Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1938
tate-Wide OARBC Youth Rally as reported by Mr. James Johnson Y u th from nil er hi n- " rg d n the ctcran, M m rial ud it rium in lumbns Ma 1 to , p rien ne f th m t u c fut . and gratifying tate Y uth Ralli , f all time. if n t f th large t. With t r d . the t tat numb r y uth lead r. and p t r mu t ha e t n _,200 a, th filled the lower fl r f th huge auditorium to hear R . Fr d Bi ch ff tell of hi ex– p rience a a hri tian . F Bowing a complete day of ble - ing . climax of the evening came \ hen the invitatio n wa given for oung people to receive Jesu Chri t Saviour. to dedicate their live for H im. or for re-ded icatio n. Hundreds came forward a nd filled the large tage indicating that God through the Holy pirit had worked in their li ve that day. The entire day from 12 noon until p.m. was fi lled with act ivit y as you ng people attended 14 eminars conducted by Bob Whi1tney, Gar– field Height ; D r. Jon H. Rouch . Cleveland ; D r. Allan E. Lewis, Cleve– land : Woodrow W . McCaleb, Elyria: Ken Andrus. Springfield: Don e– well, Toledo : R obert Gilbert , C leve– land : D on Sn yder. P ayne ; John trong, Painesville : D r. C lifford John on , Cedarville: Garri on R ice. Bed ford ; Mike H ook . Findl ay: Bruce Snyder, Toledo: and Vern Boswe ll. Wilmington . D uring showing of slides on Scioto Hills Ba ptist Camp. Rev. H a rold Green noted improvements of the camp and challenged the youtb~ ito participate through their teen group to ai d in providing cement for volley ball and basketball courbs. A total of 450 had ig ned to d ate for the camp. Rev. P aul Schenck. wthile howing slides of Camp P atmos, told about the planned work week and progres on the 40 x 80 foot olympic-type pool being co nst ructed. There are 1,975 already igned for camp thi year. Enjoyable times between seminar e ion were filled with music and . p cial number. H br n Y uth pro ided b the inger and Ohio a le nt inging than , nthu iastic led by Rev. Robert An- rove ity Bible Bapti t. T he A ociati n' Y outh Commit– tee, L nn Roger , chairman. North– fie ld; Ken Andru , pringfield; We Iey Bli , lay: olumbu : Mike Hook , Find– Wilbur Parri h. Port mouth; Bruce nyder. Toledo; Paul Sohenck, Cleveland: and D ave Truit; Elyria; undoubted I y had pent many ihour arra nging for the annua l tate rally. The problem of just feeding 2 ,000 yo ung people a tremendous one, but everything worked moothly as wa humanl y po siible. In keeping with vital issues of the day, the teenagers pa sed everal re olutions of keen interest (see page No. 16 of thi s i sue) on such topic as law le sne , drug and Viet Nam. Recogni zi ng the place the Bible ha in their lives, the teenagers de– nounced the widespread lawle sne , violence and rebellion on the part of our nati o n· youth . The Baptist youth called for respect for aut hori ty a nd lawful o rder in our ociety. They took a firm stand agai nst u e of drugs for other than medicinal purpose and a id " no ha llu cination ca n begin to compare with the rea lit y. foun d in serv ing the Saviou r.'· While deploring the attitude of certain youth and tudent groups who oppo e American involvemenit in Vietn am, our Baptist young people said they a pproved of the effort of our government to stop the advance of Communism short of our borders. They said , "we reaffi rm our apprecia– tion of our military forces in Viet Nam and as ure ,t hem of our con– tinued support ." Friendships gained and fellowship in God's Word will leave a lasting imprint on the e young live . Many will look back on this youth rally day as one of re-dedication and a turning po int in their live to God's glor y. The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Editorial Office : Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Rates of subscription : $2.00 per year; $5.0C , for three years; $8.00 for five years, EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 pe, subscription; single issue 20 cents; bad issues over one year old, 50 cents each. Your Editorial Office should have all news and advertising copy in hand no later thar 30 days prior to printing. Advertising rat-. will be sent on request. STAFF Editor . ...................... A. Donald Moffa Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 u Circulation Manager ... ............. ........... ·~ .... ....... .. ...... .. .. ... ..... ..... Stuart L. Chaff1 Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Women's Editor ........ Mrs. Geo. Milne • 2195 Brockway Rd. University Hts., Ohio 44118 S tate Missionary .... .... Earl D. Umbaugl 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 4422• Treasurer ......... . ...... .. .. . ...... David Dy 92 N. Roys Ave., Columbus, 0 . 4320• Council of Ten Chairman ................. ...... B. C. Jenning 4295 Ellsworth Rd., Stow, Ohio 4422• Secretary ............. ......... Darrell R. B:ic– P. 0. Box 6, Niles, Ohio 44446 Program Chairman .... Donald J. Sewel 4207 Laskey Rd., Toledo, Ohio 4362 · Missionary Chm., Woodrow W. McCald. 276-284 Washington St., Elyria, 0 4403 Education Chm. ...... Harold R. Gree R. 5, Greenville, Ohio 45331 Youth Director ............ Lynn E. Rogei 78 N. Boyden Rd., Northfield, Ohi 4406 Vernon K. Billington, 2435 Eakin Rd Columbus, Ohio 43204 Verne L. Dunham, 1326 Euclid Av Lorain, Ohio 44052 William F. Russell, 306 W. C-enter S Blanchester, Ohio 45107 Richard L. Snavely, P.O. Box 195 Findlay, Ohio 45840
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