The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1968
n P li D. DAIN CA TERBURY - ··An eva nge]i tic mee ting wa be- 1ng co nducted in the Fu nd a n1ent al Bapt i t Church of Le te r We t Vi r- ie ginia. During the e n1ee ting there \\'ere many . inner who respo nded to the cal] of th e Sav iour. My bro ther ~ and I we re t\VO of the e !" T rai ning wa ga ined in indu tr ia l and managen1ent chools, h ort term Bible chools and var ious supervi ed and pe rsona l course . F or year "' he taught as a unday School teache r and served as a Deacon in the Mt . Tabor Bapti t Church of Beckley. West Va. H e ha erved a a licensed mini ster since 1955 and at one time was on the sta ff of the A,ppalachian Bible Institute , Bradley. West Va. The Canterburys undertook their present work in the Fairfield Baptist Church of Thurston, Ohio in No– vember of 1964. P ast or Canterbury reports blessing. The re have been marked signs o f growth both numeri– call y and spiritually. The church bu ilding has been made more attrac– tive. A fo rced-air heating unit h as been install ed. the anctuary floor 'has been carpeted and the basen1ent of the build ing was parti tioned with movable panel~. The church budget has increased 40%. ( $6,000 to $10.000). Th is was ac; of 1967 . The new bt1dget for 1968 is $11 ,000. The L.ord is working in n1a ny di fferent av ! - There are tv. 1 0 hovs in the Ca nter- - bt1rv f an1ilv. These are D aniel - 7 . ., 1tnd rr in1othv 1. ., Subscribe to: The Ohio Independent Baptist Rates: $2.00 per year 3 years - S.00 3 single subscriptions - $5.00 Box 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 - - ROY J. CLARK - B.A., B.D . Th .M. Concerning hi s aJvat ion, ot1r brot h– e r states the foJl owing... ' 4 Conve r ted a t the age of 12 at the Ca lva ry Bap– ti t Cht1rch, Buffa lo, ew York, under the mini try of C layto n E. Bacon." I-Ie rece ived hi trai ning for Ch ri - t ia n ervice at Bryan Col!ege and Grace Theological en, in a ry. Currently he erve as p a tor of the Bethlehe n1 Bapti t ht1rch , Cleveland and ha he ld thi po it ion for the pa t eleve n year . He also erve a Pre ident of the Board of Director for the Bapt i t Chri tian chooJ. Cleveland , Pre ident of the Board of Director for the rie ide Bi ble Confere nce and is a n1en1ber of the Board of Trt1 tee for the C leve land H ebrew Mis" ion. Rev. and Mr . lark h·lvc three c hildren . They arc J an,~ 13, Ron al cl - 1 1 , a n(I Da,, i c.l - 5. A to their prc~e nt \\l)rk., Bro ther lark wri tes ... ··we 111ovell into ot1r new $200.000 httiltling in 1965 a nd rejo ice in the fa ~iliti e\ C1 ocl ha\ given t1<; f()r worc;J1ir>. fl1c hui lclin<i i~ the \ t 1n1111cr hon1e o f the Eric<i i(I Bihle t1 n r ere nee ,1 net ,ti ~o hot1 \e\ the ppcr cht)O) ()f l)llr Bapti\t I1 ristian <;cJ1L)()) . We ·ire 15()() f e t fro11 Inter~tate '27 1 anci i,1 tl1c 1111cl\t of apart 1 1ent pl'l)Je c. ts that a re t'tlJ)lllly h i ng ht II J t. Wc I l) t) k t c) t he 1 ... ) r I J \ '"c seek fl) cva npt:111\? 1l1is j) flr l of Je,,e lancl.' ' ANDREW J. ~1ARSTELL R - Thi dear brothe r wa se riot1 ly ill wit h Tu bercu] o i . I t een1ed qtii te ccr tai n that he ,vot1ld die. A t the tin1c~ he wa twent 1· years o.f age. I t wa. cluring thi. diffi cult period that he 11ade a covenant wit h the Lord . .. how n1e the \\ 1 ay ot1t ,tnd I ' ll 5erve T hee.' The Lord heard tho e word ,tnd \ parecf hi life. Faithft1 l to hi vow, our bro ther ha erved the Lord thro,ugh the year . I\1 arried and with three young childre n, he and h is wife n1oved to ew York tate ,vhere he tudied at Prac tica l Bible T rai ning chool. \Vit h no vi ib le incon1e. but with the fir n1 conviction tha t the Lord wa leading, they co n1pleted the ir trai n– ing at P.B.T .. Of thee year , he write<;. . . 'The e were n1iracle year .'' \Vhil e at ~choo l. he erved the Tvv in Orchard Con1n1unity Cht1rch. Ve ta l, ew York . Later he accepted a call to the truther Bapti ~ t Taber– nac le where he r11ini tered for :!6 y ar . During that tin1e, 65 yot1ng people 'went ot1t into the Lord' . ·crv– ice. three Bi hie tudv cla . e were ., co ndt1cte(f an(l l\\ branch cht1r he ta rte ti . Brl)t h,~r ~{ar teller • 1 'i J) a ' tori n g a nc,,, '" r k. - th c Pt) 1 a nti ill nge Bapti')l ( ' ht1rcl1 . he) ar(: 111ccling 1n the . truther~ H igh chOL)l. I an(f h ,l\ hcc11 pt1r ha eli anci pla11~ l,re t \tart ht1il li11g '\l1·111e tin1c thi" \car. The I or(l i hl\.:\ ing. ... Re\ .• lnll ~f r\ . ~far,tclle1'~ cl1tlllicn are '1 11 gr()\\11 ti~). l1e1r l)llle,1 \l)Jl c; 1cr1n i" active in .1 Ba11t1,t .. ht11 c l1 1 n '\ 111 f) i c gt) , ( .. .t J i f ) r n i , 1• Th l! 1 r \CCL)lllf \011, ll ,llll I\ ,l tl11"\il)t1ill'\' pil()t '" i t 11 vc I I ff c B i l1 I ~ r r '1 11 , 1 a t l) 1 , i 11 B1azil. ll1cir 1l111ll 'il)l1 l) ,1\ t(i is J)astoring lh\. .. l"rinit, 13 .. 1J ti , t ht1 1 h in 't) rflantl . OJ11l) , I
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