The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1968
I 'I didn' th i ,11< there w e r kids Ii this still or ound. ' ' ' 'They seemed so natural, so intelligent, not ' holier than thou ,' yet so dedicated to Christ.'' ' 'I wish these young people had been at ti Chicago Democratic Convention." These are typical comments received as a re sult of 75 of our students appearing on the Phil Donahue Show (Dayt Oh io, Channel 2) Septe mber 26 , 1968. The Phil Donahue Show is the No . 1 daytime televisio n program in the Dayton area reaching 79,000 homes. 0 sta nding guests who d o , a re , o r ma ke news are interviewed ea ch day. The T.V. audience may call in and ask q tions . The studio a udience may al so part icipate . We were pleased with the articu late w ay our students ha ndled difficu lt subjects such as: movies, d a ncing, ma up, dress standards, t he new li ft , t he w ar, etc . The imm e diate reaction was, ' 'Our churches must see th is progra Six copies c f the 5 mi nute prog ram a re now available free of charg e to t he churche s. For a prog ram tha t wil l cha llenge adults, st rengthe n t h e e:onviction-s of the teenag er and thoro ug hly ente rtain w ri te to the Directo r of Deve lopment. Please give us al te rna te choice of dates . ILLE COLLEGE "for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" CEDARVILLE, OHIO 45314 • DR. JAMES T. JEREMIAH, PRESIDENT
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