Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1938

VOL. 40, NO. 8 JUNE-JULY, 1968 A WORD from the EDITOR ... young people who have a deep love fo r the ir Lord. The Lord ha been blessing your editor as he travel hither and yon holding eva nge li tic services. One meeting in which hearts were ble ed wa at Thurston, Oh io. The pa tor of thi church, Rev. D . Dai n Canter- bury, only recently was involved in a terrible automobi le acc ident. It was pt only through the goodnes of .the lio Lord that our brother and the 1. • 1 d · h ·d ·th others I nvo ve m t e acc1 enrt: w1 him were not killed . We are happy to report that Brother Canterbury is coming along as wel l as can be ex– pected . He would indeed appreciate your prayers in h is behalf. The Lord is doing a fi ne work in the Thurston ::hurch. Ecumenicism On The March! Newspapers of Spring£ie1ld , Ill inois ecently ran artic,Jes informing their eaiders of a peci al "P rayer Parade a.nd Fellowsh ip for America." Spon– ;ming the parade were the K nights f Columbus and tpe Ansar Temple (Order of Masons ) . The articles also stated th at "Othe r :>arade units would ,include police, "ire and city offioi,als, vetenans groups, 1·· ;ivic clubs, scouts, state employees md sohool groups. Music for the , arade was to be provided by band ·rom the N atio nal Guard , Springf,ield -ligh School, Lanphier Hi gh School , .·;pri ngfield Munici pal Band, SoUJth– .. ast High School, Gri£fin High School nd Ansar Shnine. Approximately 50 ,roups were pla nning on h avi ng a >art in the parade. We received thi s information from ) r. George J . Hes of Bu nker Hill, llinois. 111:erning this "P rayer P arade" ) r. He writes the following . . . When the Knights of Columbus and be Masonic Lodge oan bri ng all of hese groups together in a "Prayer 'arade and Fellow hip for America ) ay," the Ecumenicait Movement j eally moving! The time is near when h se of us who are unwilling to pray" with infidels wilt be labeled A I-AM RI AN." HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST At present writing, Mr. . Mof– fat and I are in nor,ther.n Michigan. This is a beautifu l ectio n oJ: the e U ni ted States! We are min i terin,g in mi sion churches of the Hiawatha Baptist Mi ss ion . The other d ay we aititended a regu lar mo nthly prayer meeti ng of these missio narie . The " prayer day" was held at Kinross, M ich iga n. It was a bless,ing to joi n in prayer with these faithful servant of the Lord and learn fir st hand of their burden for the folk here in th e " north wood s" oou ntry. We also had the opportunity of speaki ng at one of their Hi awa~ha La nd Youth '1 anquets. These are fine The Hi awath a Baptist Mission un– de,r the directio n of men like Rev. Guy King and Rev. Ma rto n StroJle i doing a fin e piece of work for the Lord . They deserve our most earne t prayers and fa ithful support. This summer Mr . Moffat and I wi ll be ministering in six different Youth Camps. One of these will be our own Camp Pa,tmos and we are looki ng ,to the Lord ,tJo give us a great time. You may have thought your cur– rent issue of the O.iI.B. a bit late, but we planned it this way since thi s covers two months . . . June and Ju ly. Our next i sue will be out on August 1s t. We oovet your continued prayer in our behalf. Thanks!! GIFTS? BOOKS? SUPPLIES? :+. We have the answer to your ne ed s a t R. B.P . Re fe rence books , devotional books , Scofie ld Bibles , fl ags , churc h a nd re la ted suppl ies .t REGULAR BAPTIST PRESS 1800 Oakton Blvd ., Des P laines , Ill. 600 18 ESTABLISHING BAPTIST CHURCHES WHERE THERE WERE NONE IN NORTHERN U NITED STATES AND IN CANADA HIAWATHA BAPTIST MISSIONS 2601 South 23rd Street Escanaba, Mi chigan ~9829 JUNE-JULY, 1968 3