Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1938
"The Perfect Gift" The following article was written by a 12 1ea r old boy. His teacher in public school ,ad in structe d the class to write on the ;ubject - "The Perfect Gift." This was his esponse to that assignment. The boy, Tom o\lexander, is a member of the Calvary iaptist Church in Sandusky, Ohio. It is well ¥Orth reading! The "Perfect Gift" i for a nyone vho want it. It' free, but it's worth nore than aJ.l of ~he money in the vorld. What is the "Perfect Gift"? It alvatio n. H ow do you get this 'Perfect Gift"? Read the re t of thi s 1rticle to find out. The fir t step of receiving the "Per– ect Gift," or being aved, is to know hat you're a sinner. In the Bible, lomans 2:23 ays, "For all h ave inned and come hort of the glory >f God." Thi means that everyone 1as sinned . Romans 6:23 ays, "For he wages of sin i death." Thi shows hat no one deserves :to go to heaven. iut Romans 6:23 goes on to say, But the gift of God i eternal life hrough Jesu Christ our Lord." Why can our si n be forgiven by esus? John 3: 16 ays, "For God so ved the world , that he gave his only ,egotten son, that whosoever be– I 1eveth in him hould not perish, but ave everlasting Jife." God sent his ,nly son to live a inless life on the arth. But when he was 33 years old e was crucified. Because he died we an have everlasti ng life. You might a k, "How do I accept esus as my Saviour?" The answer ) this question is found in Acts 6: 31. "BeHeve on ' the Lord Jesu ~hrist and thou ,shalt be saved ." 'hat's all you have to do. Believe 'lat Jesus died for your si ns and k him into your heart. As soon as ou do this you'll be aved. Won't you ask Jesus to be your aviour? I did. Gifts To CAMP PATMOS (Feb. & Mar. - 1968) Leland Howard, Treas. rst Baptist Church, Me d ina ethlehem Baptist Church, Cleveland rinity Baptist Church, Lorain edar Hill Baptist Church, Cleveland naron Baptist Church, Sharon, Pa . essed Hope Baptist, Spring f ield iansville Baptist, Niles ible Baptist, North Madison o rthfield Baptist Church inckley Ridge Baptist mmanuel Baptist, Toledo alvary Baptist, Salem ra ce Baptist, Westlake Total HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 70.00 20.00 18 .00 40.00 60 .00 56 .25 5.00 50.00 $ 389.25 National GARBC To Meet June 24-28 Our naitional ARBC conference (June 24-28) which is ito be held in Roch ter, New York gives evi– dence ·Of being one of ,the very best ever. Pastor and ,laymen from our churche acros the country are look– ing forward to attending. T he theme for thi year i "Ohri t's G loriou Return ." Theme verse is Rev. 22: 20 - "Even o, oome, Lord Jesu ." Just a glimp e ait the p.11ogram as ures one of five wonderful day of spi,ritual refreshment. It would be wonderful if in the middle of rthe oon– ference the Christ would indeed call u un to Him elf! It could happen - may the good Lord grant it! Pfarr on going to Rochester for the e meetings. We'll b e looking for– ward to eei ng you there! Pastor Faces Atheist Our brother Rev. Kenneth Smel– ser of Medina, Ohio recentLy appeared on the AUan Dougla rte1evision pro– gram where he faced the notoriou atheist - "Mad Madalyn Murray." In writing concerning thi experi– e nce, Brother Smelser aid, "Mad Mada,lyn was treaciherou , difficulrt:, rude , crude, f leshly and fi1thy in talk. " Brother Smelser in hi discussion sought to hold atheist Murriay to the subj ect of ATHEISM. He argued the existence of God from fulfilled prn– phetic utterances in the Bible, present day miracle such as ,the conversion of the Auca Indiains and his own per onal testimony of wha:t Chri t had done for him. He made it very clear to all who were "tuned in" that a Chri stian is one who has experi– e nced LIFE from above - one who is tru ly born again! It is estimated that over 500,000 watched the how which wa sent out over Channel 61 - UHF - Cleveland. This was on March 23rd at 10 :00 p.m. Reports have it that the r ponse on the part of viewers ha been "terrific!'' f .B. H.M. Purchases New Property . ounds of rejoicing are being heard in lyria, Ohio. The Fellows!hip of Bapti ts for Home Mi ion folk are all excited concerning the possibi,lity of their obtairning a fovely building whioh is more than ,adequate ito meet their present needs. According to Dr. Kenneth A. Muck, president of FBHM, in a Jetter dated May 8th, thi buiJding can be pur– cha ed for $60,000. Sale of their pres– ent property will help meet part of thi oost, however, to oare for every– Jhing, they will need additional fund . If YOU would 1ike to heLp witfh a gift, mark it for "the new building" and mai l it to rt:he FBHM, Box No. 455, Elyria, Ohio - 44035. There may be churiches or individuals de– . irou ,of heilping by way of an ear– marked inve tment through the Church Bui,lding Committee. For furt her information on all of this write to Dr. Muck. Evangelist Stockwell At Arcanum Evangelist Chelsea J. tockwell of Cedarville, Ohio recently held an eleven day evangeli tic campaign at the Immanuel Bapti t Church of Ar– canum, Ohio . Pastor W•arren W. Allen reported good results in the meeting wirth both adults and young people making fir Hime profe ion of faith in Christ. everal followed the Lord in believer's baptism at the dose of the campaign with stillc'other follow– ing the week after. A _p.ew record for Sunday chool attenda,n.9e was et. Pastor Allen expre ed· apprecia– tion for the mini try of E angeli t tockwell who has been in · ~an.gel– i m for over 35 year and who e m101 try in mu ic i pecially ap– preciated. The mini try of Immanu 1 Bapti t Church continue to grow ith a unday h ol running well over 200 each week. who care enough to aid small , struggling GARB church– es in their fight to keep their doors open . Join the Baptist Builders ' Club and support it by prayers and giving! WANTED: 8000 Christians who care about thR , . Baptist Builders'Club ... . 1800 Oakton Boulevard Des Plaines . lllono,s 60018 n<l furth e r in fo rmari on co : Z,p ode JUNE-JULY, 1968 7
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