Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1938

Wellington Church Calls New Pastor The First Bapti t Church of Well– ington, Ohio has cal,Jed as their new pa tor, Navy Chaplain Charles W. Rugg. Chaplain Rugg completes 12 years of active Naval serv ice a he assumes his new duties at Wel lington in June. During his active duty, Chaplain Rugg has erved N avy and 1 Coa t Guard unit on the East Coast r and with The Atlantic fleet. Brother Rugg has been a member of First Bapti st Church , E lyria, Ohio si nce 1940 and is a graduate of Shelton College and Faith Seminary. He hi s wife and three children wi,JJ ' move to their new mini try about mid-June. We welcome Pastor Rugg into the fellowship of our Qhio Association of Regular Baptist Churches and are confident the Lord wi ll bless hi s mini stry at Wellington. Willoughby Church Reports Blessings Three came to hri t for salvation during an evangelistic campaign held at the race Baptist hurch , Will – oughby, Ohio . uest eva ngeli t was Rev. Douglas ouch. Olher recent activities of ithe church include an Adult ellow hip upper at which Miss lorence H agen, mi - sionary to the Jews, sp ke and their Active hristian Teens attended a "World Teen's xpo" at treetsboro, Ohi o. he aim of this " xpo" was to get teens together for discu sion on th ings ithat eff ct them today. Di - cussions were held on Lruw nforce– m nt , arcotic , Mi sionary ""' n– d avor, tc. It wai; felt that attend– anc at the e meetingc;; wai; mo t profi– tabl THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ·:, •::·. :-: :-.: ·-: • ... :-.-; •,• .. •••.•.•.•.·.•.• .:.::: ,:,,•.,:,:,•,•,:,:- ·:• .. •.•.,',', Dave, Doug, and Don :;;;,;····;·~~: ; ·"; ~ ~~-.:·; ~-;~;"'· .,- , :•••••:::,. .. ; : ::•..:.•.·~·····,.,.,.,:,:,.,.,.,',',',',':'•'•':'·'··,.,·,•;,·,•,;,·;:;',.,,.,';,.,•,•.w,·.-.:,,;,•;,•,•,•,•,"',','.',',',.,',.,',.,',',.,',',',',W,' .• .::.: •.. , ;;;::;:,: .: ·,;:; \1 mm I'm a senior in high school considering colle ge. I'm interested in Christian service, [[ but I have not yet received the ca ll. What are your feelings concerning a Christian co ll ege, as far as accreditation, and quality of education? 1 Ml>.C'S -I WELDING- 3yHQOL Sorry we don't got no Christian Education here! Dear Teen Talk : courses in Signed, SENIOR Dear Senior: Christian service can be the most re– warding work in the world. Preparation is vita l; therefore, your thoughts in this a· ea indicate your spiritual maturity. - If you are training to be a dentist, you would go to the best school on d entistry; if a doctor, the best medical school. Now as a believer, contemplating full-time service, it is imperative that you go to the best Christian school you know, and then would allow the Holy Spid t to lead you in the field of His choosing. As you enter a Christian school, the very fact you are offering yourself in– dicates God has a calling to a particular area of service which He will reveal at the proper time . Signed, TEEN TALK What do you do when th e " old lady" sets an 11 :00 p.m . curfew on Friday and Saturday nights? It sure cramps my style. Signed, "Cramped" Dear " Cramped": Friend, you're not only " cramped," you 're down-right disrespectful . Your mother went through a lot of pain and suffering to bring you into the world and she deserves more than being referred to as the " old lady!" If you were my son, and that dis– respectful, I'd cramp you in another area. Signed, TEEN TALK Dear Teen Talk: How could I get my mother to trust me? How can I get her to believe me when I say I' m going to the Hull abaloo to witness to the kids? Signed, "Trustworthy" Dear " Trustworthy": The best way to prove to your mother that you have been witnessing at the Hullabal oo is to bring home the kids you have won to the lord and let them give their testimony to her. S:igned, TEEN TALK ...= ...= ............ ....... : . ............. ====:•:::=:====•===•=::=:•:•:=:=:•:•:=:=:=:=:•:•:•:=:•::=:=:•:•:=:=:•:=:•:=:•:•:=:=:::=:=:•:•:=:=:•:•:=:=:•:•:=:=:=:·=·=====•=======·=·====•-.-.-. ·:: ·.·.-·•·•· ... ·•· ·: ·•·•· .. ·:•.•. ·•·. ·.·• ··~···:~:···S:~•···········:x~,~.~ Wondering? Bewildered? Need Advice? Well ... then ... send your letters, questions and comments to TEEN TALK, 23096 Center Ridge I} Road, Westlake, Ohio - 44145. ~1 ····=•:::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::;:::;:;:::::::;:;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:;:::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"'·:..., .................... ,.....• f:.::-::···:··•·•·:·:-:·:::1N:::$X'-:~?'~*·:-. Young People are invi~ed to ... TEEN WEEK with "Bud Lyles" July 22-27 Enjoy an exciting week of CANOEING - SWIMMING - ADVENTURE 1 RI E FOR R I TRATIO Mohi can Trail Camp - P.O. Box 725, Mansfield, Ohio 44901 " Bud Lyl es" is an ou tstand in g Yo uth Leader. He wri tes a regular column for youth in the pages of the Sword of the Lord, a Christian weekly paper with a ci rcul ation of a lmost 100,000. He has a message geared to youth I JUNE-JULY, 1968 9