Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1938
(Concluded From page 12) ference i made to circum tance ich ma~ occasionally nece sitate paration uch a illness, travel etc. 1ere must be mutual agreement and rmony in thi arrangement by b th 1 band and wife, the ab tinence hall for only a hort period, and it must . for the purpose of grooter con– . n ration in prayer and for the engthening of the piritual life. ere · no thought here of adherence pecial occasion and eason r ugh the year uch a Lent, Holy 'eek, e c. The final example · in II Cor. 1 , "and what concord (sumpho– ·isis) hath Chri t ith Belial? or hat part hath he that believeth with 1 infidel?" Here i a mo t ignificant truction concerning the eparation true belie er from all kinds of unbelief. and the ord "concord" greement) i the ke . Chri t i the ead of the true church and Belial i 1 ab tract noun ignifying "wicked– . . e ii." and repre ent he Wicked ne. i.e . atan, the prince of thi >e and the head of unbelievers. here I no agreement between these o no harmony of oice, being, or ::tion. There can be none. How then, n their follower agree? Ho can ere be an) b i of fellow hip, 1) r m for unit , any kind of agree– nt at all? Of cour e thi i impo i– e. and all hri tian must under tand i once and for all. Faith change hole picture for belie er . True ri tian ha,e righteou ne . peace . d n light. life . ternal al ation. d th h me m hea en . nbeliever f the e. and pti t Reynoldsburg Church Plans Conferences The Bible Mi ion Bapti t Church of Reynoldsburg, Ohio will be hold– ing Faithful Word Bible Conference June 16-20 and August 11-15. e _ ion . according to Rev. Llewell n Thompson, pastor of the Reynold - burg church, are unda. - 9:00 a.m. and 7: 00 p.m. Monday night through Thursda - 7:00 p.m. Tuesday through Thur da - 10:00 a.m~. 11 :00 a.m. and 1 :00 p.m. Gue t peaker for the June con– ference are Mr. ell of the olum– bia Bible College and Mr. Carey Per– due f the Applachian Bible In titute. Mr. Reid of Cincinnati, a worker in Je i h Evangeli m, and Mr. Mar– mion Lowe of Practical Trainino Bible School will mini ter during th; Augu t conference. The church at Reynold burg con– tinue with it "Life and Light" radio broadca t over radio tation WTOF– FM Canton, WILE ambridge and \ E -FM pringfield . These Available For Pulpit Supply Work Word a recei ed the other da, from our brother, Rev. Ralph T. ordlund , (a former editor of the O.I. B.) that he i a ailable for up– ply ork among our churche . Broth r ordlund had been er ing a interim pa tor at a church ne r Tiffin, Oh io . He may be reached at hi hom hi h located at 5 6 M pie tr t in o tori . hio - 44 30. Aho. ur br ther Re . ( former uperint nd nt Hou e) ha ar \, ll1ngt n, n " called i~ th refer a pl ,., rh. It n Hukill f Hillr p upp! ,~ rh. hur h h American Council Opposes C.O.C.U. The Executi e Committee of the American Council of Chr" tian hurch . meeting in Dayton. Ohio. April 1-2. 196 . expr emphatic oppo ition to the Con ultation on hur h Union for thee re on among other : 1. 0 create a non-creedal church in which any belief or radical unbelief i allowed. We hold the Bible to be our 'onh· infallible rule of faith and pra;– tice.' 2. 0 U creat a " uniting·• for e hich, according to the r mark of Pre ident Jam I. McCord of Princeton Theological eminary. mo e "be ond the unity of the church to the unity of mankind:· ot one hri tian hur h' i contemplated. but One e ular orld.'" 3. 0 creat ti n Re\' I ·1d r mill i n !en Rejects Cardinal Doctrines r m "tht: Btu-Print l R , r her \\ t: mger, .th. land , ,1ht rn1 \) " e .tre r Id th.11 th· 1l ,ti\ ,Ill )0 h,I JU JU
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