The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1968
rhank You Mr. Harry Sanders! You say - ' 'Who is Mr. Harry iander ?" Well let me tell you who 1e i ! Our brother is one of tho e vho has been readin,g ( and savinR) rhe Ohio Independent Bapti t for nany years. J! Do you recal l in our MARCH issue [ hat we asked for certain "back ·opies,, of the O.I.B.? The other day, " o our delight, we received thi s large 11 • ,undle of O.I .B. magazines from Mr. 1 ;anders. They go back as far as the r, 1 ear - 1935! In some cases, he wa .ble to send u cort1plete year ! T h i s really wonderfu]. When we took over th i work a ditor, we were surprised t,o ]earn 1 :. hat there was not a complete fi le on 1ack issues of the O.I.B. Why thi vas not done, we don ' t know. Now, hanks to Brother Sanders and a fe,w 1 thers like hi·m, we have two files. )ne runs from 1956 to the current 'iSUe. The other file goes back to 936 to the current issue. Do us a favor and ran ack your .. tti c, search your basement, rummage our closets and see if YOU can't ome up with back issues of the O.I.B. U Ve would be eternally grateful! We li st here the issues needed to · nake our file complete 1936 to the 1resent issue. Have you any of the ollowing? . 1959 - April 1956 May 1955 January 1953 - June 1951 - Jul y 1949 - January 1946 - February, Marc h. Jul y. September and October - January, March and Mfty December 1945 1944 1943 - februar y. Jul y and Deceml1er 1942 cbruary. October, November and Decc111l)cr 1941 January and Jvfay 1940 - Mav and Octol1cr ., 1939 - June 1936 - Jt1J y W ' l 1HVC 11 l l t }1 j 11 g fl I' j <) r ( t l 19 J 6. ) Ll let us l1car fron1 vot:i! - H OHIO INDEPENDENl BAPTIST VOL. 40, NO. 7 MAY, 1968 Cale ndar of Events May 18 - . tate-Wide YoLtth Ra lJ y, Yeteranc.; Men1orial Auditoriun1. West Broad Street, oJumbu , Ohio M,ty 27 - J une l - Wo rk Week at Camp Patmos. Kelleys l ·land, Ohio June 6 - Bapt i t Bibl e J n titute of leveland on1m,ence,ment Exercises June 6. 7,8 OARBC Men· Retreat, Camp Patmos, KelJ eys Island, 0. J une 7. 8 - Cedarville College Bacca laureat,e and ommencen1ent • erv1ces JL1ne 24-28 - National GARBC Conference, Roche ter, New York Augu t 12-25 - 7th World C"ongre of the J n,ternational Cou ncil of Chri tian hurche , Cape May, New Jersey eptember 9-12 - Cedarvill e Co1ll ege Pa tors Confe rence, Cedarville. 0 . Ootober 14-16 - OARBC Annual tate Confere nce, Euclid-Nottingham Baptist Church, levela nd, Ohi o - Women' Mi ss ionary Union (State-vvide) wi ll al o meet at thi s time . O.A.R.B.C. Youth Rally - May 18 Pictured aibove j s the VETERAN MEMOl~IAL AUDITORIUM, olumbus Ohio. It is here that the big eve11t for tl1is 11lontl1 - the TATE-WIDE YOUTH RALLY - will be held. The date i May 18th and the time, 12:00 noon. This beautiful building i located on WEST Broad treet in downtown Columbus. It is "ideal" for such a ral ly! It ha many fine f ature uch a ample parki ng pace for car , plenty of roon1 in the building f r the many Work hops. and a large auditoriun1 with excellent acotL. tic . The Workshops inc)t1dc everything fro111 ··wh ay\ You ( 'an't Roller . kate In A Bttffa lo Herd?' ' ancl "Hip, Hairy and Hippi e' ' t \'How Know God's Will." The progr,t111 also incl title Rev. Fr ti Bi~choff a\ gue ' t p aker. He 1s a n1an with ft 111e~sagc Lor yo t1th. Brot11c1 Bischoff i Dir ctor f an ac ti ve youth progra111 callctl 'Yot1lh For Trutl1" ~ hich ha'i it , headql1art\.:r~ 1n St. Petersburg, Florida. ALl., RE ; I ~I RATION. 110111 l be n1 ,tlletl l l{cv. 1'..e r1ncth nti1 tt ·, Bl \~e<.l I l ope Bapli&l C' l1t1rch, 316 1 • Ken ington Plac .5pr ingft IJ, Ohio - ...t-5 -()3 Regt r1 ,t ti o11~ C<.)st $2.25 per pc1 ~011. [ail our rcgi\trati<.)n i11 t tia, ! no 11' NOW! l{cn1c111l1er tl1e <.la\. ( att11tltty, i\1a} 18th ) l)cgins at f _:()() 11<.)llll . B there t>n t11l1 ·! h ' ,.,, tlgJ a111 hns 11\.' 11 \<.) at 1 &.1ng 'ti thdt eve1 \ <.ll1C \\ 111 l)~ t)tl tl1e1 r ,va)' l1ack l10111e l))' 8: 00 1>.111. MAY, 1968 I
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