The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1968

B.B.S. of Clark's Summit, Pa. The Lord bles ed marvelously at Bapti t Bible eminary. Clarks um– mit. PennS)'lvania, during the sum– mer. enabling all es ential building and mo, ing to be completed. including fi,,e ne,\· dormitorie . lasses be– gan on time on September 16, with 539 da, students enrolled. "' Six ne\'\' facult} 1 members were add– ed to the teaching taff : Richard Horner in English: Frank McQuade and Orlan Wilhite in Missions: Marlin • Ra)"burn. peech; Leonard Vander- veld. Christian education· and R obert Williams, Bible & B iblical Languages. The po:-r chedule ha been ex- panded on the new campus. with cross countT) 1 added to soccer on the fall list. BBS has "'-'On its first cros coun– tr,1 meet and three of it four soccer "' matche- . All three occer games were won over teams Seminary has never before defeated. L.A.B.C. of Newhall, Calif. The Los Angele Baptist College and Seminary opened its fall semester with a total of 275 students. The freshman class in the college division no\\' has 96 students. Evangelist Tom Williams was on campus for a week of meetings Sep– tember 23-27. The moving of the H oly Spirit and the blessing of God v- 1 as very evident. On Wednesday, October 2, the en– tire ~tudent body met for a day of prayer. The men met at the Placerita Regular Baptist Chu~ch in Newhall, and the women met at the Berean Baptist Church in Northridge. The ollege Christia11 Service pro– gram has been successrulJy inaugur– ated, v.,ith 250 tude11ts placed in area c}1urches or on o pel Teams. . e AU11etic the directio11 of o J:>el Team, under oach Ronald ]..,. e , a11d earn, under Acqui tapace, n eting in l urcl1es. t}1e J>ublic l1e directio11 l1ave b en outbern ReJations of Rev. holding alifornia A n \\' oun :_c lored Jide 1,r ... n– tat1on i , 1 ailable for cl1urch groups. Jt pict lifie nd times at IA Ang l apti t ol1ege. lf 1 ou 1 011Jd like 1i for ,o r cl1urcl1 group, contact 1 ub1ic 1 tion 1>artn n f ''"""""'IJ g . Reaching Truck Drivers for Christ -- -·------lf-- . - • TRANSPORT CHRIST Here i something a bit different. It i a Mobile Chapter unit which is used to reach truck-drivers for Chri t. terior is beautiful! Pews are of light oak and the ceiling has laminated beam gi\'ing the full effect of a modern miniature chapel. The Chapel is contained in a 40 ft. Trailmobile, drop-frame van, ingle axle with 15 x 850 tires: height is I 2' 6'': and a length of 31 ft. inside It ministry extend from city to city throughout Canada and the United tate . Painted on the side of the truck with a seating capacity for 40 per– sons. ... i the ver e - "Safety i of the Lord." A 220 volt output generator mount– ed in the rear of the Chapel upplies power for direct and indirect lighting, heating and air-conditioning. The in- ( Proverb 21 : 31) Con ecrated men travel with the truck from one ' 'truck terminal' ' to another . . . holding ervice doing persona] work. point– ing men to Chri t. God is richly bless– ing thi ministry. A Word from Chaplain Crabb You r editor received a short letter from Chaplain Glenn E. Crabb \\'ho is now serving with Commander Destroyer quadron Fourteen in our United States Navy. Brother Crabb previou ly served a pa tor of the Kent Baptist Church. The following article written by Brother Crabb appeared in the Ma)"port MIRROR which is the local raval tation paper at hi ba . The article was well received and he has given us permission to run it in the page of The Ohio Independent Baptist. I t appeared in a colun1n entitled - P R O to PER ON. ARE YOU A HU IA ERO OL? by Chaplain Glen Crabb, De Ron 14 The other day I noticed this warning on one of a nt1n1ber of Aerosol - contained product Vtfhich \\'e regular]~ ti e . " AUTIO : ontents Under Pr tire" It occt1rred to n1e that many of us might properly place the an1e l,1bcl \.1n ot1r cl\ ~ f r the protection of tho e who come in contact \\ 1th ti . We live in an age of pres t1r . Ten\1on .. ,vilh1n build up pressures that are mental and en1oti nal ~nd tl1 y f~e 't. tl5 physical} y. on tan t de,1d11ne , <l n1a11ds, \Ol 1c1td t 1011 a11 t ag1 Lat 1() n~ from v.'ithout 111t1ltiply internal pr ' tire . \\ 1 e arc 1n J, nger l exploding! " se Only cc rding to ire ti n !'' i the re ip for ati "f tio11 -1or Aerosol pr dt1cts. If )'OU arc a 'ht1111an :1 r '"' l" th n the e dire tio11s fro1n )'Otlr n1, nufa tt1r r t1gl1t t b lll r v d 010 t carefull)'· ''1 .cjoi e i11 tl1e L rd al\\'a ,s; ag·1in I ,, ill , Rejoice. t all 111 11 k11 \V ) ' ~r f rb ·~ra11 . 111_ I .. r I i t 11 , 11d. II a,,c 110 a11 ·i l)' ab tit an ' thing, llttt 1n v r , t}1111g b 1 {lf, r a11d UJJpli atio11 \\'itl1 tl1a11k gi, 1 i11g I t )'Our r qtt t b 111 d k11 , n to . 1\nd tl1 p ac of , ,,,hi 11 I a all 11n ~ .. t 11di11g, \\' ill e p , u1 11 rt a11d n1i11d in 1ri t tl ." I h 11. : 4- 7. J e1ne1nb r t pra , f r l1aplain le11 h ntinu ii th , 1 }1icl1 tJ1 I rd ha ll d l1in1. NOVEMBER, 1968 ,,, rk 7