be– come known for its separatist stand. There can be no true Christian fel– lowship with the local ministerial as- ociation or at the Protestant-Catho– lic luncheon and dialogue convened in our community. We are known as the church " that doesn't dance, doesn't drink, doesn t smoke..." We were surprised at the showing of a mis– sionary film to receive a group of Methodist ladies who had left their prayer meeting for the visit. "We are interested in what you are doing," - - - - - - Rev. Romyne Strickland they aid. We regret that many who know the Go pel are willing to feed on the "husks" of liberalism, the Reader ' Digest or poetry. Before the end of our first month of mini try we were required to va– cate the o ld town hall. The Lord provided the modern facilities of the new City Hall auditorium as ·a tem– porary Sunday meeti:ig place. On the first Sunday of January 1967, we moved into a new elementary school, believing the challenge of t he high cost of re;ital would help to prepare u for a building program. The church is now :iegotiating for a home with three and one-half acres. We trust in the future to be able to begin cons truction of the tfirst stage or edu– cational unit. Our vision and purpose is to build a strong indigenous separated Baptist testimony under the hand of God. As God provides through the prayers and assistance of fellow believers we plan to erect the first unit of an edu– cational building. The Lord has res– cued souls from the shackles of sin. Some have been baptized. Youth are learning to stand for Jesus Christ. We believe the Holy Spirit will com– mission some for His service. In time this body should mother other churches and strengthen missions at home and abroad. Brethren pray for us ! ING for the BEST? 14 - --::. - in Sunday school literature? Look no further :-we it! Doctrinally sound and free from c omprom1se. Write for free sample packet. Order today /rom REGULAR BAPTIST PRESS 1800 Oakton Blvd., Des Plaines , Ill. 60018 MAY, 1968 Rochester Bound! 1.: vcry 11 ,1"t<lt in <lttr ()ARH( ' tel low\ hip and man y of their peopl \hould plan o n attending the 37 Annual o nference of the Generf As ociation of Reg u 1 a r Bapti~ hurche June 24-28 in Rocheste1 New York. 1 f you've not n1ade your re erv, tio ns DO O NOW! For mo r detailed data concerning reservatio n· write the GARBC Home Office, 180 Oakton Blvd., Des P1laines, Illinois - 60018. The conference this year, 1 ike a ways will be one of blessing an challenge to all. ,PLAN ON A1 TENDING! Tragedy and Blessing Great meetings were held at Fir, Bapti t Church in Gail.lipolis recent1 with our brother, A. Donald Moffa as guest evangelist for the week. Man evidences were seen o,f the Lord dealing in hearts and lives in eac service. The attendances were exce lent, souls were saved, and hear were made right with the Lord j complete surrender to Him. The r, vival fires are still burning at Fir Baptist. Our wonderful God ena:bled o, Brother Moffat to be Spirit-fille, Spirit-empowered and Spirit-led i each message. The music, using tv, pianos and the organ, was enjoyt and a rich blessing to each one. One of the high-lights of the mee ing was the decision of an eight three year old man to accept Chri~ The following Sunday he follow( the Lord in baptism. This man's de wife had prayed for him for for years and, my, how they are rejoi ing! God is still on the throne~ A sad after,math of the Decemb, Silver Bridge tragedy - our chur<. experienced another tragedy ju recently in the death of the husbar of one of our church members wl was drowned when crossing the riv on his way home from work in ~ outboard motor boat. One other mf perished and two men were rescue Needless to say, and once again, G< worked in a mighty w.ay in the hear and lives of our people. The funer service was held in the church Su day afternoon, and was one of tl largest ever in our city, with an ove crowded church. We can only repe again, "And we know that all thin work together for good to them th love God, to them who are the call, according to hrs purpo e." (Roma 8:28) THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTI
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