The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1968

O.A.R.B.C. Conference l1e 1111,1.11 11tf 'rc.:'tl\.:C 11 'l(f Ocll)l1t'l' l - I , at tl, ' l~t1 c li<I -Notting- l1a111 ,tJ 1i t l1\1r"'l1 I r(' ' l'ti a l1l1.' 11,g 1t all 1 l t1st J)a"itor. Dr. Will)ttr . Rooke ~111d l1is J 1)1' ,, c11t .. all )ttt ' ' ttl 111,1kc )ttr ~ta\ a 111 ~t ]'>Ira ant o ne. The r, i e~ ,, 'I"l ' , ell ntt~n tc""i . 1 l1c 11r('aching \\ ~1 '" ith great power! , ,er~ l rc"c11tcti 11, Re\. D arrel l B1cc . . ccrctar, 1 : M 1 r. David Dye, 11 ... , t1 ··l rlc, Earl l l 111l11.1ugl1. tatc li ~i nary; Rev. Donald Moffat , Editor 1f 111' lhtt' l11tiCf 't1dc11t R,1pti , t~ Re. Lynn Roger~, Yot1th Director (present– in~ tl1c ,, rk at l "'.. 1n1p Patn10 ) : Rev. Harold rcene (pre cnting the work 011: \ 't t.' l:lill,) a11d lr. . \ 'ern L. Dunhain, ecrctary of the Women's Mis- ' I 11,l I \ l l 11 i 11. l "' t.1t1r nt:,v l1ur he \Vere received into our OARBC fellowship. They are the l)~11 r Bapti t Church. pencerville; the Bl sed Hope Baptist Church, Da, t1..1n. th~ 1race Bapti t hurch~ London and the un hine Baptist Church, l""an1br-idge . Our OARB no\v ha a total of 168 churches. Pr gran1 hairn1an, Rev. Donald Sewell , i to be commended for setting up u h an e ..cellent progran1. Dr. Elgena's messages, as well as every otlher ~ ' . ,, ere ul in piring. a pecial treat, we were privileged to hear Rev. Pedro Angkahan of the Philippine I land tell of how he had been led to Christ many years ago thr tigh the n1ini tlry of an A.B.W.E. missionary. Eyes were moist wiith tea,rs as \ e a, the re ult of fairthful mi sionary endeavor. (We hrope in our De– cen1ber i ue to print a picture of Brother Angkahan.) The ladi had their pecial missionary service on Tuesdaiy aifternoon. Mrs. Karl Luyben was their guest speaker. (A more detailed report of this meeting \\ ill appear in next month's issue on our Wo,men's page.) ewly elected to our Oouncjl of Ten are Rev. Dean Heney, Brown Street Bapti t Church, Akron: Rev. Kenneth Smelser, First Baptist Church, Medina and Rev. Earl Willetts, Berean Baptist Church, Berea. The names of our present Council of Ten showing theirr" street ·addresses and office held on the Council are listed in the lower right hand column of this page. Rev. Kennenh Andrus of the Blessed Hope Baptist Church, Sprin!gfield was elected to serve as Youth Director. He, however, is not a member of ooc Council of Ten. Present Christ to the Jew Through The Hebrew & Christian Society Working for the church, with the church and through the church, Baptist Mid-Missions Testimony to Israel In Cleveland, Ohio MISSIONARIES Rev. Leeland Crotts, Director Mrs . Leeland Crotts, Mrs. Mildred Leech, Miss Carol Mciver 4205 Chester Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 On Our Front Cover Baptist Mid-Missions held its 21st Candidate Seminar on rthe campus of Cedarville College this past s11mmer. The 46 missionary candidates present represented an interest in five continents. Over half of ,these were volunteers for general missionary work, specializing in soulwinning and oburch planting. The others, in addition to the work of evangelism, will be printing, teaching missionary children in elementary and high schools, teaching in seminaries and Bible schools, filling and extracting teeth, performing surgery in mission hos– pitals, translating Scriptures, and flying mission planes. The Seminar is designed to better prepare these young people for the mission field by acquainting them with some of the problems and privileges they will be experiencing. Some of the subjects covered were anthropology, linguistics, cultural shock, prayer letters, housekeeping on the mission field, missionary health, photography, and Christian psychology. Considerable time was given to the structure and policies of Baptist Mid-Missions and methods by which the missionary, local church, and mission can work together effectively in fulfilling the great commission. These young people are now engaged in deputation work and will be leaving for their fields just as soon as they have the minimum support. Baptist Mid– Missions now has over 800 missionaries working in 28 different countries. The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 te The Ohio Independent Baptist Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Editorial Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Rates of subscription: $2.00 per year; $5.0t for three years; $8.00 for five ye1n EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 .,_ subscription; single issue 20 cents; bacl issues over one year old, SO cents each. Your Editorial Office should have all new and advertising copy in hand no later th1, 30 days prior to printing. Advertising rate will be sent on request. STAFF Editor ..... .. .... . ..... .. A. Donald Moffa Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation Manager ................ ......... . .. ..... .. ...... ........... ......... Stuart L. Chaff, Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 W 01nen' s Editor . ...... Mrs. Geo. Milne 2195 Brockway Rd. University Hts., Ohio 44118 State Missionary ...... ._ Earl D. Umbaug) 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 4422• Treasurer ............. . __ . ........ .. David Dy 92 N. Roys Ave., Columbus, 0. 4320 COUNCIL OF TEN Chairman _....... . _ Ben C. Jenning 4295 Ells,;vortb Rd. , Stow, Ohio 4422· Secretary .... ..... . . William F. R~] 306 W. Center St., Blanchester, Obi, 4510' Progra1n Chairnian ... _ .. Earl V. Willett 250 West Street, Berea, Ohio 4401' A1issi011ary Chr1n. . Vern on K. Bil1ingto1 2435 Eakin Road, Columbus, 0. 4320· Ed1.,tcatiori Chr1n. Harold R. Gree1 Rt. 5, Green,,ille, Ohio 45331 Youth Director . ........ Kenneth L. Andru 315 . Kensington Pl. Springfield, 0 4550: Dean H enry, 541 Brown Street Akron, Ohio 44311 Lynn Rogers, 78 N. Boyden Rd. orthfieJd, Ohio 44067 D onald J. Sewell, 4207 Laskey Rd. I Toledo, Ohio 43623 . f R. Kenneth Smelser, 123 W. Liberty St I ledina, Ohio 44256 \Richard L. Snavely, P.O. Box 195 \ Findlay, Ohio 45840