The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1968

Glimpses of Truth from the Greek New Testament by Dr. George Lawlor ''PRECIOUS'' In I Peter 2: 4, 6, the Lord is twice particularly characterized as ..precious. ' ' In both verses the figure of a stone is applied to Christ from an Old Testament background. In 2: 4, He is "living stone, disallowed of men ... precious'' (Psro. --8:22); and in 2: 6, He is "chief corner stone ... precious'' ( I sa. 28: 16). The word rendered in the KJV ' 'precious' ' is the Greek enti,non, en: "in", and timei: ~·honor, ' ' hence "held in honor." Thi s is the word used in Luke 7: 2 of the centurion's feeling toward his slave: "dear unto him." The word ' 'dear' ' is enti,nos, and denotes the fact that the centurion counted the s1ave as being ' 'precious' ' to him. A papyrus dated 2 A.D. contains the record of a special certificate being granted to a retired soldier who had served in the army for 26 years, and was discharged ' 'with most honorable release" ( enteimo apolussei). The Apostle Paul u ses this term when he ~'rites of Epaphroditus~ and admon- ished the Philippians in Phil. 2 :29 to receive and hold him "in reputa– ti on!' ( entimoi,s). The word titnei (honor, price), without the preposition en (in), oc– curs frequentl) 1 in bo th early Greek and the e\\ 1 ~estament. For ex– an1pJe, an early account describes the preparations being made in a ceitain comn1unity for the visi t of a Roman enator who i characte rized as " hold– ing a position of higl1est !1onor'' (ti111 ei). An in cri ption dated 9 B.C. states hat things h ave been so ar– ranged accordi11g to the divine wi11 "tl1a t there 111ay 1,e Of)portunit}' o f J)a),ing l1i,q/1 /10,1or ( ti111ei) to the r11peror Auglt stu .' ' A pap 'fll of 3 B. . l1a tl1e record of oi] being ld at a n1uch higher price ( t i111eis) ~--- ~i252525i~~~525c!525~ 525252525?~ ove111ber 1, 1968 Dear 0.1.B. R eader: We stand in need of 111ore advertisers! Per/1aps } 'Oi l k11ow of a bi,si– ness 111an who would like to run an ad in THE OHIO I DEPE DENT BAPTIST each month. We would be happy to se11d a RATE CARD for ADVERT/SI G to an)' interested parties. Write us at Box No. 160 iri X et1ia, Ohio 45385. greatl}' in ge tting the 1rLagazine published! Thank you - Y our Editor. ~ Dc2S"&ill m't1 than fixed in the royal decree.,, This is the same word used by the Apostle Paul in I Cor. 6: 20, ' 'For ye have been bought with a price'' (tirneis), i.e. a very great price: the blood of God's Son. It occurs again in Heb. 2: 9 where the writer points :to the Lord Jesus Christ having first been made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of atoning death and then raised from the dead and "crowned with glory and honor'' ( tit11ei). John has the word •twice in Rev. 4: 9, 11 describing the ' 'honor' ' ( tirnein) given to the Lord on His throne (vs. 9) · and the veneration and supreme worth as– cribed to Him, "Thou art worthy O Lord, to receive glory and honor ( ti,nein) and power .. .' ' (vs. 11). What does all this mean? What precisely do we gather from these varied u se of the word enti,nos and its companion timei? I there ome particular point, some pecial sense, that should be impre sed upon our minds , and unforgettably laid to heart? Just what does the Holy Spirit of God intend that we hall learn here? One thing is perfectly clear. The proper evaluation of the Lord Jesu Chri t ivill /10/d Hin1 in highest honor. The correct appraisal of the on of 1od 1111,st asrig1i to Him the place of upreme and total honor . Ei 1 er)' trr,e esti111ate of Je 11 Chri t will consent to the ful~ claim of H oly cripn1re concerni ng H i. per on, and will grant Hi absoltite pre-eminence withot1t hes itation. hi. si n1ple Greek \Vorc.1 reft1tcs c, 1 cr)' crroncot1 , ic," of hl 1,t , dcr11on tr~ tes the utter fal sit)' of the o-lil)eral clain1 that H e is not what He atte t Himself to be, and confute all the deviou arguments and opinions of the ecumenical apos– tates as to the person, perfection, position, and power of our Lord Jesus Chri st. It expose untruth and unbelief, and lay open the real character of the religious charlatans who deny the doctrine of Christ. Moreover it remind u that He i the Head of tl1e CJ1i1rcl1 - o then, H e is the H ead of every be– liever. It sets quarely before us the great practical purpo e of thi Head- hi p: i.e. that for each one of u He might be in all thing Him elf fi rst and foremost before all else. D oe He hold this place of highe t honor in your life? What evaluation have you given to Him? How recently and how thoroughly have you ubjected your elf to per onal apprai al with the rightful po ition of Chri t, the highest ho nor of Chri t, in mind? There i omething el e. The re– lated word ti111 ei al o occur in I Peter 2:7. where the KJ read : Unto you therefore \'Vhich believe H e i fJrecio11s." ccording to thi rendering, we are to tinder tand that to trt1e belie"cr our bles ed Lord m t1 t be hele.I 1n the h1ghc t honor. H o\\ e,,er. a 111orc co rrect rcad1r1g of the clatt\e i'). "l o ) 011 theref I e. to the L1f1t.: 'i bel1c\ 1 ing, i.\ 1/1e l1< ) ll()1 ' ' ( t i 111ei ). llctc 1, "1 tll () \l rl!111a1k."1ble tr11th \.\'htch \hL) ttlc.i \ltr tl\ t a far g1e"1t cr rl!"tl1 za11on L1 1 the 111,1r\cl of (1 c.i ' · o-r act: a11d g t1 tine , 11 th ... e, ... hL) llL)r ,vith ,, l11ch C,oll th~ -- ath r hon r .._ the on, Jc tt s h11 t. d .._ \ f Ives t)fl th ) S b :. liC \' i11g i11 hri t. J >i r1t:li tc> hri~ t ds l eli , ers. b ' sl1 ar ing 1-i is lift:, \\'c al ) sh ft: tl1 h n r " 11\.f es l c:\.! 111 , , t1i" 11 <1r f l i . I) J)i s I a,1 I rh.i i ti led \ t; n1·:1 I / int r c iu your Sund y scl1o<>l w i tl1 these e · el - 1 l1t: att ,, r tr11 l1ristia11 i11 tt1 i rr t111 6 e11 r, ti n, ,, n d Int t · l1om p per ... ~tomm.y and le, Pri - our g , hall ng nd onquest ! r}' ge gr oup -- b ginner through dulc . O,d , toda> t , 0111 R GULAR BAPTIST PRE 1800 0 ton Bl d ., D Pl 1ne , Ill . 600 18 l 1 h 111 l - 1 t t1 h n r 011 1 r , th 11 1 r f ind i t I n i n ,, i t 11 1:.i i 11 . ' \\' t1ere ,, 111 11 I q ll t I t 11 I , i 11 11 11 n. , 1111 al