The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1968

VOL. 40, NO. 9 J\UGUST, 1968 Know Your Council of Ten Calvary Baptis t Church, Findl ay Rev. Richard L. Snavely ' ''ith the ,,acancy Jeft on our Coun– :il of Ten due to the movi ng of our >rother, Dr. Ott Holme , to South :arolina, the next in line to become t member of the Council i Rev. ichatd L. navely. Calvary Bapti t hurch, Findlay, Oh io. Briother na, 1 ely and hi wife were ed to hJiist through the faithful i1ne ing of a hrist1an couple who n\i[ed them to attend the Columbu 3 pti L · emple. At that time, this hurch vla holding it services in an ,ld dance tudio! At the very fir t rv1ce, tlie)' heaid the go pel preached n II implicit) nd pov.•er. \\'O da)'S later. the pastor vi ited them in their home and led them both to the Lord ! Training for Chri tian ervice wa gained at Ohio tate University and Bob Jones Univer ity. He ha erved a pastor of hi pre ·ent church ince 1961. The Lord i ble ing the work. Present unday School attendance is near the 500 mark. In March of thi year, the church moved into it ne\\ building. They called Mr. Michael Hook a full time Director of Youth in Augu t of '66. A Beautiful Building The new building feature a central auditorium flanked on one ide by office and on the other ide by a two tory educational unit. In the audi– torium, laminated arche support a contras ting pruce deck ceiling. A sloping floor pre ent full 1e\v of the pulpit area. he elev ted bapti try THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. Living ton, T nn. 38570 Presenting J'esus Ch rist to Youth by Radio and TV PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS Childr n Go p I Hour I no on 70 r d lo and 37 TV t tlon ch we ·• r• t 1 mor ,t t on 111 t e t e pro rim. Tt e urh o America nee to h 1r le p I no r,t e or furt r informat ion. H nry C. Geig r, cuti e Dire or H O 10 I and choir loft are at the rear of the pulpit area. There i an abundance of di f fu ed light . The over fl " and bal– cony area n1ake it po ible for 675 to be eared. The full}' carpeted floor and public add re )' tern make for e cellent acou tic . and the audit riun1 i fully· air-conditioned. The room in the educational unit are well lighted and dee rated in warn1 color . Thi building i al air-c n– ditioned. It ha a well equipped nu r ery and l dd ler r n1 \: hich ar carpeted. The ffice \\' ing con i , t of the pa t r' tudy, confert=nce roon1. 1 011th dtrector' f fice and chttrch ft1 e - all atr-conditi ned. 1n in isteri,ig tvorldtvide tl1rough n1i.) s,o,aaries and pastors • Orphans • Medical clinics • Hospitals Disa ter relief • Leprosy clinic • Widows' horn s • Rehabtl tt tion of yw rd girl in Korea 111i1•istry of 0,111,a ion. ___ _.. ,...,._ ___ \\ 1 rit INTERNATIONAL CHRI TIAN RELIE COLLI UGU 196