The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1968
I he f ront cover ... \ \ c ,h('I\\ ~ltl c t~t ll)r ,l1l)l ,Jf th..,; ( , race Ba1Jtis1 ( h t1rch \ \ t" t t n k. c. ) h 1 t' . 11 c 1 c ,, c , cc th c I r L) n t o l t 11 c i r \ 1 ac 1 o t i "' ~•tli 1~)\\:'I\ .1t1llttl)t1t1111. l f c,cr \ tt ,11e nc ·,r the cht1rch: '"i 1 l l' 111 .111<..l \CC th1 attt acti, c trt1ctt1rc for , ottr~e l l. "\ ,.1t1 ,, 111 he 1111 pre ctl I The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION Of REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES R e,·. D(Jtt glas R . C ouc/1 is t /1e pre·s– e,11 pa t or of Grace Bap tist C /1urc/1, ~i e tlake, Ol1io. His 111inistr.v began r/1ere ir1 l 963. We asked Bro ther Coi ,ch to give its a " 11,iord of resti- 111011Y." He sitb111itted the fol lolving. ~ I r 111ake·s sL1c·J1 ,(?ood reading, ive fe lt rl1at ,re shot, ld share all of it ivi r/1 oi,r readers. Rev . Douglas R. Couch .A.. Sunday School teacher one d ay aid to a freckle-faced , red-h aired little ra cal. ··D id you know that your name "'a in the Bible?" T his topped him from pestering everyone around him long enough to ay ··w hat - my name in the Bible?" "Yes.' ' she said. and then tarted quoting John 3: 16... · For God <;O lo\ ed Oot1g]a Couch .. :· ._ SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohic POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 t The Oh io Independent Baptist l • Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Thi wa the beginning of a wonderful er ie of dealings with my heart by the Lord . l atte nded Bob Jones University where the call that I h ad fe lt earlier to ful l t ime ervice, was confirmed . Af ter graduation in May of 1952, l was orda ined. T hi was in June. T n July I candidated at my first church . I wa married in August and went to n1y first fu ll-time pa torate i n August! :\1y wife and I met after a J unior youn g peoples par ty at the church. he put her hands in n1y jacket pocket to keep warm when we were on our way home. Her h ands h ave bee n in my pockets almo t ever since! We have three children. They are Linda - 13, Joy - 9 a nd Scott - 5. Grace Bapti st Church here in West– lake i our third pastor ate. We were in a]en1, Mi chigan for three year s and eight years in Lima, Ohio . The Lord has been good to us. giving us a new church a fine growth , and an unusually alert congregation. Our life verse sums it up very well - P roverb 3:5. 6 - ' 'Trust the Lord . . . and He h all direct vour I ~ paths." Edi tor's ,V,Jte : We beliel'e rl1a t e,·en !_!realer t/1 in,(?s are in store for the folk at W estlake as tl1 e)· continz1e· fo r– ward under the leadersh ip of their l 7JQSfOr Edi tor ia I Off ice: Box No. 160 Xenia , Ohio 45385 Rates of subscription : $2.00 per year; $5.0 for three years; $8 .00 for five year EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 P4 subscription ; single issue 20 cents; bac issues over one year old, SO cents each. Your Editorial Office should have all ne~ and advertising copy in hand no later tha 30 days prior to printing . Advertising rat, will be sent on request. STAFF Edi tor A. Donald Moff Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation Manager .. . .. .... ..... . . . . Stuart L . Chaf Box N o. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 W omen's Editor Mrs. Geo. Miln, 2 195 Brockway Rd . University H ts. , Ohio 4411 8 State Missionary . .. Earl D . Umbaug 2 150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 442~ Treasurer . , . David ~ 92 . Roys A,,e. , Columbus, 0 . 432( i - Council of Ten • Chairman . . B. C. J ennin 4295 Ellsworth Rd ., Stow, Ohio 442: Secretary . Darrell R. B~ P. 0. Box 6, Niles, Ohio 44446 Program Chairman . Donald J. Sewt 4207 Laskey Rd ., Toledo, Ohio 436: Missionary Chm. , Woodrow W. McCal< 276-284 Washington St. , Elyria, < 440? Education Chm. ... . Harold R. Gret R. 5, Greenville, Ohio 45331 Youth Director . .. . Lynn E. Roge 78 N. Boyden Rd. , Nor thfield, Oh 440f Vernon K. Billington , 2435 Eakin R Columbus, Ohio 43204 Verne L. Dunham, 1326 Euclid A Lorain, Ohio 44052 William F. Ru ssell, 306 W. Center ~ Blanch ester, Ohio 4 5107 Rich ard L . Snavelv P .C). BC), 19:; ~ Findl a,T. Ohio 458-+0
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