The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1968

~ Young Person ;ives Her Testimony \Ve enjoy running articles in the age of The Ohio Independent Bap– . t that have to do with our youth. be following wa given us by R ev. larence Town end~ Minford, Ohio. n an age when o many youth are nti-God. it i refre hing to read Jmething like thi ! This testimony and poem were ritten by ickie Coles, a 1968 grad– ate of ~1inford High School, Min– rd. Ohio. She is a member of Fair– iew Bapti t Church, an independent, 1ndamental Church in the area. he . ntic1pates a Chri tian College in the 1Jl of 68. Her High Schoo] ac– vitie and or accomplishment in– Jude: at1onal Honor ociety mem– . er~ Future Teacher of America , 1ember. fir t chair axophone player · 1 the band. new paper and annual aff. Junior and enior Cla play articipant, Pre ident of the chool ibJe Club and alutaturian of her ' raduating c]a . .. ·1 Y T E T I M O Y" \\' hen I was in the fifth grade, a articular \ er e of Scripture wa rought to my attention. It was oman 3: 23, which told me that I a a sinner and on my way to hell: ) 1 accepted Christ as my personal a iour. ince I put Chri t fir t in l)' life\ e\'erything ha been added nto me ( Mat thew 6: 33), every day 4. • • (Co nclude d f rom Page 10) hould mother work away from hon1c? - Mrs. Florence Ranck. hould )'Oung people be en– couraged to express di sent? ( cn1on tration and question– ing of par ntal authorit) ) - 1r . Jain Lee. t1ould children Lay ening church ervice J • rr. tip for - ' 1-- • 7 1111 rracial dating - 11 11p n. 1r . 1.-. ha been full of fun and excitement ~nd I no longer have that lonely feel- 111g. My friend often said I wa mi ing all the fun and excitement becau e I w?uldn·t do certaln thing or go cer– tain place . Oh! I only wi h the)' knew the real joy and excitement a Chri tian teen-ager ha when he ee hi best friend come to Chri t, or, even better when he win that friend him elf. A I look back over n1y high chool day , I have only one regret - that I didn t live more for Chri t Who died for me. I now have only one goal. and that i to find God will for my life. and do jt ! RA I DROP R aindrop , falling from the ky Tell n1e there' a aviour living on high Who love me with a never-dying love, And give me ble sing from above. Sunbeam glowing in the ky Tell me that my aviour i tanding by To guide each tep along life' way, And that He' with me every day. Raindrop falling from the ky: unbeam radiant and dry ; Stormcloud preading up above : All tell me of Je u love. Rainbow hining in the ky, Tell me I 've a home on high. omeday with my Lord I II be - I n heaven for all e ternity. PROGRAM A RADIO WITH WORLD-WIDE OUTREACH By Paul Levin - by Vick ie Coles BIBLE TRACT ECHOES not only ministers to a large rad,o audience daily, but pro– motes free gospel literature around the world. Write today for station list and sarnple tracts. BIBLE TRACTS, INC. Box 508, Dept. 078, Waterloo, la. 50704 O\e1 100 11111lion tr.u.t~ d1st11butecJ to date. Present Chrtst to the Jew l hrough 1he H brew & Chri tian Soci ty or 1119 for the church B p,, 1 M,d M, bton ,th the church and through the church Test,n ony to fsra I In Cl v land Ohio MIS IONARI • L eland Croft Dir ctor Mr L I nd Crott Mrs. l'uldred le ch Mis C rol Mel r 2 Ct 1 r A nue I I nd Ohio 4 103 F3~t hful Word Bible Conference The Faithful Word Bible onfer- ence at the Bible Mi ion Bapti t Church in Reyno ld burg, Ohio in June proved a ucce in bo~h at– tendance and intere t. Mr. ell of the henandoah Bible College brought me age on Colo - ian and the book of Jonah. Mr. Carey Perdue. formerly a teacher at the Appalachian Bible In titute, taught concerning God' part in our a]va– tion. Mi ionar}· for the conference \.\ a Mr . Gene Towne ~ ho oon ex– pect to go to the Central frican R epublic under Bapt i t ,. lid- Ii ion . AJ mo-t 550 meal \\ ere erved, without charge, b) faithful women of the church . Mr . Thomp on wa in charge. The Re)' nold burg hurch will be hold ing their ne t Bible Conferen e Augu .:) t l J -1,... Gue t peaker are to he Dr. Marn1ion Lowe of Practical Bible Training chool and Rev. Edger– ton Reid f Ohio Me iani Fellow- hip. Mi ionary for the conference i to be Rev . Leonard Meznar who ha been working among the J wi h people of a Paulo. Brazil. Br ther Meznar i with the Cle\·eland He– hrew Mi ion. An ther tin1e of ble 1ng i antici– pated. L dging i pr , ,ided - if re r- ation are ent in - and n1eal are provided 'withot1t charge. Regi tration tee nece ar)· for tho d iring t r erve a roon1 i 1.00. F\er 1 n i invited to at tend! Los Angeles Baptist Bible College Profe r" H J 1\t1 tel an-..t R. D. JlattCl\l)ll \\CIC ,clc~tCll l) . . l .... 1. and the Hchrc,\ n1l)ll ')liege to tra\fcl in th(; -..;,lr ,.\\l th,, ,t11111ll 't. "I he t tar t111 t r the lill~\.ttl)tl ,f th \\ l)fld an1 lll\ ,\l' h \Cl gtsl - 1~011 lilllt!Lk - IOllU(i\:S tra,\!l thr ttghl)llt 1~1.t\,;l a11d <.11t'\? i11t ·n i,t: stta... l\ ,,t J c:rta~a lt:111 . a11 I ,l 111 >11tt1 ,11 tl1c r - 11 d C l ) ) g i •1 I ) i £ a l ) I t 2 I . l r. , rl I ~1 r . N \\ 11 11 lt1r111g th Dr. ti , e anti 11 1tc l l l · aen f r g 1111 t1 a 11 111" n f t 11 c l 1 1 1 ) n ll ( I lI I 1 l 111 l 111 tl:-tll Id \1 l l'llll .. d t lll lJ 11 111 l\ tJ1 t t11, I I 1 f t t1 l I \ t t~