The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1968

GIFTS TO THE OHIO ASSOCIATION a id Dy , T1 as . 92 North Roys Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43204 JULY, 1968 Avon Ba pt ist $ Berea Ba pt is t Berean Ba pt ist, O regon Be th el Ba ptist Tol edo Be th el Bapt ist, Warren Bethl e h em Ba ptist, Cleveland Bib le Bapt ist, North Madison Bibl e Mission Baptist , Reynoldsburg Ble sse d Hop e Bapt ist, Spr ingfield Brooks id e Bapt ist, Cleveland Calvary Bapt ist, Bellefontaine Ca lva ry Baptist, Broadview Hgts. Calvary Baptist, Findlay Ca· , a ry Bapt ist, Massillon Calvary Bapt ist, Norwalk alvary Btiptist, Sandusky \..alvary Baptist, Xenia Cedar Hill Baptist, Cleveland Central Baptist, Columbus Clintonville Baptist, Columbu~ Emmanuel Baptist, Lorain Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo Emmanuel Baptist, Xenia Euclid Avenue Baptist, Lorain Euclid-Nottingham Baptist, Euclid Evansville Baptist, Niles Faith Baptist, Greenville Faith Baptist, Niles (hon. ) 12 NOVEMBER, 1968 5.00 35.00 5.00 10.00 S.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 5.00 50.00 10.00 39.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 4.50 60.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 45.00 15.00 110.00 5.00 20.00 32.00 Fnith B. p t is t, Novelt y Fir t Bap t ist, Bla nch ostor First Bapt i t , Ga ll ip o lic. First Bapt i\t , La ncaster First Ba pt i~t , McDonald Fir ~t Ba pt ist , Rittma n First Ba pt ist , Va ll e y City First Ba pt ist , We llington Fi rst Re gular Ba pt ist , Be ll e font ai ne Fostoria Ba pt ist G race Ba pt ist , Ke nt Grace Ba ptist , Kent (hon .) Grace Baptist, Sunbury Grace Ba ptist , Willoughby Gra ce Baptist, Youngstown 1 .00 30.00 70.00 10.00 25 .00 30.00 5 .00 10.00 13.00 200.00 17.00 30.00 5.00 5.00 Graham Road Baptist, Cuyahoga Falls Hebron Men ' s Fellowship, Brecksville Huntsburg Baptist 10.00 25.00 20.00 50.00 Immanuel Baptist, Arcanum Lakeview Baptist, Dundee La Rue Baptist (hon.) Lenox, Darrell E., Columbus Memorial Baptist, Columbus Midbrook Baptist, Brook Park Mogadore Baptist New Richland Baptist, Belle Center North Royalton Baptist Northfield Baptist Norton Baptist, Barberton People's Baptist, Brunswick (hon.) Sharon Baptist, Sharon, Pa. South Canaan Baptist, Athens Swartz Road Baptist, Akron Temple Baptist, Portsmouth Trinity Baptist, Lorain Union Baptist Whe&lersburg Baptist Advertising Subscriptions TOTAL AUGUST, 1968 Avon Baptist Avon Baptist (hon.) 10.00 10.00 so.oq S.00 35.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 S.00 2.00 5.00 75.00 15.00 5.00 20.00 144.78 202.90 $1893.18 $ 5.00 36.00 FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS P. 0. BOX 455 - ELYRIA ,OHIO Be rea Ba pt ist Beroan Ba ptist , Ore gon Be th e l Ba ptist, Tol edo Be thl e he m Ba ptist , Cleve land Biblo Mis~ion Baptist, Re ynoldsburg Brooks ide Baptist, Cle ve land Calvary Baptist, Bellefontaine Ca lva ry Bapt ist, Sandusky Clintonville Baptist, Columbus Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo Emmanuel Baptist, Xenia Euclid Avenue Baptist, Lorain First Baptist, Lancaster first Baptist, McDonald First Baptist, Rittman First Baptist, Strongsville First Baptist, Valley City First Regular Baptist, Bellefontaine Grace Baptist, Cedarville Grace Baptist, Kent Grace Baptist, Sunbury Grace Baptist, Willoughby Immanuel Baptist, Arcanum Lenox, Darrell E., Columbus Maranatha Baptist, Springfield Midbrook Baptist, Brook Part< Mogadore Baptist New Richland Baptist, Beffe C.nter North Royalton Baptist Northfield Baptist Northfield Baptist (hon.} Northside Baptist, Lima North Bapti$t, Barberton Oberlin Calvary Baptist {hon.) Riley Creek Baptist, Bluffton (hon.) Sharon Baptist, Sharon, Pa. South Canaan Baptist, Athens Temple Baptist, Portsmouth Trinity Baptist, Lorain Union Baptist Wheelersburg Baptist Advertising TOTAL ''Things Are Different NOW!'' 35,0I 5.0( 10.0( 5.Q 35.0 s.o 25.0 10.0 10.0 43.7 45.0 10.0 10.0 25.0 30.0 5.0 5.0 13.0 . 50.0 5.0 s.o 5.0 10.0 5.0 3G.O 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.0 10.0 20.0 15.0 15.0 10.0 40.0 5.0 2.0 50.0 15.0 5.0 20.0 50.4 $752.1 An advertisement from the ' 'Ne, York Gazette" from June 3, 1752, i which Kings College - now Cc lumbia University - advertised fo students in the following words: "The chief thing that is aimed , a in this college is to teach and engag young people to know God in Jesu Christ, and to love and serve Hit in all sobriety, godliness and righ1 eousness of life, with perfect hear1 and a willing mind." FOR THE MAN IN THE SERVICE by Paul Levin ·::::~:;.·· ~= Send for your FREE packet \ : .• :·. • of gospel tracts includ ing "Wi ll Dying fo r your Count ry t ake you t o Heave n?" and several ot he rs beamed to the Serviceman . Wr ite today: BIBLE TRACTS, INC. Box 508, Dept. 078, Waterloo, Ja. 50704 Over 100 mil lion tracts d istribu ted to date. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS'