The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1968
Junior Junior Junio r High • e n1or Junior Junior High Junior • en1or Junior Junior High Jr. Hi.-Senior • en1or Jr. (Boys and Gi,nl ) Junior High Junior Boy,s Junior Girls Junior High Jr. (Boys and GirJs) Hi-Teens THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST - amp c e Camp Patmos Df1tes J L1ne 17-22 JlLne 24-29 JL1l y 1-6 Jul y 8- J3 Jul y 15-20 Jul y 22-27 Jul y 29-Au g. 3 Aug. 5-10 Aug. 12-17 Aug. 19-24 Aug. 26-3 1 Directors M art i n H o I n1e ~ T .. eland Howarcl Dav Truit l .. ynn Rogers M ikc Hook e; Ri chard n·avely Ken Andrt1 <; Pau l chenck Bruce Snyder Howard AndrltS Marvin ngle Scioto Hills D et111s (Not onfir n1ed) Bran on Howard Warren W. All en Harold Green 5, pef1 h. er.\ Darrell Bice Warren I...ewi Woodrow McCaleh Don ewell John Woocl ee Turner Joe Fritz W. W. Welch Gene Collings Don Moffat Dean Henry Dc,tes June 24-29 Jul y 1-6 Jul y 8-13 Jul y 15-20 Jul y 22-27 Pat Oche1tree, Margaret Green and Ro e Marie Dri. ki 11 A1 issio11c1ries (Not C nfirrned) Bern ard Bancroft Karl Luyben F loyd Ke ter Floyd Ke ter Jul y 29-Aug. 3 Augu t 5-10 August 12-17 ,eorge Zinn Wilbur P,arri. h Ken Nichol s FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS P. 0. BOX 455 - ELYRIA ,OHIO Floyd Ke ter Kar l Luyben Kar l Luyben Bowling Green Sells and Buys The Fir t Bapt i l hurch f Bowl– ing Green, Ohio ha recently old their church and par onage and ha purcha ed five acre f land in a new growing area of the city. The cht1rch ha grown to the place wh re the old bu i Id ing ha, becon1e t o n1all. Pa tor Bruce . . te\va~t tatc that the bt1ilding con1n1ittee i'i w rking with an architect n n w pl ,1n. and trt1\t that a new building will be erected a soon a'i po ihle. The chttrch aftcr the 1st f Jt1 ly will b~ n1ceting in their Anne Bt1ilding ltntil it i" ld or the new bt1ilding i ready. . DECATUR FOUNDRY CO. INC. Division of J. L. Johnson & Sons Inc. 1700 N. Calhoun Street Decatur, Illinois Manufacture, Annealing Pots for Malleable Foundries MAY, 1968 7
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